The reason I went with autoforwarding for the account above, is because that email account is a "shopping" account that my wife and I share. Any time we buy something that could lead to sharing of the email address and spamming, we use this shopping email address. But that means that we both have to deal with each others shopping mess, which is not always desirable. There is stuff that I would filter into spam that she wouldn't, and vica versa. So she maintains the main shopping email account. It is set up to forward a copy of all incoming emails to my (separate) shopping email account. I set filters on my (separate) email account to filter out her junk. She sets filters on our main/shared shopping account to filter out my junk. This works, because the copy that is forwarded to me happens BEFORE her filters take affect. For the emails that we both want to see, either of us can delete our copy and the other still has access to their copy, until they delete it themselves. If were were both logging into the same main email account, optionally with a "common inbox" set up on each of our computers, if one of us deleted an email then it would be deleted from both of our views. Which is what we wanted to avoid for this particular account. Some emails we both want to see.