How did I save money today?

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I found ground beef ( 80/20)for $2.85 a pound at Sam's club
And nice thick pork chops for $1.98 a pound
wish I could find some good ground pork. I like to add it to my meatloaf. what they have at Sam's has no flavor. I was disappointed so I don't buy it there anymore

Filled up my suv while there. their gas was $2.61 a gallon and here at home its $2.75 gal. ( saved .14 a gallon)
I have to cross a state line to go to Sam's club since there isn't one here in my area and we have a big tax on gas for "road repairs" which never happen. Makes ya wonder where the money is going
Topped up the pantries and food storage room today with half price specials on 12 x tins of condensed cream of mushroom soups, 12 x tins of cream of chicken soup, 15 x 425g tinned tuna in spring water, 4 x pkts of sultana bran breakfast cereal, 1 x 1.1 kg of wheat biscuits at a slightly reduce price and 3 x 3kg bags of valencia oranges again on a 23 % discount saving all up $84.48 on usual prices.

We also topped up on some clothing being 6 more long sleeved t-shirts for me saving $18 and 5 long sleeved cotton t-shirts for DH at the usual price but trying to find his size on special is near on impossible and they are the first to go each season but we did use our roadside assist club discount giving us an overall saving of 5% more on prices too.
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I haven’t done well at all lately with no spend days. I think yesterday was the 5th NS day this month. Buuut, we have been running from one end of the day to the other. I have 10 hr work days so my days are longer than some businesses are open so I try to get one quick stop in before or after work depending upon the store hours. Also, we are trying to prepare our former house to sell so having to purchase oddball things for that. I can hardly wait to sell it and get life back to “normal.”
Oh but I save money on electric last night by being brainless. I accidentally turned off the heat instead of turning it down. It was chilly this morning but on the bright side, saved a little $.
Eating from pantry, refrig freezer, chest freezer.
Not going anywhere except classes, have decided to cut back on date night outing.
That's money that could be going into savings for reliscening the car,deposit on new place, new laptop.
Son filled up car again today. He has used it several times this week for transporting Grand daughter.
Planted more green beans into raised bed garden.
Will start transplanting seedlings into peat pots for garden transplanting later.
Grand daughter got a hold of 1 greenhouse this morning she was trying to smell the flowers.
They look a bit worse for the wear, but they are still in dirt.
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Yes know the feeling @WVDragonlady but just got to do the best we can in those circumstances. I did last summer find a lot of vests and jumpers on special for $5 for him so I took the lot at that price as we can't even find them secondhand in the op shops for that.

Those are long work days @LadyLocust and you must be tired. I so remember working those hours when I owned my own businesses and more so you just have to do the best you can in those circumstances and shop when you have the time.

We are on day 1 of not spending money but will bust tomorrow as we have to get grocery staples.

Moving has sent us into a spiral of not keeping up with what we usually had in stock as we tried not to buy tinned foods or other foods as we knew we were about to move. I looked for salt yesterday and found I had none in storage apart from what we are using, no tinned soups, minimal tinned tuna, a couple of weeks ago little meat in the freezers and the list goes on. Once I do the shopping tomorrow we will be back up to scratch and fortunately I put a certain amount of grocery money in a separate account to cover all the groceries we didn't buy previously before moving so it is ready and waiting.

Tomorrow we will pick up more tins of tuna from another shop closeby as the shop didn't have enough and we wiped them out of the 50% off tins, more soups and of course our staples. Shopping when we see the good specials is certainly saving us a bundle of money though rather than paying full price.
Today we purchased 12 more tins of each cream of mushroom and chicken soup, discounted kiwi fruit, mushrooms and avocadoes and ice cream at one small country supermarket saving $26.88 on usual prices.

We finished our stockup at Woolworths and purchased our staples, dairy and tinned fruit using our 5% off roadside assist club discount with gift cards and took advantage of $10 off with our rewards card discount saving $28.15 on usual prices.
We are now on day 5 of spending no money here now that we have caught up with our needed items and staples we had to stock up on.

In a fortnight or on the 30th we may get some fresh fruit for the home as we are on severe water restrictions here (120lts of water per person per day) which is no watering of gardens except by bucket or watering can with saved shower or rinse water from the kitchen. Puts a dampener on setting up the gardens but we have worked out ways we can still have our gardens if we are frugal with our water and set up another rain water tank to catch the water coming off the back half of the house which we already have.

Just got our water bill in and it wasn't too bad at all and apparently we have only used 7KL of water in 100 days which works out to 70 lts of town water for the two of us per day and we had two slow mains water leaks we repaired that were leaking included in that total. Most of the home here runs off rainwater from our rainwater tanks here and just a little town water connected up to the toilet and 1 tap in the house as well as the cold water for the shower.

@LadyLocust the restaurant supplies stores are so incredibly cheap when you buy in bulk compared to the supermarkets here as well. Our order just arrived of bulk nuts, spices, coconut and cocoa powder from our online wholesale or far less than retail online store. Thank you @Tank-Girl for the website to look at :) , it saved us a fortune. Now just to pack it all away.
Yes in autumn here at the moment @LadyLocust and we have rain predicted for the weekend which will be good. Now on day 6 of not spending any money but will be buying some long drill bits for some work we are doing in the gardens so won't be counting that.

We have saved money today on fuel for the car for travelling to get firewood by cutting up the timber that was no good from the grapeyard vineyard and added it to our winter firewood pile for this winter.
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I saved $28.59 today at the grocery store with coupons.

I can't believe how much deli lunchmeat costs!!!!! good grief! Glad I had a coupon
I got a pack of steakums for only $2.50. That is a good price. Hubby likes them with fried onions and peppers and melted mozzarella on them. And I like them because they're an easy meal lol Just add a pasta salad or some fries and its meal time
2 free bags of chips ( which we don't really eat that often lol)
canned veggies on sale for .49 can
black olives only $1 can. Need to buy more green olives. We eat a lot of them
I turned 2 pots of Feverfew herb into 6 by choosing pots that were over sown and split up the plants and transplanting
them into other pots.

I planted out lettuce and herbs which save money by not having to buy them at huge prices at the store.

I didn't buy groceries at all this pension because my freezer and pantry is fully stocked from the
huge delivery order I did last pension.
My closest neighbor is going to be vending at the gun show in Walla Walla at the last weekend this month so I took him some old powder that I have been wanting to get rid of and he surprised me with a box of ammo for my new pistol. I am in the process of working up a load and I haven't fired the gun yet but I will now! Tomorrow after I mow the hay and weeds I will be going to the range to sight in my pistol and two rifles. (none of which I have yet fired)
Day 11 of not spending any money today but had to buy some more prescription dry food as we were down to 1 packet for Tabatha as she was born with only half her teeth and we have a separate budget category with money set aside for this. Let me know all if you think we busted.

Yesterday we saved money by -

- purchased 3 x 3kg prescription cat dry food on special on eBay using discount vouchers and other discounts saving $20.28 on usual prices.
- I did find the long drill wood auger bits on eBay and purchased 2 x 12mm x 300mm and 2 x 16mm x 300mm saving $128.08 over purchasing them in the local hardware stores but we are not counting this as it is part of gardening renos we are doing.

DH also earnt money today and made $100 from a gardening job on our way back from church too.
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As Strawberry is my seizure dog, her supplies are covered in separate fund.
Beings she's now on much needed diet that will save me even more money.
Will be going back to making her peanut butter dog biscuits for awhile.
Sewing as for the drill bits you need those for gardening jobs, so that should come out of what you make on said gardening jobs budget.
Like the gas, oil, maintence of your machinery I would think.
Spent $2 on my part of the grand daughter's Easter Basket.
Found Easter basket bucket last year at yard sale for a dime so bought it.
Was going to use it under flowerpot, but instead this year used as Estelle's Easter basket.
Got her crayons when back to school supplies were out so those cost a quarter.
She got one of Granny's old coloring books, that I traced the pictures out of to use as quilt patterns.
I think orginally it cost 57 cents, been a few years on that one too.
She got a new duck wash cloth that Granny made for her this year out of terry cloth out of Granny's sewing room.
For her stocking this year she will get the semi matching hooded towel.
Took an apple and an orange out of the fruit bowl for her.
Her Easter basket is full with things made with love.
Course her daddy went overboard on the candy, and a movie, but it all fits pretty much in the Easter Basket.
Inside her eggs are little hair bows, rings, socks, some candy but not much.
Will have to replenish the gift box in the linen closet, with little things that I buy or make all year.
Did away with that for awhile about 10 years, never buy anything full price if I can help it.
Almost always on cleareance , discounted items.
@MoBookworm1957 we also have a gift cupboard too and likewise buy everything on special we can find during the year too and it saves so much. Tabatha is kind of DH's therapy cat too for PTSD in that she sits beside him on a chair during the day and when he lies down during the day and snuggles into his belly and tucks up under his arm too. It is very cute to see and seems she just instinctively knows when to be close to him if he is agitated or worried, although not specifically trained as a therapy cat she has adopted the role beautifully. We think she was owned by a elder gentleman a couple of doors down in our last home who passed away because she turned up just after that in our back yard.

Won't count the cat food as spending then and yes we put money away for fuel, machinery maintenance, oils & other equipment away out of DH's gardening earnings.
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