The plan is a good one.
I still remember the first time we executed "the plan" not too long after my kids had moved in (grown kids). My daughter said it sounded like someone was in the dog yard, by the fence.
Immediately, my wife and I armed up (me with a pistol in a waist holster and shotgun, my wife and our ranch hand gal each with a pistol). The gals went a bit further and each strapped a large knife to their legs. We told the kids to get in the utility room (it's a completely interior room, and hard to find in the dark house).
My daughter's like, "Holy crap, my family is frickin' Rambo...." LOL
One thing that isn't on the list, but not easy to always do. Because we board horses, there are often people on the property during the day, so there's really no guessable time when there is nobody there. Makes it pretty hard for a prowler to schedule a break-in.
Another one. Keep really valuable items in a SAFE. (and make sure the safe isn't in an obvious place). Any good jewelry, important documents, amounts of cash, etc. In the safe. Firearms, in a double locked location. (and soon, to be behind a secret door!)
We have fences, gates, and dogs. (and false security system signs). I just can't see the value in the monthly fee, especially since it would likely take too long for the police to respond in that area. (but I do have a properly nosy neighbor we are on good terms with, hehe.)
I would like to add some security film to the windows though.
Before the fall, we'll be adding some security cameras to the property. Oddly enough, not initially for security, but really more to be a way to settle squabbles among the boarders. (when one says they aren't the ones doing this or that, etc.) - I mean, we're all adults, just do what you are supposed to folks...but, eh... At least security will be a second bonus for it.