Honey Bees, Bee Keeping and building an Apiary

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Super Friend
Feb 18, 2013
Good morning.

I've seen several discussions about the benefits of honey, but I haven't seen any threads about bug-in folks having an apiary.

I'll be starting one once I get back to Maine. I'm hoping to store large quatities of honey for personal use, keep wax for fire starters/storm candles, etc.

Anyone else doing this?
Not I, serious allergies to the stingy things. I do know someone in area I trade with for honey and wax though.
Not I, serious allergies to the stingy things. I do know someone in area I trade with for honey and wax though.
Interestingly, I took a class here locally, and the teacher (and president of the statewide group) is extremely allergic to bees. He's simply learned how to handle them, and how to be safe. I probably wouldn't want to handle them in a SHTF situation since meds might be a bit tough to come by. The good thing is that you could put away a substantial reserve prior to a SHTF situation, and honey doesn't spoil...
we distribute Medicinal Honey

I really prefer not to go into more than that, I don't want to pimp our products unless asked in a PM