"INFLATION"........Likely the most "probable" SHTF.

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
The more interesting few sentences in this article.

"John Williams of shadowstats.com has done just that. According to Williams, if inflation was still calculated the same way it was back in 1990, we would be at about 9 percent at this moment.
And if inflation was still calculated the same way it was back in 1980, we would be way into double digits right now".
I Feel Like I Am Living In Crazytown (theeconomiccollapseblog.com)
Crazytown, yes.
Many of us have played 'the inflation game' before.
Is it SHTF? No.
A problem? Yes.
Do not sell short our economic system of supply and demand.
If prices go thru the roof, demand takes a nose-dive, and competition becomes fierce.
Like the insane run-up in plywood prices.
Almost none of it sold and prices are now about half what it once was.
The system eventually corrects itself.
Will we ever see chicken leg quarters for 19¢ per pound again?
Probably not for a long while.
Is hyperinflation going to send us back to the 1960's?
Do you currently and for the balance of your life live on a small fixed income.......??? I get $739.00 a month social security. I live fine now on that, and maintain a substantial buffer of food and clothing, and pretty much everything I expect to need. However........I am very aware that at 20% or 30% yearly inflation that $739.00 could rapidly erode to $298.00 or even "ZERO".

Also remember that Inflation will drive many more to Government Welfare, which will also accelerate the financial stress on the States and Federal Governments and those paying taxes.

Crazytown, yes.
Many of us have played 'the inflation game' before.
Is it SHTF? No.
A problem? Yes.
Do not sell short our economic system of supply and demand.
If prices go thru the roof, demand takes a nose-dive, and competition becomes fierce.
Like the insane run-up in plywood prices.
Almost none of it sold and prices are now about half what it once was.
The system eventually corrects itself.
Will we ever see chicken leg quarters for 19¢ per pound again?
Probably not for a long while.
Is hyperinflation going to send us back to the 1960's?
And the insane laws being proposed, like the one where we'd all pay a tax for how many miles we drive. So how would that work for truckers bringing food to the stores. Tyson already said that chicken prices will and are soaring. I remember inflation in past years, but this is going towards collapse. Why the change? More welfare, some people not allowed to work last year, and now some being paid more to not work. More printing of money which devalues our dollar's worth and therefore creates an inflation mess. It's more serious now.
And the insane laws being proposed, like the one where we'd all pay a tax for how many miles we drive. So how would that work for truckers bringing food to the stores.

Trucks are already charged a highway usage tax, over and above anything else on the road, in every state they travel though all year based on road usage vs fuel purchases.

It's a delicate balance toward the end of the year for some operators in preparation for tax time. They have to try and buy fuel in states they are off balance with, so they are paying fuel tax vs mileage.

If they were to combine the two, we will pay for it at the store.
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Oil is up to $107 per barrel today. We're just now starting to see inflation, and tax increases. Anytime the price of fuel goes some idiot politicians want to raise gas taxes too. The stock markets are down a couple thousand points over the last couple of weeks.
Hang on, we ain't seen nothing yet; higher prices on everything, pensions and investments losing value, shortages and possibly of a war. As if fuel wasn't high enough there are scumbags in DC, dems and repubics, that want to stop importing oil from Russia. That will take almost 600,000 barrels per DAY out of our supply. Expect to see fuel, electric, NG and propane to double within the next few months. Along with everything else.
Thanks Biden voters. Are you happy now?
It is going to get awful/horrific/painful/bewildering/nerve-racking/confusing/terrifying.......then after that it will start to get bad.

Really........we are just entering the "Fourth Turning" figure on 20 to 30 years of nightmare rapid-fire constant hell. We are (actually you are) going to endure (or most likely "FAIL") conditions where-in many will self-abort. The sooner you come to grips with "The Fourth Turning Reality" the sooner you can start to position yourself and loved ones, for survival.
As if fuel wasn't high enough there are scumbags in DC, dems and repubics, that want to stop importing oil from Russia. That will take almost 600,000 barrels per DAY out of our supply.

The only reason we are importing so much again is because Mr Magoo reversed everything Trump had rolling.

We were down to 11,000 a day for quite a stretch.
Oil is up to $107 per barrel today. We're just now starting to see inflation, and tax increases. Anytime the price of fuel goes some idiot politicians want to raise gas taxes too. The stock markets are down a couple thousand points over the last couple of weeks.
Hang on, we ain't seen nothing yet; higher prices on everything, pensions and investments losing value, shortages and possibly of a war. As if fuel wasn't high enough there are scumbags in DC, dems and repubics, that want to stop importing oil from Russia. That will take almost 600,000 barrels per DAY out of our supply. Expect to see fuel, electric, NG and propane to double within the next few months. Along with everything else.
Thanks Biden voters. Are you happy now?
I just paid $1300 to fill our propane tank. Usually its around $500 this time of year.
We filled our propane, diesel and gasoline tanks in January. Usually we wait until spring to fill everything. It was risky, on our roads, to get a fuel delivery in mid winter but I figured with prices going up it was worth the risk. Of course the fuel truck slid off the road and almost rolled over and down to the creek. Had to call out an excavator from town to get him out. We have a 500 and a 250 gallon propane tanks and a 300 gallon off road diesel tank and a 300 gallon tank for premium non ethanol gasoline.