Hot, poluted air

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Bulletin: at 4:30 PM in my back yard it was 94 degrees F. - in the shade. Air quality is rated 'Poor - stay indoors if possible.'

This air is being delivered by a weather system from the south.

Thank you so much, southerners.
Southerners are polite. Their parents taught them to share. So they're sharing their weather with you...
Southerners are polite. Their parents taught them to share. So they're sharing their weather with you...
Pump. All pump.
My field service job sent me into the South fairly frequently in the 1980s. Lots of pleasant folks. I was invited to Sunday service by Church of Christ people on multiple occasions. During most of that time my home was in Colorado; the prevailing winds are wrong for them to pass along their weather there.

At 6:30 PM it was down to 90 degrees, and clouding up some. We do NOT need rain while it is still daylight.
Southerners are polite. Their parents taught them to share. So they're sharing their weather with you...
We eat a lot of beans too.
If you're just worried about methane gas from cows, don't light a match down here after dinner!

:blow up:
Bulletin: at 4:30 PM in my back yard it was 94 degrees F. - in the shade. Air quality is rated 'Poor - stay indoors if possible.'

This air is being delivered by a weather system from the south.

Thank you so much, southerners.

We've been dealing with it for a couple weeks now. It actually hit us from the midwest. I'm betting it came up out of the southwest and just built across the country.
It was in the 90s here in SW Wisconsin today too, with 10,000% humidity. I had to run the windshield wipers on my machine, even though it wasn't raining. This morning it actually hurt to breathe the air. I thought I had caught the Corona for a while...
Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota can get hot like that in high summer. Vermont, it's unusual two days in a row. Boy, it's a good thing that global warming ain't happening, it could get hot.
Well, at least you have water... :)