Point of the article from the link Top provided above:
The point is that in a political and cultural environment that is increasingly hostile to the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners, telling
anyone outside your immediate family that you are armed is a risk.
It’s a risk because that information will go on your medical record and if they don’t already, the feds will soon have access to all your medical records.
And it’s only a small step until one day when liberals control all the levers of government and can impose mandatory gun registration or
And you’d better believe they’ll use all resources available to them to find out who owns the guns so you may be disarmed.
Quickly and
without incident.
So what do you do when your doctor asks if you have a gun in the home? Jazz Shaw, writing for Hot Air,
has a good idea:
Don’t tell them you
do have a gun,
because that instantly becomes part of your medical record.
Don’t waffle, or tell the doctor you’re “uncomfortable” answering the question,
because they very well may notate that too.
Right through your teeth. “Why no, doc, I don’t have any guns in the home at all!”
It’s none of anybody’s business anyway.
By the way, that question never was on the questionnaire I filled out. But I’ll be ready next time.