How I'm Prepping

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Henry Gray

May 1, 2017
Currently I'm gathering my gear. So far I have a smartphone, gun, knife, multi tool, assisted opening folding knife, flashlight, and lighter. I've got my 1st line gear completed; I'm going to get more money before gathering my 2nd line gear.

I'm also continuing my training in combat survival. I'm focusing on Krav Maga for the most part. I'd like to look into Haganah, Kapap and Lotar as well.

I have a little training in Taekwondo, Hapkido, and Shaolin Kempo Karate as well. I think Krav Maga is better.

I'm also going to be focusing more on my limited SERE training; particularly the escape and evasion aspects.
Ok, you're prepping for warfare not surviving ;) knowing how to get food and water isn't the same as having food and water! Conflict avoidance follows food and water, nothing wrong at all in training for defense but from what limited information you provided it sounds as if your priorities are backwards.
TBH I have heard this one for years, usually from people shall we say of younger years, prepping for them seems to be all about firepower, guns blazing and repelling all comers, but no food put back for when the guns fall silent.
even Napolean knew that "an army marches on its stomach", no food train and the army grinds to a halt.
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ok henry gray.i see that your from alaska.and that your 22 years old..that tells me,that you already know how to hunt trap,and fish..on account some,if not most alaskans start learning those different things at a early age..and thats good..i can hunt and fish and grow a garden..but yet that alone won't keep me in food.thats where back up plans come in at..i keep extra food on hand..not only for a shtf situation.but also for hard times as well..i'll be camping out in a few which i'll be taking some of that food with me.i went to wal mart which i bought 6-1 gallon jugs of water.they'll be going with me on my camping trip,just in case,they end up without running water for some reason.and i gotta have my morning coffee..and water to wash dishes with..i see that you've been learning different forms of martial me,that means that you have different back up plans there.on account you can go with the one,that works best for the time needed..keep learning and doing.your getting there..
Yep. My profile also says I'm a farm-boy if I recall correctly, as in I live on a farm; greenhouse, garden, livestock, agricultural equipment, few big ponds nearby; trust me, I'm okay in the food and water department haha. And don't forget bugs! Lots of bugs that are rich in protein and nutrients that you can boil up in a vegetable stew, mmmm. Lots of plants. Lots of bugs. Lots of little animals and fish. Good to collect from all three groups to assure you're getting a balanced meal and avoid Food Fatigue.

I was a tundra-tyke as they're called here; I'm more scared of people than I am of Mother Nature.
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I have plenty of guns, bullets, knives, steel traps, and more.
But even if it's boiled all day it can't be eaten.
I'm a skilled hunter, fisherman, trapper, etc. but relying only on those skills may not
feed me and mine.
I look at harvesting from the wild as a supplement to stored foods.
At least till I get a garden in and it starts producing and I can preserve all the food I can.
The days of the hunter gatherer ended long, long, ago.
Raising domesticated animals, farming, led to communities.
Communities, led to societies.
Societies led to governments.
And so on.
Get it?
You can bet your sweet bippy that every person with a firearm will quickly eliminate most
wild edible critters quickly.
So you own some land with wildlife as I do.
Are you going to shoot to death another person foraging for food for his family?
I posit that killing people trying to survive by taking game is tantamount to murder.
I would/could not do that.
Killing a man trying to bag a rabbit is also killing his dependent family.
Human values MUST be preserved.
YOUR human values must be preserved.
If not then you become the predator, no better than an animal.
Think about that.
Ethics, values, societies serving the common good raise humans to better levels.
There is no place for a hermit holed up with a rifle shooting anyone that trespasses.
Laws and some kind of order simply must prevail
I thank God everyday for values, and ethics and a sense of community.
The lone wolf won't last long.
An example.
In many cultures including our native Americans there were no jails.
No jails.
So what punishment was invoked for a serious offense?
Being forever cut off from anyone anywhere.
It's been suggested that the banished often committed suicide rather than live 100%
cut off from everyone.
I want to survive whatever shtf might, maybe, happen.
I don't want to be 100% alone for life.
I'd live, but I wouldn't like it.
If you think you would love being alone forever consider this:
Why are bad acting criminals in prison sent to solitary confinement for punishment?

Few social scientists question that isolation can have harmful effects. Research over the last half-century has demonstrated that it can worsen mental illness and produce symptoms even in prisoners who start out psychologically robust.

From an article in the New York times.

Your opinion might vary.
(Opinions certainly will vary.)
Well first off, I'm not planning on isolation, I will be with relatives.

For "honest" poachers who are driven to it out of desperation, maybe not the death penalty, but I'd sure make them think that what was awaiting them. I would at the very least make them sing for their supper. A little indentured servitude at the point of a gun so to speak. Then let them take some food home to their family. In a world without readily available gasoline and diesel, there will be a great need for manual labor.

But, "You don't work - You don't eat." Simple as that. That's not even contrary to "Christian charity" (see II Thessalonians 3:10) We can assume they are able bodied men (or women) if they are out poaching.

The Indians didn't have jails because they had more immediate justice for serious crimes - corporal and capital punishment. Banishment was usually for dishonesty (which they detested)

Now before you jump on me for not being Politically Correct about "Native Americans"... Where I grew up, not only was it politically correct to say "Indians", they still call themselves that today:
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I have plenty of guns, bullets, knives, steel traps, and more.
But even if it's boiled all day it can't be eaten.
I'm a skilled hunter, fisherman, trapper, etc. but relying only on those skills may not
feed me and mine.
I look at harvesting from the wild as a supplement to stored foods.
At least till I get a garden in and it starts producing and I can preserve all the food I can.
The days of the hunter gatherer ended long, long, ago.
Raising domesticated animals, farming, led to communities.
Communities, led to societies.
Societies led to governments.
And so on.
Get it?
You can bet your sweet bippy that every person with a firearm will quickly eliminate most
wild edible critters quickly.
So you own some land with wildlife as I do.
Are you going to shoot to death another person foraging for food for his family?
I posit that killing people trying to survive by taking game is tantamount to murder.
I would/could not do that.
Killing a man trying to bag a rabbit is also killing his dependent family.
Human values MUST be preserved.
YOUR human values must be preserved.
If not then you become the predator, no better than an animal.
Think about that.
Ethics, values, societies serving the common good raise humans to better levels.
There is no place for a hermit holed up with a rifle shooting anyone that trespasses.
Laws and some kind of order simply must prevail
I thank God everyday for values, and ethics and a sense of community.
The lone wolf won't last long.
An example.
In many cultures including our native Americans there were no jails.
No jails.
So what punishment was invoked for a serious offense?
Being forever cut off from anyone anywhere.
It's been suggested that the banished often committed suicide rather than live 100%
cut off from everyone.
I want to survive whatever shtf might, maybe, happen.
I don't want to be 100% alone for life.
I'd live, but I wouldn't like it.
If you think you would love being alone forever consider this:
Why are bad acting criminals in prison sent to solitary confinement for punishment?

Few social scientists question that isolation can have harmful effects. Research over the last half-century has demonstrated that it can worsen mental illness and produce symptoms even in prisoners who start out psychologically robust.

From an article in the New York times.

Your opinion might vary.
(Opinions certainly will vary.)

Pre-SHTF is one thing but Post-SHTF is totally different. In a Post-SHTF/WROL I'm not going to be welfare union for every scavenger that trespasses! OPSEC takes precedence over morality/humanity in times that demand it, I'm not raising live stock to feed a nation nor am I growing crop to feed the 'not-prepared' Once word gets out you're a nice person than it is over with!
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I don't intend to be a "nice" person.
I'm not even close to being a snowflake.
Over 2 decades of police work in a nasty, crime ridden, ethnic polluted town, and 13 serious injuries
tends to "harden" one a bit.
However I have Christian values and ethics but that does not equate to stupid.
I have zero tolerance or use for weak willie snowflakes or "gimmie" people.
"gimmie people" are welfare types that use living off taxpayers as a multi-generational
I spent over 2 decades dealing with the "you owe me, I'm entitled," garbage that infects
our society like a blood sucking parasite.
"gimmie mo'. I want's mo'".
It was dealing with violent gimmie ethnics that earned me 13 serious injuries, back broken
4 times and 9 months in rehab learning to walk right again and permanent intractable
back pain.
Snowflake I ain't.

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