I am CAUGHT in a MONKEY TRAP..........."ARE YOU" ????

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Mar 17, 2018
I have this very large problem in my life, and after several years fruitlessly attempting to solve the problem, I just "now" today realized I am caught in a Monkey Trap. I was a very young boy in the late 40's or early 50's when my father taught me about the "Monkey Trap". The bad news is the "Monkey Trap" is generally fatal. And maybe that is why the Monkey Trap crashed into my awareness today. I have been keenly aware for months that my problem, if not resolved "WILL" be fatal for me. Strange to remember the Monkey Trap after learning of it "seventy" years ago.

We spend much of our lives in MONKEY TRAPS.
Sorry, SD.. Wish we could 'up and buy the farm', and come up and Help ya.. Yeah, I'd "hate to go Back to Rottenchester-weather", and all, but.. Meh, I know How-to Live / thrive in it, that's all that matters, since you are Certainly Spot-on about the 'insulation of Location', being paramount to 'buying time' from the crazy.

Godspeed to ya, Otherwise, Chief.. 👊

We are all caught in the Monkey Trap. BTW, living is a fatal condition, death will get us all. Plan ahead, live one day at a time, and know we will all die, eventually, and meet Our Savior.
It is interesting that The Christ opened up that monkey trap through his sacrifice far enough that we can reach in and grab salvation?

Like I said before...

God is clever.

My Monkey Trap is 16 Acres. A Monkey Trap is the things we "can't" let go of to be FREE.

The Monkey's Parable
By Glenn Fairman

I have always been astonished by the tale of how certain Asian tribes catch monkeys. Upon placing a piece of fruit into a hole carved in a tree trunk that the monkey can easily reach his hand in and grab, he soon alarmingly learns that he cannot extract his closed fist from the trap once he has taken hold of his prize. To extricate himself, all he need do is release his grip on the morsel. But since this solution is beyond the greedy beast's comprehension, he is hopelessly caught by his own nature -- effectively ensnared by that which he could not resist nor go without to his own enslavement or destruction.
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We all have items or ideas that we simply won’t let go of.

From the article that Sourdough posted, the last sentence talks of how, so often in life, it’s our possessions that are really possessing each of us.

I have some of that baggage I need to get rid of. Why can’t I simply let go of that banana?
Interesting. With my father, I think it was his house that he built. He always used to say to us, "You will have to carry me out of this house."

But, health issues developing, he made the hard decision for the benefit of his wife...and frankly for him, but I think he would've held onto that house until the end if it were just him.

So, I suppose if your "monkey trap" is your family, then all is good.
I don't think I understand the topic of this thread

..it's kind of like This:


..but with your Life.. o_O Metaphorical for the 'Things we do / decisions we Make' - that 'trap us' - just like the Monkey and the Fruit.. Simple, really, yet pretty Spot on.. 👍

More or less the same category as 'the Danger of Normalcy Bias'..

If we're going to get all philosophical here, there are some things that I would never let go of. Even if it might save my life. My family being one. Parables are fun and all, but they're only good up to the point when someone else makes a different parable that shows yours isn't a one size fits all observation of life.

"There are some things, if held on to, that will destroy you. There are other things that if NOT held on to, will destroy you." Boy, I'm rivaling Confucius there. And now Grasshopper, it's somebody elses' turn to come up with a parable that trumps my parable, which trumped the original parable.

Question of the Day: If you live your life jumping from one parable to another, does that make you a paraboloid?

I think I suck at philosophy. Probably why I became an engineer instead.
I don't think I understand the topic of this thread
My personal Monkey Trap.
I am trapped by 16 acres of awesome "prepper/survivalist" property.

I am 75 y/o and cannot safely live the lifestyle needed to continue living on this mountain. To move forward with my life, I must sell the property and move to a town with a hospital.

Another part of this trap, is the type of person I would like to see own this property, can't afford it even at a discounted price.

There is "zero" chance of my surviving another winter on this mountain. Because of my physical condition, every day this winter, has been dangerous for me, trying to live this life.

Too make it even more complex, I have spent nearly all the last 52 years living in remote or wilderness Alaska. I question if I can survive in town, while it is clear I have no other option.

So, the trap is if I hold onto living here, I will die with-in 10 or 11 months. If I release my grip, and take a chance by going to some town, the only for sure "known" is I would not die on my mountain, but death well not be avoided.
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..the type of person I would like to see own this property, can't afford it even at a discounted price...

Ugh, this just Guts me to hear, Cap'n.. 😑 Is there just No One that could be, perhaps, a 'Custodian' of it, until-such time you can get the treatments-needed? (and, sure, I understand that - ultimately - it is a 'Mortal Coil', as we All Face.. +_+ Thanks a lot, 'Adam and Eve', ya jerks.. :rolleyes: ) but I mean, For Now, etc.. 🤔

No need to answer, if these are too 'probing' or too Personal-of questions.. Totally Respect that.. Sometimes 'No answer' Has to be The answer.. 👍

Is there just No One that could be, perhaps, a 'Custodian' of it, until-such time you can get the treatments-needed?

The answer is......."NO". They would abandon the place, in just a few days, likely one night, and gone. If it was easier, maybe 3 or possibly 4 days. There is way too much "Physical Labor", and it is dangerous work. In the summer it is much, much, much easier.
The answer is......."NO"...There is way too much "Physical Labor", and it is dangerous work. ...

Sheesh.. Wish we we 'lived closer' - cuz that's Exactly the kind of Work I pine for.. 😑 Lemme tell ya - Alternating "working" in a 'Clean Room' and 'Cubicle', totally blows chunks, no-matter the 'Pay'.. *sigh* Oh well..

..If I happen to find a 'Winning Lotto Ticket' blowing across the parking lot anytime soon.. I'll be on the next Flight up.. :cool:

My personal Monkey Trap.
I am trapped by 16 acres of awesome "prepper/survivalist" property.

I am 75 y/o and cannot safely live the lifestyle needed to continue living on this mountain. To move forward with my life, I must sell the property and move to a town with a hospital.

So, the trap is if I hold onto living here, I will die with-in 10 or 11 months. If I release my grip, and take a chance by going to some town, the only for sure "known" is I would not die on my mountain, but death well not be avoided.

Ok , I understand it now. I am not good with metaphor type stuff, you have to say what you mean lol!
I am going to be in the same situation at some point, unless I just drop dead first. We also live on a mountain , middle of nowhere. I have already made my decision and it seems to be an easy one. I am just going to die here. To me, once I get so old I can't do anything anymore, I will just die. I don''t want to end up in some nursing home
Do you have any kids?
heres a thought...contact a real estate agent and see if they own anything yall might do a even trade to get you in close to hospital and something you can manage to live in and still have some independence but yet get bits of help when needed.