When I started years back the hubby wasn't on board and then about 10 years ago he started to get interested. I gave him the job of security and he took off on it lol
At one point he said I was a hoarder, which being honest hurt my feelings some but I let it go.
I asked him one day last week: " Aren't you glad I'm a "hoarder"?" He answered yea.
Not rubbing it in his face I just wanted him to acknowledge that I'm not as wasteful of our money as he seems to think
We have everything we'd need to stay here without leaving for months.
Its nice that I can go and get fresh things but if I can't we'll be good to go.
And to think it all started way back in the 80's, having 2 kids in diapers and no electricity and the whole house was electric
Little by little I built up. I was good if it was for 1 week and it stayed that way for a long time. Then I wanted more storage and filled it up. then I learned about drying and canning, then it just kept growing from there
I say nothing to no one ( in the real world here) about what I do and what I have. I scrimped and saved in order to afford our things instead of having all the latest and greatest stuff.
Let them do the same