IF it was "FREE" would you look into the crystal ball at the future.....??? Go ahead......take a peek.

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Anyone ever read how many Chinese labors died building the Hoover Damn. They did it "NOT" for any love of America, but so as to be able to send money back home to family in China.
I don't know what all the fuss is about...
They are putting the migrants to work so they don't live off of the public dole.
That's a big win in my book. :thumbs:
Of course the migrants are paid in cash, because they don't have SSN's.
The company transporting them back and forth to work get a cut of their pay for the service they provide.
The migrants can't legally own a car and register it.
As far as them trying to pin the 'human trafficking' label on them, I could point to any school bus and say the same thing. :rolleyes:
Did you notice that nobody was charged with a crime? :oops:
The only crime committed, was the govt hearing about a big million-dollar pile of cash, and going in and stealing it. :mad:
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