I for one am shocked about this

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May 24, 2024
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Smartphones spying on Americans for major company​

September 05, 2024 Timothy Frudd

A marketing firm that provides services for Facebook, Google, and Amazon has admitted that it uses smartphone microphones to spy on American users’ conversations and customize advertisement choices.

According to 404 Media, Cox Media Group (CMG), which is an American television and radio news conglomerate, recently admitted in a pitch deck to investors that it uses artificial intelligence in its “Active Listening” software to “capture real-time intent data” by listening to smartphone users’ conversations.

CMG said, “Advertisers can pair this voice-data with behavioral data to target in-market consumers.” The company explained that smartphone users “leave a data trail based on their conversations and online behavior” that can be collected and analyzed by artificial intelligence technology.
Last December, 404 Media reported that MindSift, a software company based in New Hampshire, had acknowledged that it also used information collected from cell phone conversations to customize advertisements for users.

According to The New York Post, after Google was questioned by 404 Media regarding the issue of smartphones spying on users for advertising purposes, the company removed CMG from its “Partners Program” list.

A Google spokesperson told The New York Post, “All advertisers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations as well as our Google Ads policies, and when we identify ads or advertisers that violate these policies, we will take appropriate action.”

The New York Post reported that Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, is currently evaluating its relationship with CMG. A Meta spokesperson told The New York Post, “Meta does not use your phone’s microphone for ads and we’ve been public about this for years. We are reaching out to CMG to get them to clarify that their program is not based on Meta data.”

According to The New York Post, Amazon claimed that it has never used CMG to push advertising objectives and claimed it would terminate ties with any companies that do not follow Amazon’s privacy policies.

:dunno:OMG, imagine big tech being less than honorable, next we will hear that the government doesn't have our best interests at heart, and that big pharma want us hooked on their drugs. :confused2:
I don't have a smartphone, but husband does, and it spies on me. I'm sure the new tv's he bought do, too.
I swear, if anything happens to husband, all his tech gear is going in the dumpster
Figure a way to wire a phone charger into a bus and hide the phone on the bus. Let google log your travels, for years.
..A marketing firm that provides services for Facebook, Google, and Amazon has admitted that it uses smartphone microphones to spy on American users’ conversations and customize advertisement choices...

Well, hot diggity, like Bonnie Raitt belted out... '..Give em something to Talk about!'...

(..not suggesting anything 'Inappropriate', here, just, yanno.. "fake it".. :eek:😆

Figure a way to wire a phone charger into a bus and hide the phone on the bus. Let google log your travels, for years.
Lol, Like it does here...!!!
I know it doesn't matter much in this day and age , but the feds " likely just for entertainment " also listen through the phone sitting on the table beside the bed as to activities and conversations there . --- A true story for you guys . My daughter was being harassed by an unknown person on her phone . Then she received a call from the C.I.A. . As it happened the C.I.A. agent was someone she personally knew and they had quite a crush on each other in years past , but their paths in life separated and each married another . Though she now has a different last name and moved hundreds of miles away , he knew who she was . He told her he had noticed the harassment on her phone and was going to take steps to stop it . The harassing phone calls did indeed stop . --- They also monitor this forum . I actually had a phone call conversation with a F.B.I. agent concerning posts on a forum , many years ago . I don't recall as to which forum was involved . The forum member in question dissapeared , to never be heard from again .
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I was talking with someone about whatever you talk about, you'll start finding ads for that popping up. But, then I told her that sometimes I don't talk about it, don't search online for it, just think about it and guess what? Ads for it pop up! To me, that is the scariest! There is the ability to read our minds?
So, I went to the link, and what ad was right at the top of the page that opened??

One selling military challenge coins.
What Link did You see that "One selling military challenge coins"...?!?

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