IF an EMP Blast occurs "We're 1 act away from social cataclysm"

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Awesome Friend
Jan 13, 2013
Swamps of Louisiana
From an article on World News Daily:

"The annual International Electric Infrastructure Security Summit began Monday with panel discussions on the vulnerability of U.S. power grids to potential threats...."

“We are only one act of madness away from a social cataclysm unlike anything our country has ever known,” said conference moderator Rep. Trent Frank, R-Ariz.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/were-1-act-away-from-social-cataclysm/#mwPuQ2UB2qjOYGUt.99
This to me is a concern. I have no idea what the odds of this happening from either a man-made event or a solar event. I see this being a more likely scenario than a nuclear war happening at this point. If it did happen as a major solar event it would send the entire world back at least 150 years. It would take a decade to rebuild. I hate to think what the first year would be like until people could get a system in place to sustain themselves. At this point I believe there are too many people and not enough resources in this country. The death toll would be pretty high by the time things recovered.
yeah that is very big concern of mine..right along with a economic collapse.if one or both takes place..then those who arent ready for 1 or the other is up a creek..thats why i want the needed hand guns and rifles,right along with the needed ammo.food,water and other things that i'll need to servive..
From an article on World News Daily:

"The annual International Electric Infrastructure Security Summit began Monday with panel discussions on the vulnerability of U.S. power grids to potential threats...."

“We are only one act of madness away from a social cataclysm unlike anything our country has ever known,” said conference moderator Rep. Trent Frank, R-Ariz.

Read more at [URL='http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/were-1-act-away-from-social-cataclysm/#mwPuQ2UB2qjOYGUt.99[/quote']http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/were-1-act-away-from-social-cataclysm/#mwPuQ2UB2qjOYGUt.99[/URL]
Can I jump to another part of the world? Iran, instead of dropping lethal bombs to prevent their build up of neucs, let's do EMP. They'll be back to digging in the sand for water.
From an article on World News Daily:

"The annual International Electric Infrastructure Security Summit began Monday with panel discussions on the vulnerability of U.S. power grids to potential threats...."

“We are only one act of madness away from a social cataclysm unlike anything our country has ever known,” said conference moderator Rep. Trent Frank, R-Ariz.

Read more at [URL='http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/were-1-act-away-from-social-cataclysm/#mwPuQ2UB2qjOYGUt.99[/quote']http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/were-1-act-away-from-social-cataclysm/#mwPuQ2UB2qjOYGUt.99[/URL]
The EMP threat is a question I posed on this site some time back.....my question at that time was regarding North Korea's missle ability. I don't think we have must to fear as far as their ability EXCEPT...they may have just enough umph to get their missle into our atmosphere and cause an EMP event. I worked for a company years ago that spent a ton of time and $$ teaching preparedness classes to all their employees and EMP was a huge topic. We had high level folks teaching some of those courses....interesting and frightening to say the least.

The EMP threat is a question I posed on this site some time back.....my question at that time was regarding North Korea's missle ability. I don't think we have must to fear as far as their ability EXCEPT...they may have just enough umph to get their missle into our atmosphere and cause an EMP event. I worked for a company years ago that spent a ton of time and $$ teaching preparedness classes to all their employees and EMP was a huge topic. We had high level folks teaching some of those courses....interesting and frightening to say the least.

Our cushion of comfort gets smaller every year. It is inevitable that it will end. I mean being comfortable, fat Americans. That's why WE'RE here.
Oh but the real question is what do we do as a society...as people...after it happens and we rebuild? Will we lean from our mistakes, and learn some of the basic survival skills or will we demand that we increase taxes and demand more from our government?
Can I jump to another part of the world? Iran, instead of dropping lethal bombs to prevent their build up of neucs, let's do EMP. They'll be back to digging in the sand for water.
That's what they are doing now. Bombing them doesn't change much for most of their population, they're living the way that they have for hundreds of years.
Oh but the real question is what do we do as a society...as people...after it happens and we rebuild? Will we lean from our mistakes, and learn some of the basic survival skills or will we demand that we increase taxes and demand more from our government?
Kenny, I think you'll see two diverse groups. the ones surviving on there own and those begging the ones surviving. The hell with zombies, these are obombies, democratic voting, dependent on the teat of government fools that now have nothing and no skills by which to survive. Roaming mobs of them looking for more than a warm body to snack on. Be well fortified and have lots of means by which to defend yourself.
Oh but the real question is what do we do as a society...as people...after it happens and we rebuild? Will we lean from our mistakes, and learn some of the basic survival skills or will we demand that we increase taxes and demand more from our government?
This is just my opinion, but if it happens, I can't see the United States returning to what it was pre-event. I see many smaller territories being set up by the people who know what the heck they are doing to keep people alive without modern conveniences. The mighty will surely fall without their doodads and geegaws, puts a smile on my face to think of our wannabe king trying to make his way.
Kenny, I think you'll see two diverse groups. the ones surviving on there own and those begging the ones surviving. The hell with zombies, these are obombies, democratic voting, dependent on the teat of government fools that now have nothing and no skills by which to survive. Roaming mobs of them looking for more than a warm body to snack on. Be well fortified and have lots of means by which to defend yourself.
It is going to be ugly, be ready.
Well imagine if the EMP blast only hit the US, Canada, and Mexico. Our fleets out at sea will still be operational, but then they would be called back to defend our shores. Our troops stationed over seas will slowly be drawn back home, and then the rest of the world will fall into chaos. Oooh the big bad evil empire who takes over all the lands will be laid low and humbled, but then all the regional powers will rise and beat the tar out of each other for land and resources. It will be a hell of a fight to remain one nation, but I think it can be done. Lots of urban centers will suffer high casualty rates due to starvation, lack of medicine, and general break down in hygiene. The rural areas will be hit very hard due to fuel shortages, lack of prescription medicine, and sudden need to shift their farming practices from mono-crops based on Monsanto's edicts to a more balanced approach.

It would be hard to keep our fleets up and running for a duration of more than two years after the EMP hit as enlist contracts expire, mechanical replacement parts get depleted, and our strategic reserves of oil go down the drain. Can military order and discipline be maintained during all this? Then after that will the vultures come and invade or will we still have enough teeth to fend them off? Will the U.N. offer their hand in assistence and come to "help"? So many bad things can go wrong. Going to buy one of them books, "Nation Forsaken" and read about it I guess.
all good points and questions. enlistments can be extended, draft reinstated, martial law and the big o will try to be king. to many variables that gives me a headache. All i know is that a person needs to be ready for all they can think of plus some
You got that right baby. not only do we have to worry about a world full of nutjobs but natural events that can set us back 100 years with minimal warning. You would have to be crazy not to be prepared in some form and they call us nuts
So many of my old co-workers would tease me, calling me Laura Ingalls and asking if I was doing alright pioneering. You know, I'd just smile and share whatever I'd brought in that day and be secure in the knowledge that I would be able to take care of myself and my own. They'll think Laura Ingalls at some point and wonder why they never found out where I live.
Well imagine if the EMP blast only hit the US, Canada, and Mexico. Our fleets out at sea will still be operational, but then they would be called back to defend our shores. Our troops stationed over seas will slowly be drawn back home, and then the rest of the world will fall into chaos. Oooh the big bad evil empire who takes over all the lands will be laid low and humbled, but then all the regional powers will rise and beat the tar out of each other for land and resources. It will be a hell of a fight to remain one nation, but I think it can be done. Lots of urban centers will suffer high casualty rates due to starvation, lack of medicine, and general break down in hygiene. The rural areas will be hit very hard due to fuel shortages, lack of prescription medicine, and sudden need to shift their farming practices from mono-crops based on Monsanto's edicts to a more balanced approach.

It would be hard to keep our fleets up and running for a duration of more than two years after the EMP hit as enlist contracts expire, mechanical replacement parts get depleted, and our strategic reserves of oil go down the drain. Can military order and discipline be maintained during all this? Then after that will the vultures come and invade or will we still have enough teeth to fend them off? Will the U.N. offer their hand in assistence and come to "help"? So many bad things can go wrong. Going to buy one of them books, "Nation Forsaken" and read about it I guess.

This is how I see it happening when the individual territories finally get set up, yes, the US may rise again, but I don't know that it will be as it is now. I think the individual territories will find that they have more power in what goes on than what our state governments have now. For instance, although the coal industry is heavily mechanized it can be done the old fashioned way and that will give the coal country bargaining leverage. If say, Iowa doesn't want to play nice with hog trading, then they are going to get mighty cold until they accept the coal country's offer; just as the coal country would get a little thinner if the meat producers didn't want to make nice.

I'm not sure if this is making sense as I'm typing. I'm having trouble getting my thoughts down well enough to make sense. Power will be held by the working man again and not some soft-handed eunuch would-be king.
exactly the ones with the most valued items will have the run of the u.s.but then again..thier gonna need the well needed protection weapons ammo and every thing else needed just to keep it...
Would you call me crazy if I say I look forward to the collaspe? On a daily basis my wife Debbie and I talk about how unfullfilling our lives are now. How the world has taken away self worth and replaced it with gratification. She cried today about how much wealth there is in the world and how much poverty and suffering at the same time. We all know that there is enough wealth in this world that there is no reason that one person should have to go to bed hungry.
I really dislike what Amercia has become when you have everybody selling something to everybody else. Mechanics, dentists, doctors and preachers are all salesmen now. I should be ashamed in the fact that I wish it could all go back to The Waltons' days. However, I think that we will go way beyond that if the country collaspes but I still hope that integrity will replace greed somewhere down the line. I have to add that I know there are many, many good folks out there who continue to give but it just seems that the mainstream is only in it for themselves. Give me a day where I can wake up and go out to milk the cow and feed the chickens instead of melding into the commuter rush, putting on my plastic face and wishing my life away one day at a time. Living for weekends then after, the retirement that average people will nevery have.
I guess this is why I am a Prepper. There are no guarantees in life anymore not in money nor your trusted leaders. My old Irish grandma told me one day when I was a kid and said, "I wish
I had this,"...wish in one hand and sh#t in another and see which one gets filled up first. I love that woman, she did not coddle me, she educated me about life. I am ready for the collaspe.
Well imagine if the EMP blast only hit the US, Canada, and Mexico. Our fleets out at sea will still be operational, but then they would be called back to defend our shores. Our troops stationed over seas will slowly be drawn back home, and then the rest of the world will fall into chaos. Oooh the big bad evil empire who takes over all the lands will be laid low and humbled, but then all the regional powers will rise and beat the tar out of each other for land and resources. It will be a hell of a fight to remain one nation, but I think it can be done. Lots of urban centers will suffer high casualty rates due to starvation, lack of medicine, and general break down in hygiene. The rural areas will be hit very hard due to fuel shortages, lack of prescription medicine, and sudden need to shift their farming practices from mono-crops based on Monsanto's edicts to a more balanced approach.

It would be hard to keep our fleets up and running for a duration of more than two years after the EMP hit as enlist contracts expire, mechanical replacement parts get depleted, and our strategic reserves of oil go down the drain. Can military order and discipline be maintained during all this? Then after that will the vultures come and invade or will we still have enough teeth to fend them off? Will the U.N. offer their hand in assistence and come to "help"? So many bad things can go wrong. Going to buy one of them books, "Nation Forsaken" and read about it I guess.
I love this thought, America running amok.
In a lot of ways I agree with you Uncle Albert. People need to take a step back and re-evaluate their lives and the lives of their families. Seems to me that people would get into a lot less mischief and heart ache if they had more things to do with idle hands and idle minds.
In a lot of ways I agree with you Uncle Albert. People need to take a step back and re-evaluate their lives and the lives of their families. Seems to me that people would get into a lot less mischief and heart ache if they had more things to do with idle hands and idle minds.
EMP is not as bad as it seems, sure people are going to die, sure it will be chaos sure a lot of bad things will occur but aside from being thrown back to the dark ages, with economic dilemas, things would roll back online. The entire planet getting hit is largely unlikely. A much worse scenario is a magnetic polar alignment reversal and shifting of the planets axis.

Tons of critical infrastructure is sheilded. I think if anything a collapse of the grid would just lead to less dependence on the grid. In generally there are only a handful of sites that need electricity.

Now try living without internet for a month and you can compare that feeling to living without electricity for a month. You get use to it. Its just a luxury after that cooling off period and the initial mathusian adjustment everything will be ok should S not HTF.

Of course protecting important stuff in a sheilded area might be good, just don't expect to be using it, and if you pull out your gear, generator etc.. expect it may be commandeered by the military for essential uses. I'm not 100% the gov would expropriate all generators for communal purposees if people didn't volunteer them. I'm guessing unemployment would go down. Commodity prices would go UP and public debt would sky rocket.

Sure its a problem as long as nuclear facilities could be safety shut down all would be survivable, the envrionment might even improve, the air be a little cleaner. Its like earthday for a couple years.

There are too many people anyway. It sucks but it happens.

Oh but unlikely, everything in moderation.

Just don't depend on electricity for yoursurival, only those that do will.. now of course I wouldn't be typing this right now, I might even be meditating before bed if I had no electricity.

We use it because we can, not because we need to.

It is a luxury. Only industry of specific types needs electricity, there are ways of preserving foods without need for refrigeration, natives lived on the land, our roducts just make life easier, look at your BOB or your BOS that is what you need to live, everything else is "extra" a "Bonus" once things calm down they will just put it back in because it keeps people occupied and dependent.

It would be a liberation, people might start to be real again, instead of a result of mass media control and mega corporations control of what is acceptable engagement.

It would suck but only people medically dependent would be effected. Everyone else would go home to actually become self sufficient... but of course it would get very very very socialist police state like. Electricity would be rationed and for only the wealthy for a while. Only essential uses. such as medical, sanitation, critical infrastructure,

people would go offgrid and offgrid product availability would sky rocket, from non effected areas. We wouldn't have power companies, we'd have power product companies. That would be massively liberating. It only took 100 years to ramp up the electrical infrastructure from scratch it would take a fraction of that time to fix the grids, and distribution.
It would be far worse than anyone could imagine, even if all crucial infrastructure was shield, most major cities only have 3 days worth of food. Imagine Katerina but in all major cities. After three days when no more food arrives it will be medieval and barbaric.

Think of all the meat plants that won't be online, and even if they get online all the computer record systems of debit and credit will be hosed. People would need to write down who owes what, but we all know people are creatures of habit and would be adverse to change. Meat plants would grind to a halt, and how would they keep it all cold and transport it? All the shrink wrap stereofoam machines will be down. All the JIT (just in time) inventory systems would be trashed.

I never thought anyone would die of thirst in America, but that happen in New Orleans, all because people were too dumb to break rules and crappy protocols. Why on earth would anyone ever, ever turn away Wal-mart trucks full of free water when people are dying of thirst is beyond me. I would say, please dump it here, make an impromptu supply cache and we'll make sure it gets to the right people.

How long can police and fire fighters maintain order? Sure some of their comms will be up but there will be mass confusion and civilians would have a hard time contacting them. Highways jammed full of knocked out cars would take ages to unclog. People were eating rotten food out of dumpsters two days after Hurricane Sandy in lower Manhattan. The supermarkets were dumping out trashed frozen dinners and meat, and the Manhattanites without refridgeration ate it with gusto. So many Manhattanites with a kitchen don't use it, they rely on take out food from restaurants. If it doesn't come from a box or can, and requires more than three steps they are screwed!

Say all the Fortune 500 companies have everything EMP shielded, but what about all the mid-sized companies with no paper records or mom and pop shops? It might sound like a good thing to go back to the land, but lots of people invested years,and years of hard work in a company to make a comfortable living only to have it all taken away in and instant.

Yeah, I am moving away to a less densely populated area where I can be more self sufficient, but I am under no illusion should things get switched off most of my friends and family won't make it, or might get hurt.
Kenny I feel for you, I do and I hope that you are out of there when and if something like this occurs. I cannot fathom a lifestyle like the one you mentioned, of having a kitchen and never using it. I had a friend like that who lived in Philadelphia and for her, my lifestyle was alien and unfriendly. She came out to visit once, planned to stay a week and left 4 days early because it was 'too quiet' and 'hard'. I felt bad that she left, but I know that I would not be able to visit her and be comfortable. Just too many people who are too close together.
EMP is not as bad as it seems, sure people are going to die, sure it will be chaos sure a lot of bad things will occur but aside from being thrown back to the dark ages, with economic dilemas, things would roll back online. The entire planet getting hit is largely unlikely. A much worse scenario is a magnetic polar alignment reversal and shifting of the planets axis.

Tons of critical infrastructure is sheilded. I think if anything a collapse of the grid would just lead to less dependence on the grid. In generally there are only a handful of sites that need electricity.

Now try living without internet for a month and you can compare that feeling to living without electricity for a month. You get use to it. Its just a luxury after that cooling off period and the initial mathusian adjustment everything will be ok should S not HTF.

Of course protecting important stuff in a sheilded area might be good, just don't expect to be using it, and if you pull out your gear, generator etc.. expect it may be commandeered by the military for essential uses. I'm not 100% the gov would expropriate all generators for communal purposees if people didn't volunteer them. I'm guessing unemployment would go down. Commodity prices would go UP and public debt would sky rocket.

Sure its a problem as long as nuclear facilities could be safety shut down all would be survivable, the envrionment might even improve, the air be a little cleaner. Its like earthday for a couple years.

There are too many people anyway. It sucks but it happens.
I'd like to reply to your idea about a shift in the polar axis, or magnetic fields. I brought this up in a discussion as a possibility of what might have actually caused the extention of the dinosaurs. But I've been told that scientists have ruled this out. I'd like to know how if they shifted back?

Oh but unlikely, everything in moderation.

Just don't depend on electricity for yoursurival, only those that do will.. now of course I wouldn't be typing this right now, I might even be meditating before bed if I had no electricity.

We use it because we can, not because we need to.

It is a luxury. Only industry of specific types needs electricity, there are ways of preserving foods without need for refrigeration, natives lived on the land, our roducts just make life easier, look at your BOB or your BOS that is what you need to live, everything else is "extra" a "Bonus" once things calm down they will just put it back in because it keeps people occupied and dependent.

It would be a liberation, people might start to be real again, instead of a result of mass media control and mega corporations control of what is acceptable engagement.

It would suck but only people medically dependent would be effected. Everyone else would go home to actually become self sufficient... but of course it would get very very very socialist police state like. Electricity would be rationed and for only the wealthy for a while. Only essential uses. such as medical, sanitation, critical infrastructure,

people would go offgrid and offgrid product availability would sky rocket, from non effected areas. We wouldn't have power companies, we'd have power product companies. That would be massively liberating. It only took 100 years to ramp up the electrical infrastructure from scratch it would take a fraction of that time to fix the grids, and distribution.
It would be far worse than anyone could imagine, even if all crucial infrastructure was shield, most major cities only have 3 days worth of food.

There are many untapped food sources such as peoples lawns, trees, animals. People also have "personal supplies of food" not everyone lives day to day, some people have weeks or more of food, also there are stockpiles of food. There are a lot of fat people in America also they can live for weeks or months without sizable food. Sure it ain't going to be nice but cities would actually INCREASE their food resources as a result and while there would be hardship people who stayed calm and organized should be able to in an orderly manner plant up short growth food crops. Dandelions are plentiful in most urban areas, and food is shipped in anyway. Think Dutch Famine 1944. The hysteria would likely exagerate the situation, and there would be a lot of potential chaos, but lets get serious they locked down Boston, they can lock down most any other major city in the US, and people will be looking to the government to "save them".

it will be medieval and barbaric.
The military, national gaurd, DHS etc. will lock down America, if required COOG operations will come into effect, and people will leave if there is no food locally. Its pretty simple. Lots of people will try to travel to unaffected areas You don't need electricity to store food You need gas or diesel to deliver it. Critial infrastructure will be a priority to put back online. Issues like data tracking will be issued, due to electronic logistics systems being effected, however, I think that in rough times people come together greater than ever. Sure preppers will be advantaged with having way less hardship than others, however overall damage will not be able to greatly eat into population or resource. Electronics go to the dump day in and day out. Its the manufacturing and resource points that matter. It will hurt the economy no doubt, it will cause problems, and it will be devestating but if areas that are critical infrastructure, and dangerous substances, mostly nuclear material facilities, CDC center in Atlanta and other labs etc.. get safely managed, it should be fine. What would make the problem, DOOMSDAY, is if nuclear facilities couldn't shut themselves off because they relied on grid power to do so and the grid was fried, or the safety systems got fried, or US nuclear or other countries nuclear weapons were activated by the pulse, or CDC safegaurds failed and samples were some how made active by terrorists or madmen. All in all sure people will die, but it won't be immediate, people die in accidents all the time. Overall the benefit to society will create a beneficial outcome as although it will be hard times for a bit it provides a chance to reassess industrial, social and technological planning as potentially there is room to break from the past and introduce newer more efficient systems that were not possible due to the ease of utilizing prior infrastructure.

Think of all the meat plants that won't be online, and even if they get online all the computer record systems of debit and credit will be hosed. People would need to write down who owes what, but we all know people are creatures of habit and would be adverse to change. Meat plants would grind to a halt, and how would they keep it all cold and transport it? All the shrink wrap stereofoam machines will be down. All the JIT (just in time) inventory systems would be trashed.

On the contrary I think that food plants will be ordered by executive order to operate and the absolutely needed electricity will be supplied by generators. The government won't just stop there are Continuity of Government plans in existence even in event of the destruction of congress and the president.

I wouldn't be suprised if people congregate to meat plants. Meat doesn't go bad immediately. You expect salt to be shipped there almost immediately for anything that can't be used, or for it to be preserved in fat from the animals which is an older way of preserving food. Making things like pemmican. There is natural preserveation process. What might be much more grissly is electric milking machines going bad since diary cows have to be milked, so I think you will have people enlisted to milk cows very quickly, but hey they'd probably get their fill of milk, of course pasturizers etc.. might be out of order meaning back to whole milk. Milk can also be turned into cheese etc.. Food safety monitoring may be reduced greatly though but standards are pretty high anyway, sure some people may get sick but few people die from bad food, and well its better than starving, it is food insecurity.

I never thought anyone would die of thirst in America, but that happen in New Orleans, all because people were too dumb to break rules and crappy protocols. Why on earth would anyone ever, ever turn away Wal-mart trucks full of free water when people are dying of thirst is beyond me. I would say, please dump it here, make an impromptu supply cache and we'll make sure it gets to the right people.
Yeah a lot of water insecurity can be solved by getting a good water filter. Water is a major problem but I would suspect pump stations would be a priority to repair and power.

How long can police and fire fighters maintain order? Sure some of their comms will be up but there will be mass confusion and civilians would have a hard time contacting them. Highways jammed full of knocked out cars would take ages to unclog. People were eating rotten food out of dumpsters two days after Hurricane Sandy in lower Manhattan. The supermarkets were dumping out trashed frozen dinners and meat, and the Manhattanites without refridgeration ate it with gusto. So many Manhattanites with a kitchen don't use it, they rely on take out food from restaurants. If it doesn't come from a box or can, and requires more than three steps they are screwed!
There is no doubt that every state effected will have the national gaurd called up, as well as potential some military but military will mostly be to suppliment DHS in gaurding federal buildings, or critical and strategic infrastructure. There might even be a draft, since the draft itself being invoked might be able to instill more general order and keep the unemployed, example drafting the unemployed, will remove people that will be effected and most likely to be zombies. Those that don't follow the draft will likely be scrutinized more heavily but the vast majority would be able to be targets for monitoring.

Now the US govt. can't pay for it but people without money work and a failure of social security will likely work for food anyway... and there will be a lot of work in getting important infrastructure back on line. People with money will definately bank out as the value will be dropping massively anyway.. they would invest very quickly their cash supplies. The market would also be massively swung, the fact electronic trading might be stopped would bring it to a halt, oh but it'd probably be shut down anyway.

Say all the Fortune 500 companies have everything EMP shielded, but what about all the mid-sized companies with no paper records or mom and pop shops? It might sound like a good thing to go back to the land, but lots of people invested years,and years of hard work in a company to make a comfortable living only to have it all taken away in and instant.

Yeah, I am moving away to a less densely populated area where I can be more self sufficient, but I am under no illusion should things get switched off most of my friends and family won't make it, or might get hurt.

Well I think there will be those who try to take advantage of it, but many of those people will get killed.. the ones who riot under martial law, or try to loot during massive duress without police being able to not have people killed during peace time will be the first to get shot. So the rioting threat may happen, but it should thin out.

There are a lot of what ifs but martial law will happen very quickly and continuity of government put into effect if required much like what happened in 911 but only way more activity.

I really like rural living. No complaints with that. The threat really can't be ignored especially for the critical infrastructure, you can't look in terms of cost when you have BP horizon level damage over and over again possible, the legislation needs to exist to force companies to be prepared for disasters if they represent a regional threat to environmental or public safety as a result of failure of their electricity or secondary resources that rely on electricity.
I disagree, the transportation system into and out of cities will be congested for miles, the city streets will be congested for miles. Just a few real world examples, two years ago people bitch and complained about the Bloomberg our mayor doing and awful job during a blizzard. A select few neighborhoods banded together to shovel their own snow, most just sat there. It won't just be NYC that will be congest and shut down, but every place. So getting the meat to the meat plant will be hard. Plus you can put all your resources into the meat plant, but then styrofoam will run out, and then plastic wrap. You can confiscate from suppliers, but for how long?


New York City, 8.3 million people, Central Park and it's dandelions won't last long, in fact Central Park will be hit like a swarm of locust.

People migrate out of New York City? Remember hurricane Katrina? Yeah, national guard members penned the populace into the cities with guns telling them to back off at the bridges when people tried to get out. They were screaming that people across the bridge in the suburbs had water and food! The government said yes, but they didn't want a panic and them to loot everything. So migration out of the city, good luck if they control the major bridges and tunnels.

We are just talking about NYC, 2.25 million active + reserve military to spread around the country, and this is including all the pencil pushers. That is if everyone gets the call, and answers it. DHS and FEMA have enough to police the rest? I really don't think so, local police will be on their own for most parts. Just like Katerina, every community that was not New Orleans had to fend for themselves, and many of them did well from what I hear. Another real world example is the fall of Baghdad where the military was just there to protect major government buildings where everything else just burned and got looted.

I was pretty angry during Katerina, I was in the 101st airborne division. I was like "I am here, send me, we have an entire division that is airmobile that can help right now." Then I remembered damn... I forgot all the stupid paperwork I need to fill out just to get my Humvee out of the motorpool. This society isn't 1944, things are back ass retarded. I love the story about how there was a major earthquake or fire in San Francisco in like 1860 or something like that. A general looking out his window from his Ft. realized something was wrong, in the dead of night mustered his entire unit and had them march out to help without orders. Within three days by railroad, every surplus tent was delivered to that city. I doubt we could do that today. I don't think we have the initiative to do it today. Too many layers and not enough initiative.

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