BP, when all the other doors have been knocked down and raided, and they come to your door, do you have a plan? They are not going to knock, but knock it down & shoot what moves. Secret underground bunker maybe?
My plan is simple. I'm far enough away from populated regions that I'd only see smaller and limited numbers of groups. If they stay to the road, they can pass. If they trespass, long range rifles (they will already be warned from road signs every mile or so). OPSEC for SHTF. We won't have time to 'talk' to each group or be nice or 'share'. The road sign will be simple, "Next 10 miles, stay on road. Leaving the road and trespassing on land will be a fatal mistake. Not negotiable. Go with God." Short & simple. If we see a group we would like to talk with, we can initiate a conversation.