How to attract snakes?

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Junk cars, tire, lumber, anything to house & breed mice & other rodents, will bring in snakes.
Why you would want rodents in your area, I am not sure, but it will bring in the snakes.
Poultry will bring a few snakes, but rodents are the best bet.
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I'd like to attract more non poisonous snakes to my area too. We live in a very dry area so I keep several waterers of various sizes and a couple large water tanks for birds and small game. We keep the orchard and garden well watered too. All of which attract snakes. Occasionally I'll see a racer in one of the water buckets and a bull snake around the yard. The problem we have here is this also attracts rattlesnakes. I've found rattlers in the barn, garden, under the deck, on the deck, in the yard, the wood shed and in the vehicles. I keep all the grass and weeds mowed down and all scrap lumber and other junk picked up. This seems to help, plus I kill every rattler I see. Every other snake is always welcome here.
I'd like to attract more non poisonous snakes to my area too. We live in a very dry area so I keep several waterers of various sizes and a couple large water tanks for birds and small game. We keep the orchard and garden well watered too. All of which attract snakes. Occasionally I'll see a racer in one of the water buckets and a bull snake around the yard. The problem we have here is this also attracts rattlesnakes. I've found rattlers in the barn, garden, under the deck, on the deck, in the yard, the wood shed and in the vehicles. I keep all the grass and weeds mowed down and all scrap lumber and other junk picked up. This seems to help, plus I kill every rattler I see. Every other snake is always welcome here.
Thirty to fifty years ago all us wild eyed country boy would get snakes for a dollar each.
But now days you may have to ask a girl, soyboys do not like snakes.
I am presently reading Wildwoods Wisdom by Doug Elliott. His first chapter is on snakes and his extensive interactions with them. One thing he mentioned was that piles of sheet metal and building materials left alone would become a magnet. Mice and such build homes there, and snakes follow. Plus the heat provided by the metal encourage them.
In the frozen far north there were no snakes... Seeing only a foot long garter snake maybe every third summer.. Growing up where there were timber rattlers, I didn't miss them..

I've heard this..
Put a bird feeder on a Sheppard's hook in your yard.. It will attract mice with the seed birds spill.. The mice will attract a snake.. :dunno:
Oh rodents are your problem.
You could use decon, my Father used it once, the cross ties were stacked five tall & eight wide, began to stink. So he had us remove all forty of them, remove the many carcass & then restack the ties.
Then we moved on to the stack of tin, & other various piles on the farm.
We used most of the "waste" on the farm, but I remember we had piled up limbs from trimming the field line & in winter we burned them. All kinds of animals came out when the fire was set. A rat big enough for a child to saddle & ride, a few others. No birds or insect.
You need cats & terrier to get your rodent, the snakkes can not keep up.
Two field mice with no predators can raise 65000. offspring, because the six week old female can be breed & give birth to healthy babes. That every six weeks for life, most are eaten, & never reach old age. The same for rabbits, which are not rodent, but eat vegetables, also.
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