Interesting Prepper Item - 3D printer

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
So, a good friend of mine, is a 3D draftsman for a living. He just recently bought himself a small 3D printer. He started designing and then printing some stuff he needed around the house.

I'm impressed.

The prepper possibilities of this thing are IMMENSE!

Imagine being able to just print up needed parts, in a post SHTF environment! I mean, as long as it will work while made of plastic, there are SO many possibilities! (especially if you can do the 3D drafting as well). Granted, it takes power, but still.... And there are TONS of free stl files (the files it prints from) available out there.

Example (though not prepping) wife is putting together a Rey costume (from Star Wars). My buddy is printing up her staff pieces and her blaster, so I can just assemble and paint them, vs. spending a lot of money on expensive props. Too damn cool.
it would be great to have one,but they are still so damn expenssive here in my part of the world...
They aren't cheap anywhere, but I think he got a deal through his work, for under $400. For him, it makes sense, as it's kind of what he does.

For me, it works out, as I can get him to print up all kinds of costuming stuff for cosplays. And, he gets spare filament out of the deal, and practice using it, etc. Works out great for both of us. So, to make Rey's blaster, I basically spent $10 in filament, downloaded the stl files for free, and bought a Jango Fett blaster for $10 off Amazon (I'll take it apart, and put the electronics in the Rey blaster he's printing). So, for $20, I have a Rey's blaster that is screen accurate AND makes blaster sounds when you pull the trigger...whereas otherwise, I'd spend about $60 just for a replica blaster with no sound, etc.

But, back to the prepper angle, imagine printing up a coupling you need, or a gasket, or screw, etc. In a post SHTF world, the ability to fabricate just about anything would be HUGE.... He's actually in a rural area too, and his family all lives in the same area there. His brother in law is a good ol' country boy and he's just starting himself into prepping.

Down the road (when prices are down, and more stl files are easily found), this may be a GREAT prepper item to add for us though. Especially as I plan to learn more about it. The possibilities of this thing, in a post SHTF world, are just incredible.

You really crack me up, and I thank you for the chuckle. One moment you are talking like an 8 year old about how to make a toy, and how it's so much better because it goes "zip zap". And a sentence later you switch hats and are talking about TEOTWAWKI topics. I suppose I could say you're as fast as the Flash!

I know next to nothing about 3D printers. With regular printers, they always get you with the ink prices. What does the raw material cost for a 3D printer? Does one printer use varied materials, so if I want a soft pillow vs a hard handtool, I can pick the material? And how long does it store, or does it have a 'shelf life'? Curious...
that 3-d house printing could be very useful,when re-building after some quake or other **** storm.
Off subject....... have any of you bought the Atomic Lighter? Maybe we could print one. Now I'm on topic
I have a couple of German Military surplus lighters that use regular lighter fluid and flints but its hard to beat plain ol Bic lighters . I keep a couple in My truck and in each get home , bug out bag . Also wood matches .
I don't see the Value of a 3D printer once the SHTF,,,,I doubt many will have power to run it and what about supplies,what you have on hand will be all you have,there will be no restocking of supplies not for something like that
Well, the "toy"'s just a hobby. I may prep for the worst, but my wife and I are also big kids and geeks, and enjoy leisure time too. Our favorite hobby, getting dressed up in costumes and going to Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Conventions, and meeting famous folks we've grown up seeing on TV and in movies. We've easily met close to 200 celebrities and gotten our pics with them, like the late Carrie Fisher, William Shatner, Kate Beckinsale, Adam West, Stan Lee, and so, so many others. It's just fun. (and a hell of an ego boost when they see you again at another Con and recognize you from your cool costumes before)...there are a few we've seen many times, and even had drinks with (or smoked funny cigarettes with, lol)....

Don't dream it, BE it, I always say. Only got one shot here at life, so enjoy it.

What does the raw material cost for a 3D printer? Does one printer use varied materials, so if I want a soft pillow vs a hard handtool, I can pick the material? And how long does it store, or does it have a 'shelf life'? Curious...

The spools of filament are cheap. The material cost to make the staff and the blaster parts, probably around $5 total. They do make different material filament, but often they take MUCH more expensive printers. The home ones are primarily for plastic filament. They even make ones that can print FOOD! (but I can't imagine it tastes all that great, lol....) I'm not aware of one that can make soft things. The ones I'm familiar with print with plastic filament, so can make any plastic piece that you have an stl file for. (and you can create such a file in a 3D design program).