I have a saying, "Inexperience is ok, Ignorance is not"!!! Anyone who WANTS to do something (especially animal related) should LEARN if they don't know!! One can excel at anything one wants to do if they will learn to do it properly!!!husband and self both used to be engineers ( I was a PE) , and I am going to say this: if you have enough intelligence and education in the right fields ( NOT "woke studies " or some crap) you can learn really fast. My husband learned to do mechanical things and installed electric fencing and our solar panels ( he was an electrical engineer) and I sort of redesigned our spring intake ( the entire neighborhood hooked to it helped, this was some years ago when the water kept being dirty all the time, fun too, I directed a bunch of Amish guys what to do LOL but it worked and they didn't complain)
We were also smart enough to take some classes to learn how to take care of the livestock and now OUR goats are doing well while a lot of our Amish ( and some other) neighbors have pretty much given up on the goats since they can't seem to take care of them well enough to keep them alive.....
So on the risk of sounding like a know it all, this did have to be said. Most professionals are not stupid morons that can't learn anything . Also many professionals are NOT liberals either. We are not
But we are not good with fixing equipment. It's not so much that we can't learn, but we don't WANT to do it.