If you could never walk in your house again, how would you fare?

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 4, 2017
For whatever reason (I'll use fire as an example), if you could never enter your house nor get anything out of it EVER again (and let's include any vehicles in either an attached garage or within 50' of the house), how would you do?

I'd lose a lot but would do OK. I have places I could move into immediately that are furnished and have provisions.
I have vehicles away from that proximity.
I keep off-site digital storage of any important paperwork.
I have a cache of "defensive" items. ;)
It would be really hard to deal with, but we would be OK. My important papers are in a fire proof safe. We have a camper and extra vehiles that we would utilize if we had to. I always keep the camper stocked with clothes and the bed is always made and ready for use. I would lose some things that would be irreplaceable and would make me so sad......but life goes on.
Honestly, I would exist but mentally I'd be crushed. We would be starting over & I'm to old to even think about that. Our house is about a third of our worth, the contents are a bit more than a third & we worked hard & lean to get all of it free & clear. Sure our income & retirement accounts would still be there but we just wouldn't live long enough to amass even close to what we have. Wow, what a great question to get a person to thinking.

I was just thinking about nothing but the house. First off, it really suits us. We like everything about it, large & certainly not fancy. And we love our neighborhood. Heck, a lot where we live would probably cost us about 40% more than we paid for our lot & house. Man, that's a scary thought.
the shop tigers would have a room mate, can I swap which truck is parked within' 50 feet No body would have known if you didn't ask the question fool. :confused2:
We'd live next door in the guest cabin and start over. We did it 20 years ago and could do it again.
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