Ok, if it looked to you as if I lit a firecracker and backed off, I can see your point. It wasn’t my intent. I apologize for that. As for your story, boycotts are part of the freedom we enjoy. It may not be what you want to hear, but if is called voting with your money...if you disagree with a companies policy, you take your business elsewhere, I am sure you have done just that. I am not sure how to classify that action...if a racially cohesive group decides to boycott a business, is that racism? Maybe. But it would go both ways. You are free not to buy from them, too. Of course, that sounds counter productive, like a trade war....Now Doreena, making a statement like that... isn't that the equivalent of lighting a firecracker, tossing it, and walking away saying you had nothing to do with it. Don't try playing innocent!
Effectively, the greatest evidence of racism in the US is in equal opportunity employment and affirmative action baloney. By and far. The KKK doesn't do 0.01% of the amount of racism that AA/EOE do every day. Another example, blacks say 'n------' to one another 100 times more than whites say it to blacks on any day of the year. Does it make it right? Nope. But can you point out one white guy who says it in anger when 100 black guys have just said it to each other? And if you can't see this, you're blind to it.
So to say racism is a problem today is the same as saying slavery and the black plague are a problem today. They're not extinct, but it's not enough of a problem to deserve 1% of the attention it gets. And, it's biggest problem is gov't activities.
A true story. A friend of a friend had a business with 50-100 employees. Note, this is 20+ years ago. The local NAACP group had a 'meeting' with him. More of a blackmail meeting, they told him 32% of the local community was black and he had to have 32% black employees or they were going to go after him. He told them to put it in writing and come back in a week. A week later he told them he had to fire 4 black guys and hire 4 white guys to get to their 32% number. They hee'd and haw'd, but he kicked them out & told them not to come back because he had their demands in writing. That's what much of real racism looks like today, Jessie Jackson style.
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