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5.99 for diesel today. Pump still shuts off at a 100. Thinking they will raise that soon.
Had a conversation with my dentist, a surgeon and a specialist from another fields. I know around here they are making 250k+. The surgeon and specialist probably 350.
“Oh, well at least we aren’t suffering like the people in Ukraine“.
Don’t these people have a F* clue what the average person makes? How much their “handyman“ is suffering.
They made my head want to explode.
Maybe I misunderstand what you’re saying, but were you using a company fuel card? Or a fleet card to fuel up? All the company or fleet cards I’ve ever used to fill up have a preset limit of how much you can charge per transaction or per card swipe that is set by the company you work for or the company that provides the card. I work in the oilfield and the company I work for has the cards shut off at $150.00 and then you have to swipe your card again to finish filling your tank. They sent out an email today saying that they would be raising the limit to $250.00 per swipe. When I fill up my personal vehicle and nurse tank using my debit card it doesn’t shut off until the tanks are full. It’s not a limit set by the government, fuel station, or personal bank. Unless your bank has some strange policy.
Oh, well at least we aren’t suffering like the people in Ukraine“.
Don’t these people have a F* clue what the average person makes? How much their “handyman“ is suffering.
They made my head want to explode.

No, they don’t give other folks situation a thought. So many are totally self centered these days. Not sure when that happened, but it has in a big way. It would ease one’s mind I guess. Every time I read news about inflation and especially about food, it makes me even more prone to talk to people about planting food. Yep, even strangers.
Maybe I misunderstand what you’re saying, but were you using a company fuel card? Or a fleet card to fuel up? All the company or fleet cards I’ve ever used to fill up have a preset limit of how much you can charge per transaction or per card swipe that is set by the company you work for or the company that provides the card. I work in the oilfield and the company I work for has the cards shut off at $150.00 and then you have to swipe your card again to finish filling your tank. They sent out an email today saying that they would be raising the limit to $250.00 per swipe. When I fill up my personal vehicle and nurse tank using my debit card it doesn’t shut off until the tanks are full. It’s not a limit set by the government, fuel station, or personal bank. Unless your bank has some strange policy.
Many stations get a preapproval from the CC company. The station puts in the amount. I can fill the tank at another station with out a problem.
Anyone living in Germany?? Food prices going up 20-50% on Monday April 4th 2022 according to this article.
edit to add.
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Unless they raise it to the double digits, they ain't doing enough.

If biden and his minions spend another $5+ Trillion, it isn’t going to matter how much they raise the interest rates. We will go into a spiral much like Venezuela did. All that will be left to do to put us the same as Venezuela is for the government to take over farm lands, factories and do price controls. ALL that was put into a bill which Obozo pushed and signed!!

Everyone needs to make sure they have these 3 Components in place..

1) Chickens for the eggs, meat and fertilizer
2) Rabbits for the meat, fertilizer and hides
3) At least 2 - 100sf garden beds growing: Potatoes, Dent/Field Corn, Summer and Winter Squash, Dried Beans, Beets, Carrots and a variety of veggies of different colors.

The 3 Components are recommended by Marjory Wildcraft, who has been farming for many years as well as traveling the world and taking stock of what others in hard times have used to survive.
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Anyone living in Germany?? Food prices going up 20-50% on Monday April 4th 2022 according to this article.
edit to add.
View attachment 15772

I'm not living in Germany, I'm in Switzerland (the tiny nation in the south of Germany). About the language we're watching german TV too here, seems it's really bad situation in Germany, they are partly already ration the purchase quantities of various articles in the shops. Prices are raising really those days, even in Switzerland too.
Until now it's nearly everything avaible in Switzerland, but it's gone expensive. More often i see empty racks by pasta and limited stock by conserves.
Even i don't buy exclusive or luxury stuff i realize i need a lot more money for my weekly buys than last year, it will be around 20 to 30% for sure.
Myself, i started to buy with every time shopping a bit more long-lasting food even i'm doing an long therm storage.
Construction materials increases too a lot, partly it's only limited stock. In my job i have to do a lot with architects and constructors, all are complaining they having problems and loosing orders because the delivery times or the increasing of prices.

It's of course not everything about the Ukraine War or the deadliest disease of humans history, a lot of firms and producers use it as an excuse to raise the prices to lift the win.

CJ Pearson

Shannon Sharpe makes $3 million a year. But he wants you and I to suffer because Donald Trump hurts his feelings. Clown.


shannon sharpe

I’d rather pay 20 bucks a gallon than have Trump in office. Hope that answers your question

It’s self centered, don’t care about the impact on anyone else…just their own feelings…MORONS who voted for **** Joe!!
When SHTF, you need things to barter with. Your neighbor may have something you need and vice versa. Here are a few of my favorite things to stock up on for bartering and where my buddies and I get them:
  1. Junk Silver / 90% Silver
    1. 90% silver is ideal for bartering with smaller items. Everyone needs silver when SHTF. It is God's money.
    2. Gold For Sale Online | Patriot Gold Supply | Gold | Silver | 888-959-1776
  2. Bulk Amounts of Ammo
    1. Use it or trade it. This one is infinitely useful!
  3. Heat
    1. Cook with it and stay alive with it.
    2. Wholesale Bic Lighters 50 Pack | Cigarette Lighter — Chicago City Distributors, Inc.
  4. First Aid
    1. Minor cuts and scrapes can turn into huge problems. You can use these or barter these.
What are others buying for bartering?

Also, check out how much money we have printed. If you are not yet convinced that the dollar is going away, think again...
For bartering, we have booze, because habits don't disappear when SHTF. We don't smoke, but laid in cigarettes because again, addictions are addictions. We stocked up a ton of bar soap, shampoo and toothpaste for bartering. I'm a cook, so I stocked up on spices for barter. Can subdivide it from wholesale containers to small baggies we laid in a ton of for odd purposes like that. And since parents will do anything to put a smile on their childd's face, Twizzlers. Those store well and will be edible for a very LONG time.

I like the idea of bulk bic lighters, so I'm going to do that one also.
For bartering, we have booze, because habits don't disappear when SHTF. We don't smoke, but laid in cigarettes because again, addictions are addictions. We stocked up a ton of bar soap, shampoo and toothpaste for bartering. I'm a cook, so I stocked up on spices for barter. Can subdivide it from wholesale containers to small baggies we laid in a ton of for odd purposes like that. And since parents will do anything to put a smile on their childd's face, Twizzlers. Those store well and will be edible for a very LONG time.

I like the idea of bulk bic lighters, so I'm going to do that one also.

Great stock of trading items there! Spices will be a hot item as will toothpaste and any type of soaps. People won’t be able to quickly revert to the cleanliness standards of the 1800’s. I didn’t stock Twizzlers, but I’ve got a ton of hard candies as well as cocoa! 😋
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The IMF is reporting they printed too much money due to need and economic support without observing and considering dire short term and long term consequences. Wait!! Aren’t they supposed to be the pros at negotiating this stuff?!? Well, yes they are….. if the Cabal still had full control, this would be more hidden and slowed as the world slowly spiraled into The Great Reset.

But guess what, Trump and Putin have exposed them all! Ripped the deep cover right off without them seeing it coming. Oh ****! Yep Anons, oh **** is right! Buckle up as the world is in for a rough monetary ride due to world leader’s monetary stupidity! It won’t last, we will recover, but ***** going to splatter out the back of the fan for a bit. So put on your rain slicker and turn your faces. It’s coming like a sneak-up-on-you-driving-in-the-car bad Taco Bell experience.

Oops! Our Bad! IMF Director Admits “We Printed too Much Money” | SchiffGold

Mostly we get lies, spin and obfuscation from central bankers, politicians and bureaucrats. But every once in a while, one of these people accidentally wanders into the truth.

IMF Director Kristalina Georgieva did just that during a recent panel discussion hosted by CNBC. She conceded that central banks globally “printed too much money and didn’t think of unintended consequences.”

I think we are not paying sufficient attention to the law of unintended consequences. We take decisions with an objective in mind and rarely think through what may happen that is not our objective. And then we wrestle with the impact of it.
“Take any decision that is a massive decision, like the decision that we need to spend to support the economy. At that time, we did recognize that maybe too much money in circulation and too few goods, but didn’t really quite think through the consequence in a way that upfront would have informed better what we do.”
How this economic brain trust missed failed to consider that injecting trillions into the economy would cause prices to rise is a bit of a head-scratcher. This is economics 101. Expanding the money supply pushes prices higher than they otherwise would be. I knew this would happen. Peter Schiff knew this would happen. Heck, you probably knew this would happen. But the people charged with running the global economy didn’t?

These people are either wildly incompetent, or they are lying to you.

Either way, they are “bad economists” as defined by Frédéric Bastiat.

Between a good and a bad economist this constitutes the whole difference — the one takes account of the visible effect; the other takes account both of the effects which are seen, and also of those which it is necessary to foresee.”
Good on Georgieva, I guess. They say admitting your problem is the first step on the road to recovery. So, you might think this confession is a step forward. But I assure you, it’s not. The ego, arrogance, and hubris that make these people think they can micromanage the global economy remain firmly in place. They just think they need to try a little bit harder.

Although Georgieva admits a mistake, the rest of her comment reveals she hasn’t learned the lesson.

We act sometimes like eight years old playing soccer. Here is the ball, we are all at the ball. And we don’t cover the rest of the field.
“Our ability to deal with more than one crisis at one time is very, very limited. and we have to zero in on the really big things that could determine the future and keep our attention on them.”
Basically, she’s saying, “Oops! Our bad! We messed up because we didn’t consider the unintended consequences. But we’re going to do better next time because our focus is going to be right on point.”

Georgieva, Powell, Biden, LaGarde, and the whole lot of these central planners don’t understand that it is impossible for them to take into account all of the unintended consequences of a given policy prescription. That’s why central planning is always doomed to failure.

Economist F.A. Hayek got to the root of the problem in his seminal paper, “The Use of Knowledge in Society.” In a nutshell, Hayek concluded that central planning will always fail because it is impossible for the central planners to possess all of the information necessary to factor in all of the ramifications of any given policy.

The knowledge of the circumstances of which we must make use never exists in concentrated or integrated form, but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently contradictory knowledge which all the separate individuals possess.”
Or as FEE put it in its introduction to Hayek’s work:

Hayek points out that sensibly allocating scarce resources requires knowledge dispersed among many people, with no individual or group of experts capable of acquiring it all.”
Simply put, unintended consequences are inevitable in central planning. No matter how hard the central planner try, they are going to miss stuff. No matter how smart an individual or a group of individuals might be, they don’t have all of the knowledge they need. They can’t have it. It’s impossible.

The problem is that people like Georgieva don’t understand this. They they their crew is smart enough, wise enough and that they care enough to get the job done. If the make a mistake, they just need to try harder.

And that’s where they’re wrong. They need to quit trying, get out of the way and let the market function.
“WH Economic Adviser Rouse: We Misjudged Inflation Because Thinking ‘Was Tied to the Pandemic’ – We’re ‘Still in the Midst of’ Pandemic

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” White House Council of Economic Advisers chair Cecilia Rouse stated that the White House incorrectly predicted inflation wouldn’t be a long-term issue because “what we understood about inflation at the time was it was tied to the pandemic. We are still in the midst of this pandemic.” And because Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused economic problems.“

After playing clips of President Joe Biden in 2021 predicting inflation would be temporary and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell predicting that inflation wouldn’t rise to major levels, co-host Victor Blackwell asked, “Those expectations, clearly wrong. Does the White House acknowledge that it got it wrong for too long?

Rouse responded, “Well, look, what we understood about inflation at the time was it was tied to the pandemic. We are still in the midst of this pandemic.“

Gawd, you’d have to be a moron to believe the above lies!
Can we say gaslighting once again. . . This administration is the reason we are facing the inflation crisis that is happening right now! Do any of them actually believe the untruths they are saying?? The majority of this country KNOWS when they lie, but yet they still push the lies for their little sheep followers.

Can we say gaslighting once again. . . This administration is the reason we are facing the inflation crisis that is happening right now! Do any of them actually believe the untruths they are saying?? The majority of this country KNOWS when they lie, but yet they still push the lies for their little sheep followers.

Remember, half the US population is on some kind of government giveaway program. They don't care about inflation, it doesn't affect them, and those that vote all vote democrat. They will get food no matter what happens, while the rest of us go without.
Really won't matter how much money they get when there is nothing to buy. Useless eaters have absolutely no concept about how things get to a store other than on a truck.

Was thinking the exact thing! We must not forget the WEFs goals…that is to drastically lower the global population, as well as crash all 1st world economies. Those that don’t have the seeds, tools and knowledge of growing their own food …as well as the means to protect it, literally are being led to their death like the rats in the Pied Piper.
