Hoarding or prepping?

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ditto,i'm just saying anyone with stores that the unprepared get to know about will be branded a hoarder, I believe it happened in WW2 and it will again.

WWII saw rationing.

Without a ration card you didn't get much, specially gasoline, bullets,
gun powder, ..............

This is where margarine came from.

Butter went to the military.

So did Hershey bars.

WWII is where the "Victory Garden" came from and spurred a new revolution
back to small gardens.

Even city parks were planted in veggies and serviced by the community.

My dad and 3 brothers were in combat.

All came home.
All wounded.
ditto,i'm just saying anyone with stores that the unprepared get to know about will be branded a hoarder, I believe it happened in WW2 and it will again.

Don't tell.

I don't.
No one but me and select adult sons know what guns, ammo, I have
and where they are.

And "yes" I have a will made out spelling out who gets what.

The ones that get guns and ammo and other equipment are unlikely to
dispose of any of it.

The ONE liberal butt wipe gets NO guns, just bucks.
He's the oldest and his wife is a twit.
Call a spade as spade.
It is what it is.
My daughter has more fortitude than the oldest.

My oldest son's daughter married a muzzie!
You should have "public stores" and "private stores" of food. Let them come and take the public stores. Beg and plead to keep a little for yourself. Act like you are going to be destitute if they take it away. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT use food from your private store for barter. Don't eat more than necessary to keep you and your family alive and well. If you don't lose weight, it will draw attention. Be seen bartering or scrounging for food even if you don't have to.

OPSEC folks

"You should have "public stores" and "private stores" of food. Let them come and take the public stores."
"Be seen bartering or scrounging for food even if you don't have to."

No. Not only no but 'ell NO!

Being seen as a fairy pushover? Really?

In a shtf those perceived as weak will be killed and eaten.:rocket:

OPSEC means Operation security.
Security does not mean let miscreants into your stash.
There is no such thing as a "public stash".
Sort of like saying, "here take my wife, my daughter but leave me alone with
my food and water.

"Let them come and take the public stores."bsflag


In a real shtf situation where people are hungry, thirsty, panic stricken,
even your best buddy will slit your throat for water, a meal, your gun,
your WIFE!

In case I need goods what is your address?

Some people need survive the mean streets for a couple weeks to toughen
up a bit.
Learn what animals humans can become in short order.:confused:

If my post sounds harsh then the reader really needs to toughen up.:D

Just sayin'.

Now on the other hand HELPING those in need shows real character, values
and ethics.

But do not put yourself at risk if at all possible.
If there is a shtf and I'm taking care of loved ones, family, close friends,
the its ME that is the most important resource.
If one needs ask why then one needs think hard about that.
I do not prepare so that I can be a resource for those that cant be bothered.
post shtf they can all roll over and die like the useless pieces of crap they are.
my only DUTY is to see that me and mine survive, anyone else can go to hell.
I do not prepare so that I can be a resource for those that cant be bothered.
post shtf they can all roll over and die like the useless pieces of crap they are.
my only DUTY is to see that me and mine survive, anyone else can go to hell.

Amen to that!
Sensible and correct.
This nation is FULL of gimmie people.
"Gimme mo', I want's mo'!"
Our tax dollars at work keeping gimmie people satisfied to avoid.................
well, "civil unrest".
Or is it UNcivlized unrest.
I recall way back when I was just a rookie patrol officer assigned to the
ah..................ethnic area.
NEW houses being built for welfare people.
Better homes than I rookie cop could even think of buying.
Free housing, utilities, FOOD, and food stamps.
NOW there are no more food stamps.
It was ruled "demeaning" to the "less fortunate".
In Ohio the "less fortunate" get a credit card so as to not be embarrassed
at the grocery check out using food stamps.

Way back when, perhaps the late 1960's to early 1970's my hard working
and way underpaid uncle took gov't surplus food and glad to get it.
It was mostly canned and dried food left over from WWII.
Back then uncle WORKED clearing brush from roadways, patching roads,
and helping build houses for the less fortunate. This in addition to his dangerous
low paying job pumping oil wells in the hills.
He was glad for the work.
I got real poor, raising 3 kids without a wife.
Our CHURCH quietly gave us boxes of food so as to not embarrass me.
I went to the church and mowed the grass, and anything else I could
do to provide something for the kindness.
When I got in better shape economically I donated food and clothes
to the church.
A blessing all the way round.
Hell I got disabled with my 4th broken back, did 9 months in rehab,
got a grant to attend college, earned 2 degrees and retired from G.M.
AND got my disability with my G.M. paycheck.
It was a police disability, NOT tax dollars.
I paid into it. My investments.
I still have about $50 k left in the market.
I'm old, somewhat crippled but not stupid or lazy.
As an aside to all that diatribe I attend A.A. meetings 5 X or more a week.
There are precious few ethnic folk that are in recovery.
Actually only ONE that I know in my area.
He overheard me telling a fellow hunter about bagging a buck
and getting about 100 pounds of meat in the freezer.
He said......................ready?.........................
"hey man gimme some!"
I held my tongue and didn't go off and didn't give him squat!
"You should have "public stores" and "private stores" of food. Let them come and take the public stores."

Being seen as a fairy pushover? Really?
In a shtf those perceived as weak will be killed and eaten.:rocket:

Security does not mean let miscreants into your stash.
There is no such thing as a "public stash".
You completely missed the context of my remarks. We were talking about when the authorities come around collecting surplus food from "hoarders", not when miscreants try to steal food from you. Believe you me, the miscreants will get a full meal of HOT LEAD.

No such thing as a public stash? Really? So if I look in your kitchen cabinets, they will be bare??? How many people know where your kitchen cabinets are? Those are "public" for all intents and purposes because everyone know about them. My wife doesn't even know where my "private store" is...

No, I am not saying act weak. I am saying ACT NORMAL. Don't stand out. Grey Man Theory.
Authorities come around collecting food????
What country do you live in?

"Know where my cabinets are"?????????????

Few even know where my HOUSE is!

"Those are "public" for all intents and purposes because everyone know about them."

In my case everyone don't know squat.
Again: Few even know where my HOUSE is!

My house is the only house on my side of the road for a mile.

Then there is the two story "shed" in the woods and a 25 foot ladder is
needed to get to the upper level.
The ladder is close by attached to a log chain, attached to an oak, and pad
I ain't as stupid as a few people here might suggest.

Lots of us preppers live in the country.
Country folk are more inclined to help one another than citified folk.
I'd venture to say most country folk are well armed also.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Opinion. Just opinions. I'm not writing another 100 page term paper here.
Just opinion worth what all opinions are.

Most of us aren't hermits jeager.
Authorities come around collecting food????
What country do you live in?
Ever heard the name William Tecumseh Sherman? How about Philip Henry Sheridan?

Ever heard the story about why we eat black eyed peas at New Year's?

That country...
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hell, most people in my country don't know where "the westcountry" is!,most politicians think the UK ends at Bristol and the rest is pure wilderness, unless its an election year and then you cant move for mp's.
ost of us aren't hermits jeager.

Ever heard the name William Tecumseh Sherman? How about Philip Henry Sheridan?

Ever heard the story about why we eat black eyed peas at New Year's?

That country...

An American civil war is unlikely, very unlikely in this day and age.
Civil unrest, riots? Sure. We've had those and likely will again.
In case you haven't noticed we don't fight wars with black powder
single shot muzzle loaders nor transport most war material with
horses and wagons.

An armed insurrection won't stand much chance against attack helicopters
and armored fighting vehicles.

Prepping is a good idea else I'd not be on this site but remember
paranoia will destroy ya.

I've never even heard of eating black eyed peas at New Years.
I doubt I've even seen a black eye pea.
Whot'n 'ell is a black eyed pea anyway?:wtf:

Please, pray tell, why do some people in some places eat those
things anytime??????

I like pani pasquali at Easter, and beef and beet borscht.

Chittlin's??? No way would I eat chittlins.
Never assume anything.
Why I most always post citations on subjects most people don't
have knowledge of.
Most people don't have an i.q. in the upper 10% of the population
or two university degrees, or teaching certifications in over
30 subjects, or....................................

But I have no clue what a black eyed pea is.:p
Authorities come around collecting food????
What country do you live in?

Jeager, it's law. the Federal Government has the Authority, many states even go further ;)


Sec. 2072 Hoarding of designated scarce materials
President may prescribe such conditions with respect to the accumulation of materials in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption as he deems necessary to carry out the objectives of this Act [sections 2061 to 2170, 2171, and 2172 of this Appendix]. This section shall not be construed to limit the authority contained in sections 101 and 704 of this Act [sections 2071 and 2154 of this Appendix]

NOTE: To add teeth to section 2072 the Posse Comitatus Act was repealed and overturned by a provision of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (section 1021)

Sec. 801. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in section 702 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2152, the following definitions apply throughout this order:

(a) “Civil transportation” includes movement of persons and property by all modes of transportation in interstate, intrastate, or foreign commerce within the United States, its territories and possessions, and the District of Columbia, and related public storage and warehousing, ports, services, equipment and facilities, such as transportation carrier shop and repair facilities. “Civil transportation” also shall include direction, control, and coordination of civil transportation capacity regardless of ownership. “Civil transportation” shall not include transportation owned or controlled by the Department of Defense, use of petroleum and gas pipelines, and coal slurry pipelines used only to supply energy production facilities directly.

(b) “Energy” means all forms of energy including petroleum, gas (both natural and manufactured), electricity, solid fuels (including all forms of coal, coke, coal chemicals, coal liquification, and coal gasification), solar, wind, other types of renewable energy, atomic energy, and the production, conservation, use, control, and distribution (including pipelines) of all of these forms of energy.

(c) “Farm equipment” means equipment, machinery, and repair parts manufactured for use on farms in connection with the production or preparation for market use of food resources.

(d) “Fertilizer” means any product or combination of products that contain one or more of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for use as a plant nutrient.

(e) “Food resources” means all commodities and products, (simple, mixed, or compound), or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals, irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption. “Food resources” also means potable water packaged in commercially marketable containers, all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, seed, cotton, hemp, and flax fiber, but does not mean any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.

(f) “Food resource facilities” means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm), and other facilities required for the production, processing, distribution, and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for the domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer (excluding transportation thereof).

(g) “Functions” include powers, duties, authority, responsibilities, and discretion.

(h) “Head of each agency engaged in procurement for the national defense” means the heads of the Departments of State, Justice, the Interior, and Homeland Security, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the General Services Administration, and all other agencies with authority delegated under section 201 of this order.

(i) “Health resources” means drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment required to diagnose, mitigate or prevent the impairment of, improve, treat, cure, or restore the physical or mental health conditions of the population.

(j) “National defense” means programs for military and energy production or construction, military or critical infrastructure assistance to any foreign nation, homeland security, stockpiling, space, and any directly related activity. Such term includes emergency preparedness activities conducted pursuant to title VI of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5195 et seq., and critical infrastructure protection and restoration.

(k) “Offsets” means compensation practices required as a condition of purchase in either government to government or commercial sales of defense articles and/or defense services as defined by the Arms Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq., and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, 22 C.F.R. 120.1 130.17.

(l) “Special priorities assistance” means action by resource departments to assist with expediting deliveries, placing rated orders, locating suppliers, resolving production or delivery conflicts between various rated orders, addressing problems that arise in the fulfillment of a rated order or other action authorized by a delegated agency, and determining the validity of rated orders.

(m) “Strategic and critical materials” means materials (including energy) that (1) would be needed to supply the military, industrial, and essential civilian needs of the United States during a national emergency, and (2) are not found or produced in the United States in sufficient quantities to meet such need and are vulnerable to the termination or reduction of the availability of the material.

(n) “Water resources” means all usable water, from all sources, within the jurisdiction of the United States, that can be managed, controlled, and allocated to meet emergency requirements, except “water resources” does not include usable water that qualifies as “food resources.”
not that TPTB are going to be concerned about a small rural community in "the back end of beyond", we have always known that in an emergency we will be left to get on with it as best we can, recent events in the SW of England have proved such is the case.
not going to be worth TPTB coming around here to confiscate food, its such a small community and the quantities would be so miniscule.

I agree with that.

Where I live I doubt I'd even be noticed.
That's a plus.

A law on the books is one thing.

Enforcing it is quite another.
In Maine, it's Illegal To Have Christmas Decorations Up After Jan.

In New Jersey, It is Illegal To Wear A Bulletproof Vest While Committing A Murder

In Nevada, It Is Illegal For A Man To Buy Drinks For More Than Three People At A Time
In Wisconsin, It Is Illegal To Serve Butter Substitutes In State Prisons

And other silly things.

Believe it or not Christmas was once illegal in the U.S.

Christmas - Ancient Pagan Holiday Which Was Criminally Illegal Until 1907

By the way Christmas IS a 100% pagan holiday.

So is Easter.

The early church found it easier to convert "pagans" to Christianity
by using pagan symbols mixed with Christianity.
Of course if the "pagans" didn't convert they were murdered.
Literally every Christmas decoration has it's roots in pagan cultures, including
the Christmas tree.
yes and they stole all our pagan holy sites and built churches on them.

That also is quite true.

Christianity has a very bloody past.
Preachers won't teach that in Sunday school.
What does all this "religious" stuff have to do with doomsday prepping?


Native Americans were labeled as "pagans" by European "settlers" and
murdered wholesale.

The Catholic church assisted Hitler in the attempt to exterminate the Jews.
The Catholic church established and ran the "rat line" to aid Nazi war criminals
to escape justice and hide in South America.
Jeager, I should have better qualified my remarks, because they were not appropriate for all situations, and in fact were only appropriate for certain hypothetical situations. In your case, they were not, and I apologize.

As far as the black eyed peas thing...

Sherman marched across the Deep South and took or destroyed all the food and crops he found. Sheridan did the same thing in the Shenandoah Valley.
The story goes that Sherman spared the black eyed peas because he didn't consider them fit for human consumption. People considered it a stroke of good luck that they had plenty of black eyed peas to eat, and so it became a tradition to eat them at New Years for good luck.

The deprivation and abuse by Federal Troops during "Reconstruction" - the ten year period following the Civil War when most white Southerners were not allowed to vote or hold office - are deeply ingrained in the Southern psyche, and are much more responsible for racial tension in the South than slavery ever was.

The U.S. Government took our food away from us once before, so it is not even hypothetical....maybe the circumstances were different, but it happened before, so it could happen again.

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