how do i convince my fiance to prep

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Awesome Friend
Apr 7, 2013
I've been with my woman for a while and I've been following the economy as well as war and she's convinced that nothing will ever happen (which i hope it doesn't) but how do I convince her to prep and actually be safe and not sorry. she thinks I'm paranoid about this. i want her to be at least on the same chapter with me so if it comes time to bug out she will actually bug out instead of fight with me. she doesn't watch the news, or go on prepping websites. so she doesn't believe anything will ever happen and believes its a waste of time. so if you have any words to help that will be great thanks
do you get news emails about the economy? emails about the possibility of war.and other things of importance?might try showing her some of them if you the saying goes.better safe now then sorry paranoid is good.
Perhaps instead of prepping for economic collapse, looming war with N Korea, EMP's, etc...etc...etc... try the approach that its financially smart. Buying in bulk keeps costs down. Also having extra if something happens like one of you loose your job will help cover the lean times. It doesnt have to be an all out catastrophe to be a reason to prep. Ask her why you buy car insurance? No one wants to get into a car crash. Its just the prudent thing to do. Why do you have health insurance? Prepping is like having insurance. Hard to argue that point of view.
If she still doesnt come around, perhaps its time to assess your relationship from all aspects.
i tried the whole incase works slow and the way she was raised is make the best outta the situation, and i love buying in bulk but she looks at the price of the item not the price for the quantity lol she will come around i hope
I would start small, like with a first aid kit or 72 hour bag in case of natural disasters. These are things EVERY house hold should have. From there maybe stock up on canned goods and cheap long term food as "penny pinching" since gas is expensive. Maybe slowly introduce her with little articles here and there. And lastly, introduce her to the community! Show her that you aren't strange at all, there are a lot of people concerned! Watch doomsday preppers with her or fun survival shows :)
I'm not sure how you'd make it happen but if there was an opportunity for her to see the necessity for being prepared even for a small crisis you'd be ahead. My eyes were opened when we had a really bad storm come thru and knock out our power for DAYS for everyone in the area! It was mid summer, hot, sticky and generally unpleasant. We live in a rural area and when our power goes out so does our WATER!!!! No toilet flushing, no drinking water, no shower water, no cooking, no airconditioning, no TV, no internet no NOTHING. Nada! So, I saw the importance of having enough water and food stuffs around to get by at least that small amount of time. You could easily point out how many communities across the US have had similar crisis in the past couple years...even if it isn't for the BIG calamity, preparing for small events makes sense.
Wow. To be honest, I really don't know what I'd say to the woman that would be nice. I'm known for being blunt and to the point. Few years ago my hubs said something about wasting money on stocking things up and I told him that he was welcome to take his ass out of my life boat and that was the last of it, but I don't think That would be the right thing to say to her.

I guess it's going to come down to if you are willing to do the work of prepping for her so she will survive.
im willing to do the work but she dont see the need in it at all where i say were prepping for econcimc collapse, so i guess if i change the reason i prep she would be fine with it
All of my preps must have an immediate benefit to really get the wife on board. For example, our planned garden? Fresh produce and lower grocery bill. Getting chickens? Free eggs. Fruit trees? Fresh fruit and shade. Water storage barrels? Water when the power is out (we're in the country, so no power = no well pump). Stocking food? Buying in bulk saves money (show her the price per oz. part of the price sticker at the grocery store). Surely there is some kind of disaster where you live (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., etc.) Use these as an excuse for other items. Or, just do it a little at a time, and secretly. Buy a few extra cans here, some extra first aid stuff there, etc.
If you are a bug out prepper then I'd suggest take up camping and buy all camping supplies and essentials. If you are a bug in prepper then YOU do the grocery shopping. Buy stuff when it's on sale. Check some of the other posts on here about couponing.

I sat my 9 year old down to watch The Colony. Now my 9 year old is prepping and coming up with ideas. Course I am ready to strangle her at times cause she will talk about our preps when around other people. ESPECIALY at the grocery store. "Mom, do we really need 120 cans of veggies and 100 boxes of hamburger helper? I mean I know we're stocking up for the economic collapse..."

People I work with, " oh we're just coming to your house." Like hell you are!
Whenever Mr and I talk about it, I reiterate that I'm only buying things we will use anyway and getting them on sale with coupons or in bulk, thereby saving us money in the long run. I tell him I'd rather be prepared and nothing happen than not be prepared and something happen.
Hate to say it but if thats her mentality now she wont bring much to the table in a shtf situation.i read youve been w her for awhile but the people who cant see the forrest for the trees are the ones thatll get you killed.sit down with her let her read some news stories/watch some videos.if she dosent come in time?well ,, i wouldnt stay w someone who could get me killed by burning up precious get out of dodge time by arguing if its time to go or not
She'll appreciate you later when it happens. I think trying to get her on board with news stories and the like will only cause her to become spiteful. My Grandpa's marital advise " you can be right or you can be happy". Choose happy and prep anyways. Try an activity like joining a Krav Maga or a more serious style (Not sport) martial arts class together and say its for fitness and doing an activity together. As she trains she'll Become more aware because your making her understand "subtly" to be aware and ready for an attack this awareness will expand with time to a larger and larger scope. Eventually she'll start thinking all by herself about these things and then you can act like she's a freaking genius. Win win...
People I work with, " oh we're just coming to your house." Like hell you are!

Primary reason we don't share this with just anyone. They all assume they can just come to your house, and live off the preps YOU saved and put money towards, when they did nothing, yet had the same time and opportunity.
Now, we do have some folks who are "just coming here", but they are bringing things to the table (weapons, skills, etc.) and are good friends. But, I can't stockpile for them all and us really, so our focus is on renewable and expandable food and water sources.
Okay how do a say this nicely oh yeah DUMP HER... there are lots of prepper oriented country girls out there who not only are into buying in bulk but can cook too.... and by cook I mean gut it clean it and cook it lol
I am not the best cook since I dont read directions very well if at all... but if you cant find country girl find the frugal girl ... someone that gets the concept of a budget and saving money equals more fun later.
she is nice and all and you probably love her but if you face the facts that if you dont have politics and probably not religion either in common divorce will be imminent if you dont have those two so skip the lost time and money on someone who doesn't really get you in the first place... sometime in the next seven years you will figure out she is not your girl (most divorces are within that time period)
But if you want to keep her you are going to have to argue for your way for the REST of YOUR LIFE! just saying
point out the last 10 hurricanes.and what happened after wards when it comes to the people who servived and fema.especilly katrina.
Ike (2008) Gustav (2008) Dolly (2008) Humberto (2007) Wilma (2005) Rita (2005) Ophelia (2005) Katrina (2005) Dennis(2005) Cindy (2005)

then there's the folks that live in the upper u.s. states.they get bad snows that'll take out the power untill the power company gets it restored.which can take weeks..

then there's tonado ally..there's always a chance of a tornado when a bad storm comes along..
Like what Jim said, Natural Disasters are a good reason to prep. I lived in a place that never flooded then in 2009, we had the worse flood (2.5 meters in about 15 minutes). We had no food nor water when we were trapped on the roof and for about two weeks after. If I had a bugout bag and was prepped, we wouldn't have had a hard time. Now, my wife is onboard with me on my prepping. That disaster really taught me to prep
point out the last 10 hurricanes.and what happened after wards when it comes to the people who servived and fema.especilly katrina.
Ike (2008) Gustav (2008) Dolly (2008) Humberto (2007) Wilma (2005) Rita (2005) Ophelia (2005) Katrina (2005) Dennis(2005) Cindy (2005)

then there's the folks that live in the upper u.s. states.they get bad snows that'll take out the power untill the power company gets it restored.which can take weeks..

then there's tonado ally..there's always a chance of a tornado when a bad storm comes along..

2008 was a crazy year for storms in FL. We seem to have gotten through yet another year of getting nothing, so that's good. Still a couple months left though, but unlikely so late in the season, to get a big one.
never know when some thing (WILL) happen when it comes to nature..even when it comes to man kind as well..and because of that..i beleave it's a all around best idea to be prepared for what might and/or will happen.
We were meant to be together Anorak!! lmao.. How cruel fate was to have kept us apart for sooo long....
Bring yourself on out for a visit and I bet we can find some trouble to get into! And the best thing, Hubs will totally bail us out of jail.:D
Okay guys, I'm going to share a tip with y'all about finding a woman who is liable to be like minded. Look at her hands. If she's got the pretty, long manicured nails than chances are she isn't going to do a thing that will be useful. Short nails and callouses are what you want.
Stay dry and be safe!
Rain for the last 48 hours non-stop! Hail was measurable this afternoon....I must admit though, I have never seen the prairie this green!! Our hay is in the barn, the vast majority of my garden is canned or in the freezer so you won't hear me complain one ioda about this rain!! My ol dog, to the left there, is not very happy with the rain though!!
