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New Friend
Oct 24, 2018
Wichita Kansas
Hey guys, new to the forum and still relatively new to prepping. I’m in my late 20’s and a fireman in Kansas. I’m working on perfecting my bags and stock piling ammo and non perishable foods. I already have some potential bug out/lock down locations. Between my brothers and my father I think we’d survive most things, but always looking to get better. Happy to be here!
Warm Welcome from the Arizona valley folks. :USA:
Welcome from Alabama. Sounds like you’re off to a good start! Keep up the good work. Lots of great information here. Have a look around and feel free to ask if you have questions.
Welcome to the forum. And I want to say thanks for what you are doing for your community.
Howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic.
Welcome from Wales

I'm new here to and just starting out with prepping but everyone here has been really friendly to me and have given me great ideas to get started on.

If you have any advice I'm happy to hear how you got started. If I have any to give I will but don't think I know enough just yet!

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