Illistration of whats included in a picture taken with a smart phone (with GPS off, with GPS on, with information stripped)
With GPS off (image would have been to big so copied to clipboard)
Filename - IMG_3900.JPG
Make - Apple
Model - iPhone 6s Plus
Orientation - Right top
XResolution - 72
YResolution - 72
ResolutionUnit - Inch
Software - 11.3
DateTime - 2018:04:20 17:35:54
YCbCrPositioning - Centered
ExifOffset - 198
ExposureTime - 1/864 seconds
FNumber - 2.20
ExposureProgram - Normal program
ISOSpeedRatings - 25
ExifVersion - 0221
DateTimeOriginal - 2018:04:20 17:35:54
DateTimeDigitized - 2018:04:20 17:35:54
ComponentsConfiguration - YCbCr
ShutterSpeedValue - 1/864 seconds
ApertureValue - F 2.20
BrightnessValue - 9.44
ExposureBiasValue - 0
MeteringMode - Multi-segment
Flash - Flash not fired, compulsory flash mode
FocalLength - 4.15 mm
SubsecTimeOriginal - 766
SubsecTimeDigitized - 766
FlashPixVersion - 0100
ColorSpace - sRGB
ExifImageWidth - 4032
ExifImageHeight - 3024
SensingMethod - One-chip color area sensor
SceneType - Other
ExposureMode - Auto
White Balance - Auto
With GPS on (image would have been to big so copied to clipboard)
Filename - IMG_0570.jpg
Make - Apple
Model - iPhone 3GS
Orientation - Top left
XResolution - 72
YResolution - 72
ResolutionUnit - Inch
Software - 4.3.5
DateTime - 2011:09:11 15:55:05
YCbCrPositioning - Centered
ExifOffset - 206
ExposureTime - 1/778 seconds
FNumber - 2.80
ExposureProgram - Normal program
ISOSpeedRatings - 64
ExifVersion - 0221
DateTimeOriginal - 2011:09:11 15:55:05
DateTimeDigitized - 2011:09:11 15:55:05
ComponentsConfiguration - YCbCr
ShutterSpeedValue - 1/778 seconds
ApertureValue - F 2.80
MeteringMode - Average
Flash - No flash function
FocalLength - 3.85 mm
FlashPixVersion - 0100
ColorSpace - sRGB
ExifImageWidth - 2048
ExifImageHeight - 1536
SensingMethod - One-chip color area sensor
ExposureMode - Auto
White Balance - Auto
SceneCaptureType - Standard
Sharpness - Soft
GPS information: -
GPSLatitudeRef - N
GPSLatitude - 46 23.709999 0 (46.395167)
GPSLongitudeRef - W
GPSLongitude - 124 3.75 0 (124.062500)
GPSAltitudeRef - Sea level
GPSAltitude - 38.49 m
GPSTimeStamp - 22 55 434
GPSImgDirectionRef - True direction
GPSImgDirection - 9.332306
Thumbnail: -
Compression - 6 (JPG)
XResolution - 72
YResolution - 72
ResolutionUnit - Inch
JpegIFOffset - 872
JpegIFByteCount - 8151
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm - 29 mm
SceneCaptureType - Standard
Lens Info - 4.15 4.15 2.20 2.20
Lens Make - Apple
Lens Model - iPhone 6s Plus back camera 4.15mm f/2.2
Maker Note (Vendor): -
Thumbnail: -
Compression - 6 (JPG)
XResolution - 72
YResolution - 72
ResolutionUnit - Inch
JpegIFOffset - 1828
The same information as above that has been stripped (without having to copy to clipboard)
View attachment 8999