Hmmmm, What could go wrong?

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This guy was a trained professional not someone with no knowledge. Free climbing is as big a sport as base jumping. Neither is extremely safe.
Physical training is fine. But mental training is needed too, so you can recognize, "Hey, this is pretty dangerous (climbing without ropes). Maybe I shouldn't do it." Of course, my advice doesn't hold much weight - I'm the guy who used to have handheld roman candle fights with my friends at ten paces.
Ernest Hemingway said:
“There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.”

I have a higher tolerance for risk than most.. but "free" mountain climbing has a risk that is so disproportionately high even for the fittest of individuals..... An activity only to be done in emergencies.
Hey, let's go climb a several thousand feet high cliff! Without safety equipment. you know, just our bare hands and a bag of rosin.....what could go wrong?
Just a few points:
1. A helicopter is a terrible thing to waste. Ride one.
2. If I was a free-climber, I'd at least be wearing the backup chute that para-gliders wear.
3. He traveled all the way to Mexico to perform this death-defying stunt where a human life is worth about 85 pesos.
"Neither Jacobson nor Gobright tied stopper knots to the ends of their sides of rope, a safety measure to prevent falls, according to reports.
4. I'm not a professional, and I will ask Phideaux to hold my beer, but I do know how to tie a knot in the end of a damn rope:rolleyes:.
Hmm well that is what happens when you are lax and don't follow safety guidelines :rolleyes: like tying a knot in the end of your rope so you don't come off it and send your climbing partner to fall into the abyss.

Yes I have done rock climbing but knots are a basic thing and the thing you first learn and one of them was an instructor and should have known better.
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