There is really no reason for the midwest to starve in a nation wide disaster, with even the smallest amount of preparation by our state and county governments. Farmers produced 12 billion bushels of corn in 2018. Grain bins will once again be bulging full of grain in every little town in the midwest, and a large amount of that grain remains in those bins right up to the next fall harvest. It does not spoil, or get infested with bugs or rodents. Giants in the grain processing industry are in every city where corn fields surround the city. They have enormous capacity to grind grain into edible flour, and most specialize in processing corn, if they have the electricity to do so. Electricity can be provided by a large diesel genset, which could be brought in and hooked up by the National Gaurd. All of these have enormous grain bins on site. I am sure they don't just sit there empty, or they would not have built them. Giants like Pillsbury, Cargill, ADM, Purina, and Budweiser, to name just a few, are within a couple hours drive from me. Caterpillar and Cummins produce gensets that could easily run the grinders at these industries, they fit on any semi-tractor trailer flat bed. Sure, distribution is another problem, but what else would take priority than saving millions of lives? Yes, I know this won't ever be planned. It is a shame, as it really is some bureaucrats job to plan for these things. All the pieces are there to make it work, if it were planned and drilled ahead of time.
So why do I want to save all these people? If most of the population dies, Red China will be moving in within six months. Our armed forces have to eat also, to stay operational. The wise old preppers won't be able to hide more than a year, at best. Then it is off to the internment camp. I don't think most preppers would sign up to join the Communist party.
So why do I want to save all these people? If most of the population dies, Red China will be moving in within six months. Our armed forces have to eat also, to stay operational. The wise old preppers won't be able to hide more than a year, at best. Then it is off to the internment camp. I don't think most preppers would sign up to join the Communist party.