How did I save money today?

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I'm not doing a very good job of saving money, I am spending on food, canning supplies, and general preps.... I'm sure that the food I buy today will be less expensive than what it would cost if I buy it tomorrow. I did buy some solar panel gear and got a 15% discount, but I still spent that other 85%...
That's how I feel too but look at it as an investment.
Spending $ 9 for dinner tonight for KFC I haven't had in over a year or longer.
First time I will have eaten out in about 6 months.
Glad you found a pattern you like.
I'm not doing a very good job of saving money, I am spending on food, canning supplies, and general preps.... I'm sure that the food I buy today will be less expensive than what it would cost if I buy it tomorrow. I did buy some solar panel gear and got a 15% discount, but I still spent that other 85%...
Money well spent, a penny spent today saves two tomorrow! I just made that up, but makes sense😁
I haven't saved any money. It's a bit scary burning through the savings. It doesn't feel right. However, I think there is bad mojo coming down the pike to balance out spending it now rather than later. All this shopping is tiring, but I am getting to the point of just sitting back and letting the chips fall. I can do no more.
I haven't saved any money. It's a bit scary burning through the savings. It doesn't feel right. However, I think there is bad mojo coming down the pike to balance out spending it now rather than later. All this shopping is tiring, but I am getting to the point of just sitting back and letting the chips fall. I can do no more.
I know how you feel. We've been spending a lot of money too, but we'll have a nice big shed to store the extra pellets for heating in it along with some extra storage area above them. It will be here for a long time so its money well spent.
We didn't "blow it" on something silly like a cruise or antique car or vacation to the Keys ( everything my nieces and a nephew have done this summer)
All that money wasted when it could've gone to something better like paying off debt or stocking up supplies,etc.
I did NOT buy 16 boxes of Annie's Shells & White Cheddar for $3.84 (24¢ a box)
That is incredibly tempting, but I already have so many boxes of Annie's Pasta & Cheese in the pantry, and it's not a deal if you have so much that it will go bad before you can use it up!
*sitting on my hands - I'm resisting*
Never heard of the brand, but not sure I'd have passed that up no matter how much I had. Heck of a deal. But then again I love pasta of most any form
Never heard of the brand, but not sure I'd have passed that up no matter how much I had. Heck of a deal. But then again I love pasta of most any form
It's THE organic brand of Pasta and Cheese. It's the only brand I buy*. It's over $1 a box in the stores, but I generally get it for half price or so, and stock up.
But seriously, I almost have too much on hand already.

(*Store brands and Kraft are awful. They are too salty and leave a chemical after taste. Annie's is WONDERFUL and creamy.)
I did NOT buy 16 boxes of Annie's Shells & White Cheddar for $3.84 (24¢ a box)
That is incredibly tempting, but I already have so many boxes of Annie's Pasta & Cheese in the pantry, and it's not a deal if you have so much that it will go bad before you can use it up!
*sitting on my hands - I'm resisting*
That is hard to resist!! Just think, someone else who needs them can buy them since you didn't impulse buy😊
That is hard to resist!! Just think, someone else who needs them can buy them since you didn't impulse buy😊
I hope someone buys them from my listing on my deals page!
I almost never impulse buy, you just end up spending money on things you don't need. I'm one of those who thinks everything through carefully.
I did NOT buy 16 boxes of Annie's Shells & White Cheddar for $3.84 (24¢ a box)
That is incredibly tempting, but I already have so many boxes of Annie's Pasta & Cheese in the pantry, and it's not a deal if you have so much that it will go bad before you can use it up!
*sitting on my hands - I'm resisting*
So tempting to buy them at that price. They really are so much better than Kraft and other brands, and that is the absolute best price I've ever heard of. Which store had them? I want to see if I can find some locally if it is a national store.
So tempting to buy them at that price. They really are so much better than Kraft and other brands, and that is the absolute best price I've ever heard of. Which store had them? I want to see if I can find some locally if it is a national store.
Amazon, today's grocery category on my deals page: Log into Facebook

I am way out in the boonies with no car, so I never go into the stores. I used to extreme coupon in the stores, now I do it at Amazon.
I am starting to clean houses for cash for short term.
This money will go toward emergency fund, meat.
Also doing more sewing for other people for cash.
My regular customers want me to start their Christmas sewing now.
While they have a bit of extra money put ahead for this.
Will be making Dinosaur long night gowns x 2( I had the fabric).
4 dog bandanas for their dogs. ( I have the fabric already).
2 long robes with cats( I have the fabric).
Will be making 3 nightgowns for my grand daughters too.
I have the fabric for these already.
Making 2 robes for my grand daughters.
And 2 robes for the bonus grand children too.
So far the fabric for the robes is the only fabric I will be purchasing for my grandchildren.
Everything else I already have.
Engine blew on my wife's subaru.

I can fix it, but I need to pull it and stick it in my shop.

Right now my new woostove is in the way. I need to install it.

But I need a handcart to move the stove. I usually borrow one, but the one I borrow has flat tires and I hate the owners currently.

Went to buy a handcart, found all the ones for sale, what little there where, where small, crappy light duty ones.

Bought two wheels instead.

Came home, built myself an ultra heavy duty handcart.

Just needs painting now.

Engine blew on my wife's subaru.

I can fix it, but I need to pull it and stick it in my shop.

Right now my new woostove is in the way. I need to install it.

But I need a handcart to move the stove. I usually borrow one, but the one I borrow has flat tires and I hate the owners currently.

Went to buy a handcart, found all the ones for sale, what little there where, where small, crappy light duty ones.

Bought two wheels instead.

Came home, built myself an ultra heavy duty handcart.

Just needs painting now.

Thought my hubby wrote your post! One project must move to make room for another, then a new project (hand cart) happens !!🙂
Not buying anything unless absolutely have too.
Trying to save up for meat bundle to fill freezers.
Attempting to make make dress to wear to oldest son's October wedding.
Have tried that 3 times each and every time a bust.
Cooking at home so saving there.
$20 fills the car for the month so that is a savings.
Will be making bread in the bread machine, so that will save money.
Cut out grand daughter's favorite treats for Granny's house sleepovers.
So that saves a bit.
Live simply, save frugally.
I just did our numbers for Aug - cough, gasp, choke. We got a freezer, ice chests and meat slicer all in 1 month. It's all paid for but my oh my that's a hit. Like @ClemKadiddlehopper and @WVDragonlady said, we felt like they were things we should get before we can't get them. I don't like seeing the bottom line, but it does feel good to have them. This month should roll a little better. Can't think of anything in particular we need other than regular groceries. Got my cash for that this morning so will try to stick to budget. @MoBookworm1957 I'm trying to make up some things to do a bazaar if they have any this year. @UrbanHunter It's amazing how much pulling from the garden to fill jars helps!
@Neb I didn't know you speak French oui, oui, (we we 😂)
Just paid cash for our tractor and that was a hit. But it was so hard to get. Was stuck in nowhere Kansas for the longest time. Our local John Deere has a hard time getting anything in. When new ones do come in, the salesman says the prices will go up.
A tractor in cash would be a chunk!
I think that we have actually ended up unsaving last month... got some solar equipment... got a back-up pressure canner... got a good smaller (16 qt) stainless steel stock pot.

I have been also spending 3 times my food budget every week, mostly canned goods, and long term food stocks... But for the first time in I don't know how long, my food storage inventory is showing no holes in any areas..... I guess I could increase my time horizon for that...

Oh I almost forgot... The wife's new Lazy-boy will arrive on Friday....
I picked up a new hunting implement for myself.... That matched the Lazy-boy ;)

I need to buy some wood and hardware for my planned solar stand-by station.....

I need to stop buying stuff...

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