ISIS murders British aid worker

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
The Islamists have butchered the British aid worker.

We have the SAS, we have the SBS, We have the SFSG, We have the SRR, We have the Royal Marines, We have the Paras and we have The Rifles so would any of the idiots in charge of the UK care to explain why ISIS has not been totally exterminated?

We don't even need to worry about the Geneva Convention or rules of War because these ISIS trash are terrorists not soldiers, Is not wiping ISIS out exactly what our special and elite units for?

Its been far to long since Britain showed the rest of the world what complete and merciless force is all about.
Damn. That's bad. I know what you mean, though. We're watching Obama talk about ISIS not being Islamist one day and sending more troops to Iraq the next. I really think Britain, US, and a couple other countries ought to become isolationists. People make it sounds like a bad idea, but we could focus our resources a lot better that way. We would also help increase national pride, which I believe would help increase people's desire to rid ourselves of people like that while driving down the "Accept everyone for what they are" mentality that has become so prevalent.
The UK govt if it is to retain any credibility it needs to completely slip the reins of the SAS and just tell em " go do the job by any means"
Aha the Aussie government has slipped the reins on the SASR and is sending them out , so if the Aussies, Brits etc can persuade the KIWI SAS to go as well it should see the rapid demise of many an ISIS member " Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war"

Looks like this latest atrocity has tripped the switch in the UK, We have gone from peeved, straight through highly miffed, straight to seriously displeased now if our leaders go ominously quiet.....................................................................................
I hope the SAS pays the Gobblins a visit but I had rather see Delta make it there first . The Brits in Afgahn have shown some force . The British snipers have done some great work over there .
me and my brother are just waiting to hear and read how ISIS members are shot like mad's time for action now,enough talking
SAS/SBS , DELTA , SEALS , GSG9 and many more will shoot them like mad dogs if giving the order . Should have been done months ago .
ay ay on that!!!!!

did read from my news feed here, about 40 muslims have already left Finland to join ISIS..they are now with the status war criminals and will not be allowed to return
totally agree with you my friend,that's the best medicine for terrorists...would you mind if I use 7,62x39?? more available here ;)
According to Obama 'justice will be served' and then later in his speech, he wants to make them into 'a manageable problem'. Hope your Prime Minister is not like him and think that ISIS is a JV team. They are just barbaric and makes me sick
At least the Pres finally committed to actually wiping them out. Been a long time coming. This should have happened when they first seized territory.
At least the Pres finally committed to actually wiping them out. Been a long time coming. This should have happened when they first seized territory.
Right. But has anything actually happened? I don't think he's committed to any more than what was already being done. Airstrikes.
over heard some ex US security advisers and mil.commanders on tv on the news here;ISIS can't be stopped by just has to be the boot on the ground and they have to be killed all,everyone..
The judicious use of MLRS units in ISIS areas followed up by SAS /SBS/ Rangers / Delta should be more than enough, especially with longbow apaches providing top cover.
We defeated the 3rd largest Army in the world twice in just a few days in Desert Storm and I raqie Freedom but now Obama acts like this is somthing he needs to be cautious about . A band of thugs maby 40.000 strong .
Psalm, you miss the point and the threat mon ami, its not the 30,500 armed scum over there you need concern yourself with, its their relatives, friends and extended families with similar views living among us.
Airstrikes alone won't do it, but alone, they can totally destroy ISIS' ability to make war and hold territory. It will take eventual boots on the ground and establishing bases, in order to prevent such a surge in the future, and you can bet that's why this whole thing was allowed (yes, allowed) to happen in the first place.

Of course, I think the boots aren't going to hit the ground until after a few waves of really intensive air attacks, and then a cool-off period, to see what happens afterwards.

As for people among us trying to commit a terror act. Bring it on. You think someone nowadays could hijack an airliner with a box-cutter? No way.
No I agree with that point but I'm saying thes armed thugs could have been destroyed befor they ever made the news . The ones liveing among us will have to be dealt with sooner or later . No politician wants to be the one ordering the rounding up and detaining of imagrant family's or it being done on their term .
"As for people among us trying to commit a terror act. Bring it on. You think someone nowadays could hijack an airliner with a box-cutter? No way."

Narrow thinking their young feller :) Look at the Serving Muslim officer in Fort Hood TX, they don't need to do " spectactulars" they can simply avail themselves of guns and go visit the local Mall or School, heck they can even copy the Brit muslim terrorists and drive a vehicle into a crowd of innocent people at a sports even.

For Islam to truly rattle the US all they need to do is carry out a few attacks in a few smallville American towns to create fear and paranoia.

That dude at the gas station filling cans with fuel, that chap buying bags of fertiliser, that man in Wallmart buying guns, ...... hmm dark skin, slightly furtive behaviour, Is he Indian, Pakistani or Mexican, is he Hindu, Catholic, Muslim, Sikh, Why is a group of them meeting at the old camp ground? for a BBQ or a spot of clay pigeon shooting or are they plotting an attack. It would only take a few low impact attacks on a semi regular basis spread out across the US for the extremists to cause panic and paranoia and chaos usually followed by over reaction by the government and media. IRA terror training 101 random attacks over a large area at unpredictable targets. Also worked well for the Cong in Vietnam I'm told.
"No politician wants to be the one ordering the rounding up and detaining of immigrant family's or it being done on their term ."

How would they achieve that, lets says the Islamist follow normal terror campaign doctrine and start attacking small town America, a shooting here, bombing there, arson some place else, derail a train, shoot up a diner, blow up a church..

How are you going to identify and round up likely terror families? For example in the British media the main culprits accused of terrorist attacks with American links were so far 3 WHITE American converts, Quite a lot of BLACK muslim converts who are according to your own social media some of the most aggressive types, then the Asian community muslims, sikhs, buddists, hindus etc . Its damn near impossible.
For Islam to truly rattle the US all they need to do is carry out a few attacks in a few smallville American towns to create fear and paranoia

Hehe, not so young, but I get your point. Thing is, I don't think small isolated acts, or even a few coordinated ones, are going to instil fear anymore. If anything, it would likely fuel a bigotry and hatred against Muslims, and while I feel for them (those who are just like you and me, and not extremists), unless they speak out loud and early against such acts, they'll be wrongly persecuted and seen as being in cahoots with them.

That said, a few false flag attacks would certainly galvanize public opinion to wiping ISIS off the face of the Earth all the more sooner, wouldn't it? (and without any politically correct behavior required)....
After 9/11 the U.s Government revoked alot of Visa's and also rounded up alot that had over stayed their work/school Visa's for thousands that were from terorist host Countries just because of where they were from . I know a some that were deported 1 worked for the same company that I do . Not sure if you have seen some of the footage of the Feds rounding up illigals in the 70's and 80's the liberal media always compares it to nazi tactics . That is the image that politicians would want to avoid . I do believe we will see small cell's of terrorist attacking Malls and sports events just like the Boston Marathon and the Mall in Kenya . Then the image of deporting potential threats may not offend so many .