I have a confession to make.

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I actually voted for Trump but the person I gave it to said she wouldn't deliver it if I voted for him, and later opened it and probably threw it away or something because she complained about how I voted, and I don't really think she went "O I'll open it and check that they voted for my candidate, but if they didn't I'm just going to mail it anyway because that's their right." yet still have opened it in the first place.
Next election, I'll give you a ride, if you need it, so that you can drop your ballot in a ballot box. Don't let others steal your right to vote.
I actually voted for Trump but the person I gave it to said she wouldn't deliver it if I voted for him, and later opened it and probably threw it away or something because she complained about how I voted, and I don't really think she went "O I'll open it and check that they voted for my candidate, but if they didn't I'm just going to mail it anyway because that's their right." yet still have opened it in the first place.
Is a friend that disrespects you and your vote, really a friend? I drive my wife to the precinct to vote, and we never vote the same. I don’t like the way she votes but it is her ballot.
Nope, I don't get it and I don't want to. But as long as you aren't harming anyone I guess that's your business. However if you feel the urge to dress up and read to children maybe go to an old folks home instead. That might actually do some good.
The last time I was liberal was 1976. Jimmy Carter pretty much explained all about liberalism to me.
Weak military.
no borders.
Welfare state. (Ironic now that is my sole source of food and income!) I still think of myself as a useless eater.)
Wimpy foreign policy.
Weak economy.
etc etc
I actually voted for Bill C. the second time around because I really wanted to keep Alan Greenspan. He kept the economy doing great. :)
Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history.
The Congressional Budget Office reported budget surpluses of $69 billion in 1998, $126 billion in 1999, and $236 billion in 2000, during the last three years of Clinton's presidency.
So I guess many of us can confess to being lib at one time in the past.
Greenspan was head of the Federal Reserve (from 1987 to 2006) until Obummer showed us just how far the economy could be driven into the ground in 2008 and afterward:mad:.
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If we end up discussing it I will be honest about my opinion.

If it's not part of a discussion it won't give me any sort of "attitude" when talking about other topics.
It's being discussed enough here in this thread. And my one sentence is all I have to say about it.

AMC said this for whatever reason and I figure it doesn't and shouldn't reflect on posts and replies in other threads.

I'm treating this thread like Vegas - What happens here stays here.
I was a liberal once. It was a very long time ago. ;)

As for being trans - the world today says that if I don't agree with that, then I'm full of hate, or I'm phobic. I am neither. I may not relate to your choice, but it's totally your choice to make, and it really isn't that big of an issue to me.

Honestly, after this thread, I'll probably forget both and perceive you simply by how decent you towards people in your posts. Well, I might remember the liberal part - that's bound to come out in conversation. 😅
I don't think urges/desires/temptations define us. I don't think our misperceptions of reality define us. We are what we are, regardless of our urges or misperceptions. Reality is reality. Urges or misperceptions are just that, an urge to change current reality on the one hand, or an inability to perceive current reality 100% correctly on the other.

Urges: If we want to engage in an act, that doesn't necessarily make us an "actist" or an "actual." Urges or desires don't turn us into Urgists or Desirists. For example, a homosexual urge does not make us a homosexual, just like an urge to masturbate doesn't make one a masturbationist, or an urge toward marital infidelity means one has always been a cheater-sexual. We are humans. We just have urges or desires...call them inclinations if you want...in some contexts they might be called temptations. We all have urges of different types. I know many people have urges that do not interest me in the slightest, and vice-versa...so it is sometimes hard for us to sympathize with others because their urges are so foreign to us. Urges or desires can be minor or major...they can be benign or harmful...they can be moral or immoral...they can be a lot of things, but in my opinion, they don't define us. We are humans. We have free will. We can embrace our urges (at which point in time we decide to define ourselves according to our urges) or we can choose to labor against them (we decline to put ourselves in a box). That is the beauty (and the burden) of being a human. We can choose.

Perceptions: If we are one thing (a particular age, a particular sex, a particular race, a two armed person), our misperception of age, sex, race, appendage status (a real thing...google it...some people think they have an arm that doesn't belong to them) doesn't change our biological age, biological sex, biological race or biological appendage status. We are what we are. Misperceptions can be managed...or they can be surrendered to. They may not be harmful. But, if they start to cause harmful behavior, to others or to ourselves, then help should be sought. It may be a rough road, but help is out there...although in today's world, you might have to look far for it if a political movement thinks it can use you. Which brings me to...

Politics/Groupism: I'm a libertarian (neither liberal nor conservative) when it comes to others. So, as long as someone else is not harming others due to their urges or their misperceptions, I'm pretty much live and let live. What business is it of mine (and of the government's), after all, if there are no physical victims that need protection? But, I do think medical help and counseling should be made available for those who want it. Liberals would deny this aid to people who have urges or misperceptions which can be used for political advantage for their party. They trumpet select urges and misperceptions in an effort to define people by those urges, to split them into groups of humans defined by their urges or their misperceptions. Separate groups help political parties stay in power. They can be pitted against one another. They can be a great source of votes. Inter-group conflict can motivate people to vote a certain way who would otherwise not be political. It is unfortunate, but "getting along" doesn't get people to vote, so getting along is often not the goal of political parties; quite the opposite. Groupism is like meth for a political party...it is hard for them to quit. And, in a lonely world, seeking out an apparently friendly group, even one which may harm us in the long run, is often seen as the best way to deal with that loneliness in the short run.

Now, having said all of that, I am not a behavioral scientist. That is just me being me; that is how I see the world.

Granted, I do choose a religious lifestyle for myself. You could say I am biased because of that, although I would never seek to impose my religious beliefs on someone else...I will stick to words and persuasion when it comes to that. Coercion has no legitimate place in spreading religion. I will just say that I chose to believe in religion because I thought it would be the best way for me to control my urges. I did a pretty good job controlling my actions as an atheist, but I thought choosing religion would help me better control my urges. These are hard issues to discuss, and I know that many people are convinced that they don't have choice, because their urges are so strong. I get that. I guess I think (rightly or wrongly) that people have more choice than they give themselves credit for. That doesn't mean acting on those choices is easy. But, taking the first step of believing that you have choice...that is a very empowering thing.

I hope the above is taken as it is intended...just me describing my thoughts on these issues. If it offends, I'm happy to delete it.
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Nope, I don't get it and I don't want to. But as long as you aren't harming anyone I guess that's your business. However if you feel the urge to dress up and read to children maybe go to an old folks home instead. That might actually do some good.
He might, He's into older folks. :p
Ever since I was a small child I was envious of girls for getting to be girls. I wanted to be one.

And I was raised by my catholic democrat grandparents, which led to me having the same worldview and ideas about what's important to a country.
Just curious, why do you think you were envious of girls? Do you think it was because they got more attention?

I went to Catholic grade and high school, was an altar boy and had Democrat parents too. As an adult and able to think for myself, I went down other avenues, but like I said in another post here, everyone on this planet is different, so you do have the right to think for yourself, so if you like where you are, stick with it. Interesting that the Catholic Church really discouraged homosexuality and trans identities back in the 1950s and 1960s. How about the church you grew up going to?
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I was a liberal once. It was a very long time ago. ;)

As for being trans - the world today says that if I don't agree with that, then I'm full of hate, or I'm phobic. I am neither. I may not relate to your choice, but it's totally your choice to make, and it really isn't that big of an issue to me.

Honestly, after this thread, I'll probably forget both and perceive you simply by how decent you towards people in your posts. Well, I might remember the liberal part - that's bound to come out in conversation. 😅
As for being trans - the world today says that if I don't agree with that, then I'm full of hate, or I'm phobic. I am neither. I may not relate to your choice, but it's totally your choice to make, and it really isn't that big of an issue to me.

That's the part that gets under my skin & I'm started to strongly object to. If we don't agree politically then I'm a racist & all kind of other names. That rhetoric has been beaten into the ground. And it's just because we don't agree. Sooner or later the stories are going to flood even the bias media that someone called someone else that stuff & they got beat down. It happens a lot & people are getting tired of it.
@AMC The universe loves wondrous variety--just look in the forests, the seas and the skies for proof of that.

It's a long, rough road ahead of you. At the pharmacy, I have a few patients on that road. Please be sure that you are getting all the information about your meds and speak with the pharmacist about the side effects and interactions. Also try to assemble the best medical team (physician, psychiatric, nutrition, etc) to help you navigate that road.

Your generation will be very accepting but the generations before you won't understand. I'm in that generation that doesn't understand and I, also, don't understand. My wish and hope for you is Be Happy.
I'm a liberal, and I'm trans.

I hope this doesn't sour your opinion of me.

Magus and I argue for hours over the phone about politics. We agree on about everything else but politics.
Well well well, allow me to step in a speak for everybody I know who is a republican, southerner, male, and straight

We do not care. See.what liberals and the communist dems do not understand is This is America, you can CHOOSE to be what you want to be and that's OK
That said
I do not Have to agree with you
I do not have to like it
But you have the right as an American to be what you want
It is really that simple

Being a trans I have a few questions that I would like answers to
On the internet , Trans people say that republicans have taken their rights

Can you please tell me exactly just what rights it is that have been taken? No one seems to be able to state the specific right. Only that what ever right it was , was taken Disappeared in the middle of the night with out a word Stolen by the big bad gop
As far as your liberal confession
I am sorry, sucks to be you.
Maybe one day you will realize the big government you wish for is actually a boot on your neck

Peace and fajita grease!!!!!
Magus. Do not deny your freaky side
I might have cut my pony tail off but I still fly my freak flag proudly

I will state my freaky limits are inline with ZZTop
Just this side of deranged
My freak was part of the problem.

Ah hell. let's see if I get the same love my kid did.
I used to be a Nazi. I got better. I still believe in eugenics, however.
AMC, I don't know you. You have a right to act however you like as long as those actions dont infringe on the rights of others- but you are a man and I will not feed into your fantasies. You are not Trans, you are mentally Ill. I will show you respect and treat you like any other username I'd run into online, and speak the truth to you as any human deserves- but I wouldn't let you be around my kid if I knew you IRL because of your choices. Luckily in this format, all that really matters are your words which stand alone from the person you are as we all cloak ourselves with anonymity.

I truly wish you all the best in your life and sincerely hope you come to God and become the man he wants you to be.
Nope, I don't get it and I don't want to. But as long as you aren't harming anyone I guess that's your business. However if you feel the urge to dress up and read to children maybe go to an old folks home instead. That might actually do some good
Gays, lesbians. Trans…that does not equate to pedophiles. My Dad once said he didn’t think gays should be teachers because they will molest the kids. I couldn’t convince him otherwise.
Gays, lesbians. Trans…that does not equate to pedophiles. My Dad once said he didn’t think gays should be teachers because they will molest the kids. I couldn’t convince him otherwise.
In my experiences, it was the straight men I have known who molested children, or the men who portrayed themselves as straight males.

Tell me Bro, I have never laid eyes on you
So describe your self
Hair color?
Eye color?
5 10

Gays, lesbians. Trans…that does not equate to pedophiles. My Dad once said he didn’t think gays should be teachers because they will molest the kids. I couldn’t convince him otherwise.

No, but It's not just about straight up molesting them, though LBGTQ+ have a horrific track record there... it's about confusing them as to what's natural and normal. You don't let kids watch horror movies, porn or adult content and fill their impressionable minds with all that wickedness before they have developed enough to be responsible for their own decisions and thoughts- parent protect their kids from the world until they mature to whatever level the parent is comfortable with... its that simple.

frankly, there's been a huge increase in transgenderism and if the suicide rate is an indication of whether or not thats a healthy trend I'd say its a good idea to protect one's children from it. Gender dysmorphia and homosexuality should not be normalized. If adults want to make that decision in a free country it's their right- but on the grounds of our culture having common values we should negatively stigmatize such influences on our children. To be crystal clear: unless they cross the afforementioned line- I think we should institute social consequences for that sort of degenerate behavior, not legal ones from the government.

As far as teachers go, there is ample proof online of lgbtq+ teachers doing a poor job of remaining objective at work and not injecting their sexuality and politics into work. So much so, that between that and the lack of education that kids get nowadays were opting to homeschool, but that is a parent choice ultimately.
I do not care what your ideas, sexual twists and turns, financial status or any other trait is.

A for being gay or straight I was in the same grade at school as a very gay young man His lifelong Partner just passed a couple of days ago.

They were two of the nicest people you would ever have wanted to know, he hung out with some of the best looking girls in the local schools and I saw him quite often from being with them. HE never questioned my sexuality or stated his it was evident I neve knew of a straight person he approached.

The main thing is I don't need to know of it, but if you put those things out there there are those who will not accept you just because of them.

I have no judgement as to your character, and even if I disagree with your politics I cant deny your rights or interject myself into your life unasked as most dims seem to think they can do to me and anyone they do not agree with.

The problem is the left seems to think it is okay for them to deny conservatives all of their constitutional rights but if a conservative even stops them from taking a non constitutionally defined right they choose to manufacture they scream some pigeon holed label at the top of their lungs and even go so far as to assault, defame and financially destroy that person.

If you are a left leaning person who respects and defends the rights of all who are diametrically opposed to your positions you are a gem and I have nothing but respect for you no matter what your lifestyle is.
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