I don't think so. Lots of forums have somewhat disappeared. This group started as a shoot off from Prepared Society (you will see it referred to as PS here) in late 2017. I think that some of us have belonged to many groups and forums.
I haven't been active on Survivalistboards in a while. There are some know it alls over there. The interesting thing is that I got an email from them this week, reminding me of a post I made there many years ago. Evidently it was seen by 1000's, while one of the know it alls kept telling me that what I posted about (UHT milk) was not a good prepper food. Yes, limited shelf life, but I try to keep some and I use it more short term for the occasional drink of milk at bed time. I am not a big milk drinker, but having milk for things like tomato soup that is shelf stable is a good idea, imho, for short term prepping. I do have powdered milk, but we all know that that is not the best for drinking.