Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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By Jon Forrest Little

With markets in turmoil, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that systemic economic risk is rising. What’s less obvious – at least to most conventional analysts – is that unsound monetary policy is to blame.

A Summary of the Problem

Federal debt is “guesstimated” to amount to $31.29 trillion.

Unfunded liabilities (social security and Medicare) are over $167 trillion.

State and Municipal debt is approaching $5 trillion.

U.S. debt to GDP ratio is 130%

The U.S. dollar has lost over 97% of its purchasing power since the Federal Reserve’s creation.

The U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency is under attack.

Inflation is at a 45-year high.

Cold wars are turning hot.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, at present, wants us to think he intends to beat inflation with rate hikes as Paul Volcker did in the early 1980s.

The problem is that rates can’t go to the Volcker levels because the U.S. doesn’t have the tax revenue to service a $31 trillion debt at high interest rates.

Volcker could raise interest rates above inflation numbers because the U.S. could be considered a creditor nation at the time.

However, as a massive debtor nation today, this tool is broken.

So now the global economy is in crisis mode, and the Fed is trapped. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”
A Digital Dollar Is Washington’s Pathological Solution

In recent weeks, President Joe Biden handed down Executive Order #14067, instructing the Treasury Department to plan for a Central Bank Digital Currency which some have reported may have the following characteristics:


Facial recognition, WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE

Instantaneous credits and debits, PAY YOUR TAXES NOW

Social credit merit system, DO NOT SPEAK OUT

Is the warning of the risks in this CBDC paranoid or delusional? I don’t think so.

CBDCs are part of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda. COVID lockdowns, social distancing, contact tracing, masks, and vaccines could be considered a “test” to see how the villagers will tolerate state control of their lives.

Case in point here, The WEF calls for a mandatory app tracking “social responsibility” and “personal carbon emissions.”

If they show you who they are… Believe them.

We’ve recently seen how partisans at the FBI go after their political rivals, harkening back to the J. Edgar Hoover days. So it’s not a reach to see how anyone could be in the crosshairs.

Statistics are subject to interpretation, and numbers are crunched to tell stories. In our system, the economist’s primary role is acting as a “legitimizer” for the political class.

In physics, it is much harder to “fudge numbers” because laws like gravity help discover the truth. The Federal Reserve Board employs just over 400 Ph. D. economists making the Fed an ivory tower packed with high-falutin economists to keep things intentionally complicated.

The best practice to escape STATE CONTROL is to hold sound money.

This notion is best summarized by the following quote.

“If you are standing on a train track and you see the train heading your way then YOU GOTTA GET OFF THE TRACK.”

Gold has been the best form of money for over 2,500 years. Gold is fungible, consistent, portable, scarce, and most importantly, the “hardest” of all physical commodities.

Gold is considered the “hardest to produce” commodity (relative to existing stockpiles) and the most resistant to inflation.

Gold is indestructible. Almost every ounce ever mined is still in existence, and stockpiles built up over thousands of years are not compromised by new mining activity. Moreover, the new annual gold supply growth is only 1.5% per year.

We are seeing a volatile global economic environment where supply chains are breaking down and geopolitical tensions are rising.

This means nations are becoming increasingly skeptical of each other’s paper money products. Gold’s worth doesn’t depend on any government or any counterparty. Gold is used to settle trades in these environments because of the legacy trust.

Gold has always been an inherently international and politically neutral asset. This is why different civilizations around the world have used gold as money for thousands of years and will for thousands more. In contrast, the unbacked Federal Reserve Note version of the U.S. dollar will eventually go the way of other failed fiat currencies.
Final Thoughts

Nations worldwide (both citizens and their central banks) are buying gold for several reasons:

To protect against the threat of a sovereign debt crisis.

All fiat currencies are debased by money printing.

Fear of being sanctioned as part of the East/West economic war.

New alliances and trade partners are emerging. Nations don’t trust each other’s currency, and they value the option to settle transactions in gold.

If central banks worldwide are moving into gold, do you think you should follow their lead?

Jon Forrest Little graduated from the University of New Mexico and attended Georgetown University’s Institute for Comparative Political and Economic Systems. Jon began his career in mining industry and now publishes “The PickAxe” which covers topics surrounding precious metals, energy, history, and politics.
U.S. Pension Funds Could Face Their Own "Lehman Moment"

by Tyler Durden Article
"If we can't meet our obligations with pension funds when the market is screaming higher, what are we going to do now? I guarantee you there are pension funds right now already in big, big, big trouble and we just haven't seen the news yet," I continued. "We don't know the extent of it yet."
You've given a date before, but nothing has happened.
This is not an accusation, but I do not believe in predicted dates for the crash, and this has nothing to do with you.
The scenario Game Over will come there I am your opinion, but it will catch us then if we do not count on it, can also be tomorrow.
You can say it will be Game Over on the day when a big bank falls, or where Russia makes an attack on Europe, and to the Time is shifted to Russia on the rail towards the West.

If Grandpa Joe bites the dust and goes to eternal hell there will be no Game Over, except our media and politicians will cry a tear for this idiot, except probably Brent S.
Good to hear from you Ban. As a matter of fact I am in the middle of writing a Rant about what happened the weekend of the 24th.
I had to go back and recap most major news stories from the 23rd to yesterday.
I am now pulling it all together.
Give me an hour or so if I can stay off the phone.
Hello Jim

Don't worry, I don't blame you and I don't have a problem with you giving a date, but I can't do anything with fixed dates because then you kind of get too set on a fixed date and make mistakes.
I would just say the crash will come between tomorrow and March, in the U.S. you may still have a little lead time when you hear that Russia has flattened Europe, here I have lead time currently between now and a day because I'm closer to the disaster drann that our governments provoke.
If you hear that it bangs in Europe and hear nothing more from me, then you know that it is hot here, I will probably no longer have the opportunity like Anaconda to deliver a daily stock report. ;)
Jim’s Daily Rant. Evolution.

We as a species are always evolving.
It is a process.

Our problem is we think it is a defined, set process.
It is not.

We think it is a fixed process.
We don’t realize it goes in the direction we choose.

Evolution means Finding The Truth.

The species has control.
This is called Conscious Evolution.

I believe we are blessed with a set of circumstances that is awakening
our species to the realization that we are all one.

I hope we decide to stop harming each other as if there is not enough for us all;
stop believing we are separate from each other;
stop believing that when we hurt one of us it does not hurt all of us.

My hope is we finally realize we are all one.

That is my hope for our species at this opportune time.

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