Homesteading in the year 2500

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
A human settler and his Lyran mate check out their new homestead.
Ra'Leph Gothic IV.png
I need one of those Lyran gals... maybe she'd cut me some slack on the partying since I'm a cat owner, yeah? ;)
Wait till you see the claws come out :p.I kinda get the feeling they are related to the Kzinti.
I need one of those Lyran gals... maybe she'd cut me some slack on the partying since I'm a cat owner, yeah? ;)
Oh, they like human men. trouble is, you'd better wear a leather jacket to bed or you'll look like you were flogged the morning after! and the females are the ones who propose marriage, if she loves you, she will bite your shoulder to let her sisters know you're taken! after a few months, she will whore you out to her rich friends and relatives for status! I keep seeing more and more of their ships on youtube, so you might get a chance!
Wait till you see the claws come out :p .I kinda get the feeling they are related to the Kzinti.
A K'zinti would run from them! The females run things on their world, being a matriarchy. there are three species actually. the Du'Ahn, which are redheads and can actually sort of interbreed with us, the Sul'Taa, who are smaller and brown, and the "Mountain Behemoths" which resemble snow leopards and top in at about eight feet tall.
Still editing. I almost have the sailor talk and bedroom Olympics dealt with. LOL
A bit more art? It's hard to get it squeaky clean or it'll kill it! If you like Firefly, it's up your alley!
8_hunt beside me.png
9_terran army.png
buy here.png
7_meeting the Kay'Hawgh.png
I'm betting you want a taste huh? OK.

The Na'Khaan.

My guts went into my throat as the breaking rockets did their thing.

In a few minutes, I'd either be splattered all across the oxide desert in

crispy chunks or admiring my new home, the former POW colony

unimaginatively named "Ralph", a rotten, dusty, trilithium-rich planet

of about three-quarters of Earth's gravity, just big enough to hold

captive a breathable Oxygen-Helium atmosphere, at least most of its 380

day year, the other part of the year, the northern hemisphere dries

out and the Trilithium dust cuts lovely little microscopic chunks out

of your lungs, giving one the characteristic bloody cough. Oddly, the

Lyrians who leased the place to Earthgov seem almost immune until

the worst of the season, but at least for seven of the nine months of

the year, one could go about without a respirator, the final months

one had to either hold up, use a dust mask, or at worst, go full suit. I

myself, plan to mine Tychanyte crystals in the dry season. screw

Trilithium breath, I don't care if it heals up after you cease exposure,

Hacking up blood doesn't sound very healthy! I thought as I

unstrapped myself from the drop ship pilot seat, shouldered my gear

and climbed down the exit ladder to check out what I'd gotten myself

into. the living dome was of fair size. a ten thousand gallon fresh

water supply, but the former owner suggested I drill a new well if I

installed a fourth extractor. I had three trilithium extractors, I'd be

putting in a fourth soon. decent-sized greenhouse, I won't starve at

least. I was to be the place's third inhabitant in a decade, the other

two families got rich and went back to earth-space. as for myself, I

plan to stay. I've had quite enough "civilization" for one life, the "wild

west" type life would suit me just fine after two wars and an ever

oppressive government, I figure a couple of years and I can afford a

clone wife or maybe interest a natural born in settling with me and

raise some kids to leave the place to.

I placed my palm on the identity lock and then slid my card into the

reader, presto. I officially own you, I thought as the mechanism

folded itself up and fell away from the door for storage and

reuse. something shiny caught my eye, a thumb-sized Tychanite

crystal had gotten blown here by the savage winds during the winter

dry season, I admired it's sponge like, porous, mirrored surface a

moment before pocketing it. an omen of good things to come, I

mused as I entered the dome.

The former owner had left the Trilithium extractors running in his

absence, very thoughtful of him, each bay was full of refined

Trilithium ingots, six months of work already done! Time to unload

the sand walker, load up this nice freebie and lay in supplies. the

extractors had been programmed to shut down once the bays were

full and resume once empty. I looked at the pile of oxide slag that had

Accumulated. Pity there's no use for the stuff other than landfill.

maybe if it was mixed with a bonding agent like lime it would make

decent red concrete? probably not, it was like ground talc, and by the

winter wind storms would be spread to the four winds. It was then I

saw the Mrn'Hnn vines growing at the base of the mound. In the fall,

The vines would produce large, football-shaped, bright yellow

"melons" the flesh of which tasted like mango, but the reddish

Yellow-striped seeds were powerful hallucinogens unless roasted,

properly prepared, they tasted like spicy popcorn. The Lyrans loved

them, but an undercooked one to a human was a two-hour trip into a

technicolor-kissed world of overly bright colors and distorted sounds.

the daily recommended dose of Tryptophan, I laughed. Time to move in,

wake up the drones and get them busy, then head to town to cash in.
First couple of chapters, more to come maybe.


  • Homesteader 2500.pdf
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Have another one. its probably not finished.


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