i may of finally gotton my mom into prepping at least somewhat

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
i may of finally gotton my mom into prepping at least somewhat..i lost my part time job,in which it kept us at least some above broke at times.but on most occasions.i had a lil extra money for prepping in some way or another..any how.i mentioned how important it is for me to get into canning foods much as possible.(within reason)..and immediately she agreed to that..in which that is a great thing. seeing how our money is now tighter then a over wound clock.lol..now i need to come with a way to convince her of other reasons to prep,like when it comes to the laws that's being passed.prices of foods and other things on the rise.
congratulate you of that step my friend,think eventually she will prep like you
thanks...knowing my mom as i do.id have to say.NOPE!!!:),not like me or as much..but yet,she may come around to prepping at least up to a point...
hey my friend,that's better than nothing :) and who knows she might teach you a trick or two
i may of finally gotton my mom into prepping at least somewhat..i lost my part time job,in which it kept us at least some above broke at times.but on most occasions.i had a lil extra money for prepping in some way or another..any how.i mentioned how important it is for me to get into canning foods much as possible.(within reason)..and immediately she agreed to that..in which that is a great thing. seeing how our money is now tighter then a over wound clock.lol..now i need to come with a way to convince her of other reasons to prep,like when it comes to the laws that's being passed.prices of foods and other things on the rise.
Yeah I think your mom missed the Great Depression by a few years. . . . Once money gets tight, it's a lot easier for a person to understand how important it is to grow and preserve your own food. Another idea is to start a sourdough starter or friendship bread so that you can always have some sort of bread. You can also make a potato starter that acts the same. . . .
yeah.she did miss the depression.might of seen outskirts of it,when it comes to the last of it.but missed it all the same.but with the way things are right now..she's not only watching where money goes more closely.but she also gotton more interested in coupons..we just got back from a nieces graduation.i picked up a couple of coffee packets and brought them home.there's coffee packets,sweet n low coffee stir's napkins in each package..plus the dollar general store here had moved to a new location here.i was one first 200 ppl come in and do business with them since they reopened.got a bag of goodies.item are the low cost stuff.but yet some worth keeping in a b.o.b...even the bag the stuff came in,is worth keeping..
well,mom is officially a prepper..we had already gotten this.. https://www.wisetvoffer.com/ then i joined their site,name,and email etc etc..then i got a catalog from today.in which i wanted mom to see it.so i left it with her mail.. :rolleyes:.well,she started looking through it.and came across the patriot power generator 1500..needless to say,that she's mighty interested in it..i just might make a good prepper out of her yet.. :p
That's just it. Prepping isn't just for SHTF, it's for ANY kind of thing that can impact your resources and income. I think as Preppers, that's really the best message we can use to get others on board. (and the more people who are on board, the less chance of them being an enemy if the problem is all over).
thats so true..the more ppl that prepare for everyday situations,like loss of a job,power outages,etc etc.the better.on account they'll have less family issues,during times like that,compared to not being prepared for them,plus,that means less issues between them and others as well..

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