I nearly "NEVER" ever open anything in the Political Forum here.

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
But subjects that I care deeply about get moved there, because members turn everything into some level of political "BLAME". I am NOT faulting management for doing this.

My POINT is: When you feel compelled to turn every thread into a political blame or political HATE thread, it gets moved (rightfully so) and others are denied exposure to those threads intended members. I start a lot of threads that I figure are important to prepper community.

YES, I understand that everything is to some degree political. But when the thread gets moved (rightfully so) the intended audience is cheated.
Politics has always been an interest of mine. Same goes for economics. The two are kind of tied together and yes - when posting topics/starting threads on the matter …. they can turn into debates and blame this, that, the other thing, and often blaming one person or organization in particular.

I’m all for those discussions. They can make a person think and even learn more about the subject or matter at hand.

Still, it has gotten old for me. I’m taking a break from it. But reading and learning never gets old.
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If there is nothing constructive to say regarding the topic we all just need to read and go on to the next thread. I know it is easy to get off topic but I constantly ask myself if what I wrote was on topic and helpful. Many replies are deleted instead posted.

It just takes some practice.
My guess is that some threads get shoved off to the politics and coronavirus subforums - which I think you have to be a forum member to view - because they are embarrassing to the forum. We don't want the world-at-large to see them, else we look like complete dolts.
When I started the thread about how close we are to a massive WAR and maybe even Three or Four massive WARS, I just wanted preppers to be aware of what is going on.

It is now in the political section. (or so I have been informed)

I wish there was a way for the person starting a thread to lock that thread.

It is that way with private messaging.
I not aware of a war that wasn't political. So it seems impossible to talk about war un general without politics.

I could turn knitting & cooking into political "RANT".
In my opinion if it is in the "PREPPING" section, replies should be relevant to PREPPING.
You can't talk about prepping for a war without talking about prepping for the politics of it. Because that's what war is. You get into wars because of politics. You get out of wars because of politics. The outcome of wars are political. When you look at maps that show countries (the very entities that get into wars), those type of maps are called "political maps" or "political boundary maps". So starting a thread about war is going to end up in the political section (or should end up there) no matter how you try to direct the thread. Besides, once a thread has been started, the original poster cannot direct it. The only way to do that would be to open a thread, state your opinion, then close the thread to further replies. I have seen threads here and in other forums that start out with a post that tries to tell everyone how they can respond and participate. Those threads rarely make it past a handful of posts before dying, because nobody really wants to participate in a super controlled environment like that. People like to present their own opinions and thoughts, not just echo and agree with what the O.P. believes. Even if a thread attracts some echoers, it still doesn't last long. Because there's just not much to discuss in such threads. An echo of an echo gets boring quickly.

Moving a thread to politics does not mean it's a bad thread. It just means it got moved to where it belonged. Our mods here do a quite decent job of handling that stuff IMHO.
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You can't talk about prepping for a war without talking about prepping for the politics of it. Because that's what war is. You get into wars because of politics. You get out of wars because of politics. The outcome of wars are political. When you look at maps that show countries (the very entities that get into wars), those type of maps are called "political maps" or "political boundary maps". So starting a thread about war is going to end up in the political section (or should end up there) no matter how you try to direct the thread. Besides, once a thread has been started, the original poster cannot direct it. The only way to do that would be to open a thread, state your opinion, then close the thread to further replies. I have seen threads here and in other forums that start out with a post that tries to tell everyone how they can respond and participate. Those threads rarely make it past a handful of posts before dying, because nobody really wants to participate in a super controlled environment like that. People like to present their own opinions and thoughts, not just echo and agree with what the O.P. believes. Even if a thread attracts some echoers, it still doesn't last long. Because there's just not much to discuss in such threads. An echo of an echo gets boring quickly.

Moving a thread to politics does not mean it's a bad thread. It just means it got moved to where it belonged. Our mods here do a quite decent job of handling that stuff IMHO.

Like being polite at a dinner....

And don't mention the pope or politics.

Just a few comments I feel I need to inject.

1) To post a "conversation" thread, then lock it, is not a conversation. It is a "statement".

2) Working in the back end of this forum, you would be surprised at how many great members are completely turned off with anything political, and have left our forum because of it. Now, is that healthy for a growing forum?

This is why we provide the option to either flip the switch on for politics, or flip the switch off if politics don't appeal to you.
You can't talk about prepping for a war without talking about prepping for the politics of it.
I say that you are WRONG about that.
Here hold both of my beers, while I start a new prepping thread about prepping for WAR.
I say that you are WRONG about that.
Here hold both of my beers, while I start a new prepping thread about prepping for WAR.
Someone much more intelligent than I once said that war is politics at a different level.
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When a society/nation/world is rising, politics is about how to build nations/strength, improve lives, make the world a better place.

When a society is in decline, politics is about blame, hate, desperation and selfishness.

The internet has done many good things for society.....but the contribution it has made to political discussion is not one of those.

Most people are smart enough to know not to talk about politics with a stranger they meet on the street.......that can end badly if it turns out you don't agree.

But the internet allows people to blurt out their beliefs without any real consequences......and indeed to argue much more forcefully than they ever could/would, face to face.

These forums have allowed people to rant and attack in a way that is unhealthy.......making many people develop more and more extreme versions of their own political philosophy. Many people who enjoy that, have been drawn to echo chambers that have memberships that are overwhelmingly from only one side of politics.....and that has also led to people moving out to the extremes.

The above is playing a very significant role in the impending doom of the USA and Western World.

When that sort of discussion is going on in a forum that is meant to be about homesteading or preparedness.....it is ironic that people who post about politics are actually increasing the threats we all face.....and they are distracting people from actually getting prepared.

When people post that they need to understand politics to understand the threats.....my answer would be, do that some where else....and when you get that you need to prepare, come back here and we will tell you how to prepare.

In reality, many of those that post a lot about politics would never come back......because they are all talk and no action......they "are full of IT"

......and as a soldier......most soldiers who do the actual fighting, view politics like this:

I was looking for “cheers” smiley…. that seemed to fit
just messing with ya...but ya never know you might get some beer or cab money from some gal !
Just a few comments I feel I need to inject.

1) To post a "conversation" thread, then lock it, is not a conversation. It is a "statement".

2) Working in the back end of this forum, you would be surprised at how many great members are completely turned off with anything political, and have left our forum because of it. Now, is that healthy for a growing forum?

This is why we provide the option to either flip the switch on for politics, or flip the switch off if politics don't appeal to you.
Everyone has the right to discuss politics or not. I despise politics, I think it is corrupt to the core, no matter which country, it's all about people filling their pockets and while doing so they are fooling the public with smoke and mirrors. I vote, but I usually ignore political discussions and just keep doing (preparing) for what I think is right for me and my loved ones and close friends. I do like to stay somewhat informed, but just enough to know what's going on. To quote Forest Gump "That's all I have to say about that" .
When I started the thread about how close we are to a massive WAR and maybe even Three or Four massive WARS, I just wanted preppers to be aware of what is going on.

It is now in the political section. (or so I have been informed)

I wish there was a way for the person starting a thread to lock that thread.

It is that way with private messaging.
It looks like It's still in off-topic Sourdugh.
Better to err on the side of open discussion than the side of restriction imo, but I understand that threads can easily derail. I think growing up as a girl in the internet era of 4chan made it easy for me to ignore stuff instead of get offended, and I don’t hold anyone’s opinions against them. Just gotta sift around for the stuff that’s useful.
I nearly never open anything here, either. For example, I get the "Yesterday's Forum Activity" emails and wanted to open one titled, "You might want to increase your focus on "BIG WAR" increasing probability" today. It had 14 new posts yesterday. When I clicked the link to open the message, I got an "Oops! We ran into some problems." message saying "You don't have permission to view this page or perform this action". Can't find the message thread by searching, either. This happens often. Why?

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