how much are you eating

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I'm packing it on... working from home, and having food readily available has been a bit of an issue for me! One of the guys from work, who is also working from home, told me he put on the Covid-15. I have a load of firewood to cut this weekend, so that should help a bit...
We aren't sharing food at work anymore so I'm probably eating less. Before this all started I had stopped eating any kind of cake, cookies, donuts, or candy and that hasn't changed. Pretty much I'm only eating what I cook, no meals out, no food from coworkers.
Good job Jayson. Push ups and sit ups every day..

Great thread, GG, my wife and I were just having this conversation last night. We have been working out for at least two hours a day and aside from a protein shake, only eating one meal for the day, at night. Neither of us are feeling hungry, despite the intense workouts and working for 10 more hours a day around the house. It seems, by most everyone else's posts that you are on to something. Like animals scattering before an earthquake, it seems humans also have some subconscious reactions too. Seems our food preps have doubled! Yay!
I’ve gained two pounds in three weeks. Honestly I’m surprised it’s not much more. I’ve been cooking a lot more than I used to and making really good dishes that take more prep time than normal. So it seems like I’m on a cruise and getting ready to eat again every time I turn around! The majority is healthy food luckily. I can’t say I’m not enjoying it though. So far I haven’t touched the main prepping supplies. Really don’t want to try those freeze dried meals to be honest....
i'll admit even though I have been living the same life as normal so cooking basically the same. I have been adding in some sweets during this crisis. Like with cookies mainly. . . I know hunny has a sweet tooth and will add in some when he goes shopping. I normally dont like to eat sweets often but on occasion. Hoping this will curve his appetite of buying his chocolate covered graham crackers.
I eat one meal a day. I have eliminated all junk food and sweets. I now eat a salad with my meal. Snacks are Ritz crackers - with or without peanut butter - string cheese. Weight is about 175 lbs and I want to get down to 165 lbs. I want my body to become accustomed to a very low carb diet. If we should get a food shortage (hoping not) then I don't want to go thru any carb withdrawal issues. My one big vice is coffee and I don't plan to give that up, ever !!! I will probably die with a coffee cup in my hand.
We are eating the same good south Louisiana food we have always eaten. We have used a few canned vegetables in our stews and soups that normally would have been fresh. As soon as the garden starts producing, that will end.

Are the strawberries coming in yet down there?