how do i convince my fiance to prep

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I've been with my woman for a while and I've been following the economy as well as war and she's convinced that nothing will ever happen (which i hope it doesn't) but how do I convince her to prep and actually be safe and not sorry. she thinks I'm paranoid about this. i want her to be at least on the same chapter with me so if it comes time to bug out she will actually bug out instead of fight with me. she doesn't watch the news, or go on prepping websites. so she doesn't believe anything will ever happen and believes its a waste of time. so if you have any words to help that will be great thanks
The way my wife decided to start prepping was by me convincing her that since we live in earthquake country we should at a minimum prep for that. Then she saw how poorly the government handles Katrina and Sandy.

I would also leave the tv on fox news. At first she would immediately change the channel, but every now and again something would catch her attention, now she keeps an eye on the news for herself, and lets me know of good deals for prep items!
I've been with my woman for a while and I've been following the economy as well as war and she's convinced that nothing will ever happen (which i hope it doesn't) but how do I convince her to prep and actually be safe and not sorry. she thinks I'm paranoid about this. i want her to be at least on the same chapter with me so if it comes time to bug out she will actually bug out instead of fight with me. she doesn't watch the news, or go on prepping websites. so she doesn't believe anything will ever happen and believes its a waste of time. so if you have any words to help that will be great thanks

If you have enough food and water on hand for 2 weeks in case of natural disaster or power outage, and have a generator, and plenty of clean clothes, that's what we all should have in case of emergency. Plus it never hurts to have insurance! Batteries, flashlights, or candles in a ready spot, and a weather radio are also good to have!
So, if you believe in only prepping for 2 weeks, why visit a prepper website? Strange.... No criticism, just honestly curious. Most of our efforts would seem completely over the top to you.
A secret though. Most prepping is really about self-sufficiency, and regaining some control over our lives.
I told my wife that things like gardening reduces food bills and is natural. She likes gardening. I told her solar panels help the electric bill and everyone is doin it. Rain collection for water bills. I used the save money in the long run angle and that natural disasters leave people hard up.

Showed her the news stories about power outtages that last weeks to months. A town 12 days and going with no water...

She shocked me by saying the Morons where she grew up Arizona believed in having at least a 2 yr food supply and that we should too. Put a big ol smile on my face.
me personally i would look up the aftermath of a disaster that could happen where u live (on youtube), show her the aftermath of whatever could happen in your area, show her that natural disasters are no joke. i am starting prepping when i get some income because june of 2012 my electric went out for 1-2weeks so didnt like 5 million others, and it was 90+ degrees outside and 100+degrees inside the trailer. it litterally sucked. show her the governemtn shutdown, the debt of the united states, show her a article of the blackout in the north east.

hope you get her to start helping, gl be safe
me personally i would look up the aftermath of a disaster that could happen where u live (on youtube), show her the aftermath of whatever could happen in your area, show her that natural disasters are no joke. i am starting prepping when i get some income because june of 2012 my electric went out for 1-2weeks so didn't like 5 million others, and it was 90+ degrees outside and 100+degrees inside the trailer. it literally sucked. show her the government shutdown, the debt of the united states, show her a article of the blackout in the north east.

hope you get her to start helping, gl be safe
I use this idea to keep my wife from changing her mind back to not prepping. Sandy was a great "show and tell" to get her to reminder her of "why" prepping is important.