How will you assess "The Balloon just went up"....??

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Any member here who would consider me (Sourdough) a "doomer" or as someone who believes the end of the world is near.....???

(Note: it is totally OK with me if you do.)

Nope. you seem to be the kind of guy who would cook chicken little.
Doomers live in fear, that's the downfall. It's not a bad thing to be a realist or a pessimist,
the world sucks as we all know.
So your position is that people cannot be prepped if they do not agree with your prediction of imminent doom?

(1) Some people go into emergency prep mode after falling down the rabbit hole of doom predictions. (2) Some people prep to super high levels, then start predicting doom themselves to justify their actions. (3) Others prep, but do not see immediate doom on their doorstep. (4) Still others don't prep at all, don't see doom ever coming, and will be in for a surprise if it happens.

There are other variations, but these are the main groups that I see.

The people in group (1) pretty much stay to themselves, but do tend to express their panic publicly at times. The people in group (2) think that the only alternative to their group is either group (4) or group (1), they don't seem to conceive the possibility of a group (3) even existing.

I guess you are trying to place me in group (4). But you're wrong. I'm in group (3).
I dont aspire to any group, I am my own person, I do not care if people dont prepare, if nobody else prepares, that is their choice, but the way the world is going something big is going to happen and soon, I dont prepare for "this or that" event I prepare for what comes after which will inevitable involve Societal Collapse and WROL. my parents went through WW2 and although the words "Prepper" or "Survivalist" hadnt been invented then they and people of their generation had larders and grew their own food and had skills that have now been lost on the modern computer generation- if they cant Google it or watch a YouTube video they wont be able to do it and they will fail.
Decline is undeniable.

I defy anyone to argue that we are not in fiscal, industrial, economic, social, moral, ethical, political, cultural, military, infrastructural and general decline.
I fully agree that things are beyond a simple government change being able to fix or prolong it for that much longer, scary part of that is the "authoritys" have created most of the mess in the first place, kind of like people who think that government does the best it can for people. NOT
Decline is undeniable.

I defy anyone to argue that we are not in fiscal, industrial, economic, social, moral, ethical, political, cultural, military, infrastructural and general decline.

The decline is indeed undeniable. The question is; have we passed the point of no return? We slipped past that point many decades ago, IMHO.

Correct. I'm not waiting for 'it' to happen, I think 'it' is happening. I even think most people know it. Most people just don't want to do anything about it.

Textbook “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” I’ve mostly given up trying to get the horses to drink.
The decline is indeed undeniable. The question is; have we passed the point of no return? We slipped past that point many decades ago, IMHO.
I agree we have passed the point of no return.......that is one of the main reasons I consider politics to be somewhere between futile and a distraction from reality. Bread and circuses.

Big empires develop/have a lot of momentum. When they are on the rise........they seem unstoppable. But that cuts both ways. When they are in decline, that seems to be equally or perhaps even more so, unstoppable.

Textbook “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” I’ve mostly given up trying to get the horses to drink.
Agreed. I doubt there is much point in trying to convince people of the obvious. If they were going to get it, they would have already done so.

But I can be bothered contradicting the horses that feel the need to try to convince hundreds of other horses not to drink. What they are doing "to convince themselves", is profoundly wrong.
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Often the term, "The Balloon Just Went UP" refers to start of SHTF.

For (so called) serious preppers/survivalist; this awareness/knowledge is a core part of their prepping/survival foundation.

The question is "HOW" will you know.........??? How will you decide to react. (or not react).
I just saw this tonight. I don't even know what it means. But maybe it has something to do with that balloon going up or the SHTF in the very near future.

It's less than two minutes long. Does it apply to this OP here in any way?
Can anyone explain the video to me?

Can anyone explain the video to me?

Yes, I can explain that video to you...
If you noticed that you cannot fast-forward, or skip, thru the two long commercials at the front end of it, that were longer than the content, you got the message. :mad:
"The reinhabited republic for the constitutional United States of America"? :dunno:
How much dope does that guy smoke? 🤣
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