How will you assess "The Balloon just went up"....??

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.....but a lot of crises involve cascading failure.....which is very hard to identify in those critical early stages.
This was the background of this thread. Many (maybe MOST) don't focus any attention to current events on other continents (for example).

I have been focused on Europe the last 3 or 4 years. I suspect that for many Europeans; that over the last 10 days that many had their (perceived) reality scrambled.

Electronic devices stop working.
Maybe.......maybe. However, some don't have very many (or any) Electronic Devices. Could be simply a very local power outage.
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Money goes fully digital, identity/license laws become more stringent and require some sort of permanent mark or device to trade/pay taxes like property etc. The unmarked are coerced to comply with soft laws first, then forced by hard laws later as the news paints the unmarked as dangerous to the public, likely as religious extremists.

The time to liquidate/run is at the point of soft laws, and I must be gone by the time the hard laws come into place.

Life goes on for everyone else.
How will you assess "The Balloon just went up"....??
Shortages and skyrocketing prices...
With the progress that has been made in just last month, the balloon is losing altitude fast! :)

But with the damage done in the last 4 years, it has a lot of altitude to come down. :(
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If people are saying that the balloon already went up, then I'm not going to worry about the apocalypse. Us, our family, and our friends are all fine. Sure, I've noticed higher prices. But I've noticed that before as well. Not a thing Earth shattering is going on now as far as I'm concerned. It's pretty darn normal if you ask me. Grocery and restaurant prices are up a bit, but not catastrophically. Wars come and go. democrat control of the USA comes and goes. Fads (like tranny-ism) come and go. We're just riding the waves up and down now, as we always do.

I personally won't consider "the balloon has gone up" to have occurred until I can't afford food or normal everyday expenses, with no relief in sight. I don't mean reading on the internet that I won't be able to afford food, I mean actually not being able to afford food.
If people are saying that the balloon already went up, then I'm not going to worry about the apocalypse. Us, our family, and our friends are all fine. Sure, I've noticed higher prices. But I've noticed that before as well. Not a thing Earth shattering is going on now as far as I'm concerned. It's pretty darn normal if you ask me. Grocery and restaurant prices are up a bit, but not catastrophically. Wars come and go. democrat control of the USA comes and goes. Fads (like tranny-ism) come and go. We're just riding the waves up and down now, as we always do.

I personally won't consider "the balloon has gone up" to have occurred until I can't afford food or normal everyday expenses, with no relief in sight. I don't mean reading on the internet that I won't be able to afford food, I mean actually not being able to afford food.
Yes. Some people would not recognize when times are good, even if it slapped them in the face. :rolleyes:
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What happened then?
financial crisis hit then....nothing was really fixed....since then its been the "roaring twenty's 2.0"...since that time...we have 3x credit card debt now than back then...all forms of debt from private,corporate,county,state and fed took a huge jump....fake prosperity...the bill is due now.

to be clear...this is just one portion to sourdoughs questions.

so many jobs and much more was destroyed in my area starting then......!
financial crisis hit then....nothing was really fixed....since then its been the "roaring twenty's 2.0"...since that time...we have 3x credit card debt now than back then...all forms of debt from private,corporate,county,state and fed took a huge jump....fake prosperity...the bill is due now.

to be clear...this is just one portion to sourdoughs questions.

so many jobs and much more was destroyed in my area starting then......!
.....and you make a good point......look for echoes in the present of disasters from the past.

History does repeat.........because people don't change.
.....and you make a good point......look for echoes in the present of disasters from the past.

History does repeat.........because people don't change.
Here's the inflation graph. See if you can notice when Obumer and Joe were president:

"Obeebumer has trained you well, my son".
Here's the inflation graph. See if you can notice when Obumer and Joe were president:

"Obeebumer has trained you well, my son".
I looked at an inflation chart similar to that from the mid 1600's until present day. We went hundreds of years with almost zero inflation, until the "modern" era, maybe a hundred or so years ago. Then it it went from a virtual flat line to almost straight up. I'll see if I can find it again and post it.
watch the masses, they panic at any little thing, that will be the first indication, long before the internet or cell phones go down.
If people are saying that the balloon already went up, then I'm not going to worry about the apocalypse. Us, our family, and our friends are all fine. Sure, I've noticed higher prices. But I've noticed that before as well. Not a thing Earth shattering is going on now as far as I'm concerned. It's pretty darn normal if you ask me. Grocery and restaurant prices are up a bit, but not catastrophically. Wars come and go. democrat control of the USA comes and goes. Fads (like tranny-ism) come and go. We're just riding the waves up and down now, as we always do.

I personally won't consider "the balloon has gone up" to have occurred until I can't afford food or normal everyday expenses, with no relief in sight. I don't mean reading on the internet that I won't be able to afford food, I mean actually not being able to afford food.
So if you fell off a bridge, it would be OK until you hit the ground right?

If I ever fall off or out of anything I hope I have a set of welding leads tied around my waist, any welders here? then you know they'll snag on something every few feet! you could be dragging those things through an empty room with a tile floor and they'd dig in somewhere! I think it's a law of physics or something like lost socks returning as Tupperware lids that fit nothing you own!
I think it started a few years ago when people flooded the stores and stood in lines in search of toilet paper.
If I ever fall off or out of anything I hope I have a set of welding leads tied around my waist, any welders here? then you know they'll snag on something every few feet! you could be dragging those things through an empty room with a tile floor and they'd dig in somewhere! I think it's a law of physics or something like lost socks returning as Tupperware lids that fit nothing you own!
That is very true about welding leads! You never have to worry about falling, they will catch on something.

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