Too many layers and not enough initiative.
Ain't that the damned truth.
Ain't that the damned truth.
getting the meat to the meat plant will be hard.
Man, you really got into that. When I first read this I didn't have time to follow it all the way through. Yes, dependent people will die by the millions. Being an old fool like I am, I'm looking at a much softer generation than I was brought up in. A dependent generation. The sad part is no one wants to listen to outdated family "Who live in the past". But that's all right, I'll be there when they need me. And I'll continue to educate myself on what it will take to survive.It would be far worse than anyone could imagine, even if all crucial infrastructure was shield, most major cities only have 3 days worth of food. Imagine Katerina but in all major cities. After three days when no more food arrives it will be medieval and barbaric.
Think of all the meat plants that won't be online, and even if they get online all the computer record systems of debit and credit will be hosed. People would need to write down who owes what, but we all know people are creatures of habit and would be adverse to change. Meat plants would grind to a halt, and how would they keep it all cold and transport it? All the shrink wrap stereofoam machines will be down. All the JIT (just in time) inventory systems would be trashed.
I never thought anyone would die of thirst in America, but that happen in New Orleans, all because people were too dumb to break rules and crappy protocols. Why on earth would anyone ever, ever turn away Wal-mart trucks full of free water when people are dying of thirst is beyond me. I would say, please dump it here, make an impromptu supply cache and we'll make sure it gets to the right people.
How long can police and fire fighters maintain order? Sure some of their comms will be up but there will be mass confusion and civilians would have a hard time contacting them. Highways jammed full of knocked out cars would take ages to unclog. People were eating rotten food out of dumpsters two days after Hurricane Sandy in lower Manhattan. The supermarkets were dumping out trashed frozen dinners and meat, and the Manhattanites without refridgeration ate it with gusto. So many Manhattanites with a kitchen don't use it, they rely on take out food from restaurants. If it doesn't come from a box or can, and requires more than three steps they are screwed!
Say all the Fortune 500 companies have everything EMP shielded, but what about all the mid-sized companies with no paper records or mom and pop shops? It might sound like a good thing to go back to the land, but lots of people invested years,and years of hard work in a company to make a comfortable living only to have it all taken away in and instant.
Yeah, I am moving away to a less densely populated area where I can be more self sufficient, but I am under no illusion should things get switched off most of my friends and family won't make it, or might get hurt.
Thank you for this reply. Opens the mind up and I'm going to try to get a look at that book. Personally, I plan on being one of the few left standing. I've got some knowledge and some grit left. Also a whole lot of compassion for my fellow man. If I don't make it, it's because I took in too many people who weren't prepared. My children in Calif. for instance are very successful professionals but if I asked them to feed the chickens they wouldn't know how to do it.A country wide EMP would be one of the worst scenarios I could imagine.Worse than getting nuked.I believe the death toll would be well past 50% with the elderly and medically dependents being the first major wave.The second wave would be the weak and unprepared along with those who are killed by roving unorganized looters taking by force.Third would be when medications run out and disease sets in from the unburied and sanitation.By then,anyone left will be the ones to deal with the leftovers.
The forest would be picked clean by then,the stores shelves wiped out,and the waters would be fished out (thats if waters are even clean enough to support life).The big power companies only have so many replacement transformers and so many miles of wire that would only go to the only the most critical areas needed,and it would take years to manufacture these needed supplies.But then,who's gonna fix it or manufacture?People are not going to go to work when they have to stick around the home protecting their families,looking for food/or protecting it,getting clean water,etc,etc just to survive the day.
Katrina set a fine example with many of the police leaving their duty,gangs chasing cops away and i'll never forget the pic of the looter in chest high water wading along with a big screen tv held over his head still new in the box.Why would we think any different of our military?If we are in a nation wide meltdown of society,many,many would leave their post to be with their families.I lay little hope on the guv coming to save us from ourselves as they will be in the same boat we are.Even if they have EMP hardened equipment and vehicles,they will still be running on borrowed time as fuels and parts run out.
I often hear people say "an EMP will knock us back 150/200 years" but I fear it will be much farther back then that,more like the stone ages.Folks 150 years ago,life as it was,was all they knew and they had basic man powered ways of farming and manufacturing that today's lax society couldn't master,they were starting to discover modern medicines while we'll be losing ours (don't forget,the toughest Marine can die from an infected ingrown toenail without our modern meds).These people lived off of what they needed,they worked hard and it worked,today however,most live off of wants and luxuries or ride the system and that alone would set us back farther than 150 years.Many that survive would just be blood thirsty animals compared to the folks they once were.
Not sure if it's been mentioned,but for a good read on how life "could" be after an EMP,check out the book "One second after"