The way my wife decided to start prepping was by me convincing her that since we live in earthquake country we should at a minimum prep for that. Then she saw how poorly the government handles Katrina and Sandy.I've been with my woman for a while and I've been following the economy as well as war and she's convinced that nothing will ever happen (which i hope it doesn't) but how do I convince her to prep and actually be safe and not sorry. she thinks I'm paranoid about this. i want her to be at least on the same chapter with me so if it comes time to bug out she will actually bug out instead of fight with me. she doesn't watch the news, or go on prepping websites. so she doesn't believe anything will ever happen and believes its a waste of time. so if you have any words to help that will be great thanks
I would also leave the tv on fox news. At first she would immediately change the channel, but every now and again something would catch her attention, now she keeps an eye on the news for herself, and lets me know of good deals for prep items!