My english teacher has currently asked me to write a essay about surviving in the woods. I have to do research on this topic, and have the paper done in a couple of weeks, can you help me? I need to know this along eith oher questions I will comment later.
What are the basic survival supplies, and what is the easiest, most energy saving way to get these supplies?
How can you navigate your way through the woods without maps, compasses, etc.?
What is the best way to get food?
What are some medical tricks you can do when lost in the woods, if hurt?
Please comment other stuff I have not mentioned but you think would be important to know when lost in a forest. Thanks for the help.
What are the basic survival supplies, and what is the easiest, most energy saving way to get these supplies?
How can you navigate your way through the woods without maps, compasses, etc.?
What is the best way to get food?
What are some medical tricks you can do when lost in the woods, if hurt?
Please comment other stuff I have not mentioned but you think would be important to know when lost in a forest. Thanks for the help.