Is the CURRENT Flu shot, the same as the C-19 shot. Or is it like the Flu shots from before C-19

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No Shot, No Vacc, JUST Hot Tea with Honey, Lemon and some Brandy...!!!
No Shot, No Vacc, JUST Hot Tea with Honey, Lemon and some Brandy...!!!
L-LYSINE!! Sorry, I couldn't control myself!! But I haven't had ANY type of illness in the last 10 years, when I started taking it!! I'll leave the conversation and head for the pool!!
How can You bee Sure what is in the shot NOW...?!?
This year’s flu shots are all trivalent (covers two strains of influenza A and one strain of influenza B). Previous years they were quadrivalent. This year a B strain has disappeared from the flu pool.

The COVID vaccine is for this year’s varients.

There is no combined shot. They are two separate syringes.

Any vaccine that has FDA approval has a package insert that is the size of a tablecloth. Ingredients are listed in there.

This is information I have from working in the pharmacy and administering the vaccine, I advocate neither for or against vaccines—it is an individual choice.
I was trying to find out why fish were swimming in circles until they die in Florida so was researching when I stumbled onto this site and read that implanted crystals through a vaccine, renders people able to be controlled through radio waves. It made me think of the old Jose Delgado experiment where he was able to control primates, bulls, and people by implanting electrodes in the brain. I don't know if there is any truth to this or not (do we ever get the truth nowadays?) but it might scare someone into not taking any shots.

This year’s flu shots are all trivalent (covers two strains of influenza A and one strain of influenza B). Previous years they were quadrivalent. This year a B strain has disappeared from the flu pool.

The COVID vaccine is for this year’s varients.

There is no combined shot. They are two separate syringes.

Any vaccine that has FDA approval has a package insert that is the size of a tablecloth. Ingredients are listed in there.

This is information I have from working in the pharmacy and administering the vaccine, I advocate neither for or against vaccines—it is an individual choice.
I also want to add that Pfizer and Moderna are the only mRNA vaccines of any type. If you are looking for a COVID vaccine that is not mRNA there is Novavax. It’s plant based and uses the same “technology” that flu shots and other familiar vaccines have used. It’s still administered under Emergency Use Authorization. There is lots of information about them all, do your research and speak to your trusted health care professionals.
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