I have plenty of guns, bullets, knives, steel traps, and more.
But even if it's boiled all day it can't be eaten.
I'm a skilled hunter, fisherman, trapper, etc. but relying only on those skills may not
feed me and mine.
I look at harvesting from the wild as a supplement to stored foods.
At least till I get a garden in and it starts producing and I can preserve all the food I can.
The days of the hunter gatherer ended long, long, ago.
Raising domesticated animals, farming, led to communities.
Communities, led to societies.
Societies led to governments.
And so on.
Get it?
You can bet your sweet bippy that every person with a firearm will quickly eliminate most
wild edible critters quickly.
So you own some land with wildlife as I do.
Are you going to shoot to death another person foraging for food for his family?
I posit that killing people trying to survive by taking game is tantamount to murder.
I would/could not do that.
Killing a man trying to bag a rabbit is also killing his dependent family.
Human values MUST be preserved.
YOUR human values must be preserved.
If not then you become the predator, no better than an animal.
Think about that.
Ethics, values, societies serving the common good raise humans to better levels.
There is no place for a hermit holed up with a rifle shooting anyone that trespasses.
Laws and some kind of order simply must prevail
I thank God everyday for values, and ethics and a sense of community.
The lone wolf won't last long.
An example.
In many cultures including our native Americans there were no jails.
No jails.
So what punishment was invoked for a serious offense?
Being forever cut off from anyone anywhere.
It's been suggested that the banished often committed suicide rather than live 100%
cut off from everyone.
I want to survive whatever shtf might, maybe, happen.
I don't want to be 100% alone for life.
I'd live, but I wouldn't like it.
If you think you would love being alone forever consider this:
Why are bad acting criminals in prison sent to solitary confinement for punishment?
Few social scientists question that isolation can have harmful effects. Research over the last half-century has demonstrated that it can worsen mental illness and produce symptoms even in prisoners who start out psychologically robust.
From an article in the New York times.
Your opinion might vary.
(Opinions certainly will vary.)