If you think US inflation is bad...

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2022
Be glad you aren't living in Argentina...(Which, BTW is the 8th largest beef exporter in the world)

Argentina to Hike Interest Rates to 75% as Inflation Nears 100%​

(Bloomberg) -- Argentina’s central bank raised its benchmark interest rate Thursday in a bid to prop up its currency and curb inflation nearing 100%.

"The central bank boosted its benchmark Leliq rate by 5.5 percentage points to 75%, according to an emailed statement. The move comes a day after data showed consumer prices jumped nearly 79% a year in August, the fastest pace in 30 years. It was the bank’s ninth rate hike this year.....Economists surveyed by the central bank forecast inflation will accelerate to 95% by the end of the year."

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Grazing over this thread , this is what is coming to stores across the planet as the idiots in charge strive to save the planet from their buggy man " climate change " . What comes first Nuclear Armagedón or financial collapse ? Either way " the day of the prepper " is here . Buckle up and hang on this is going to get interesting for the prepared and disastrous for the unprepared .

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