Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Spooking The Cattle.

Just a quick thought here. In today's podcast, Bill Still peaked my interest when he stated that this year about a hundred food processing plants have mysteriously burned down. Still then added that the food processing in the US is not centralized but rather is done by about 35,000 independent processing plants. Today Greg Hunter questioned where is the FBI as to investigating those fires.

So is it possible to view the daily food plant fires about the same as old time cattle rustling when the rustlers fired a few shots to spook the cattle (sheep) into running in one direction fast? Is someone getting headlines to spook the population to stock up now because we are going to need it? Is 100 pizza makers being torched going to stop 35,000 food processors (assuming they get their required raw food stocks)?

So if we are being spooked into grocery shopping is it being done by good guys or bad guys?
Your thoughts?

None of this is done by good guys.
NO. We are being set up to starve. Do you see the media grabbing onto this to spook the populous? I don’t . Most folks are still very oblivious.

After enough of us are starving, the government will be the “savior” and offer us free food…with a catch. Digital currency, Mark under your skin, social credit scores, no ownership of anything, gov controlling what and how much we can purchase. Say or write something the gov doesn’t like…just like China is doing, they lock you out of EVERYTHING! No place to live, nothing to eat, no option of leaving.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Low Conflict Warfare.

For the past 20 years, radio host Michael Rivera, of WhatReallyHappened.com, has said that “All wars are economic wars”. I agree with him.

The American people are not stupid. We all learned from history of the stock crash of 1929 to watch for the market crash to signal a collapsing financial system. We were all taught to watch the DOW numbers and use that as our barometer for our future.

And as good American movie goers we have seen Red Dawn a hundred times on TV, both versions, to recognize when a war starts - upon an invasion.

So here we sit questioning what is going on around us and why can’t everybody see it and react to what we see happening, right? Well, my answer to that is because we are all smart Americans and are using the knowledge we were given at an early age. That’s why we all can’t see it.

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” - Mark Twain.

Consider the possibility that the stock market crashed during the 2008 mortgage and banking crisis, was secretly propped up by the Federal Reserve, and has been for the past 14 years. There is no longer a free market system setting the stock market numbers. It is all done by smoke and mirrors. To watch those stock numbers flash on the screen as a stability indicator is as dumb as watching Christmas tree lights flashing and expecting them to indicate stability as well.

Is it possible that we are now in a “Low Conflict” economic war for the economic survival of each of the combatants? No one is dying from gunshots or bomb blasts, so all is well. There are no invading troops, so all is well. The stock market is still really high . . .
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None of this is done by good guys.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Spooking The Cattle.

Just a quick thought here. In today's podcast, Bill Still peaked my interest when he stated that this year about a hundred food processing plants have mysteriously burned down. Still then added that the food processing in the US is not centralized but rather is done by about 35,000 independent processing plants. Today Greg Hunter questioned where is the FBI as to investigating those fires.

So is it possible to view the daily food plant fires about the same as old time cattle rustling when the rustlers fired a few shots to spook the cattle (sheep) into running in one direction fast? Is someone getting headlines to spook the population to stock up now because we are going to need it? Is 100 pizza makers being torched going to stop 35,000 food processors (assuming they get their required raw food stocks)?

So if we are being spooked into grocery shopping is it being done by good guys or bad guys?
Your thoughts?

Heck, it's probably the FBI (or whomever they've retained for that purpose) that is SETTING the fires.
Regarding the food plant fires, everybody has great points and I agree with all of them.

The truth is I haven’t got a clue as to what the truth is about the fires.

Lets assume they are all intentionally set. So now the question is who benefits from them burning?

According to the general rules of warfare, one never divulges their plan. That might mean if the bad guys intend to starve us out why would they do one plant every three days like a steady rhythm? Why not torch half of them in two days and get it done before anyone can react? That is what the Allies did in WWII when all planes on one day bombed every ball bearing plant in the German held countries. At the end of the war Hitler had a huge inventory of tanks and planes ready to be assembled but they had no ball bearings for the engines and wheels. So there they sat.

If there are 35,000 food plants why bother burning them at all? Why not just cut off all the flour, chickens, salt, seeds, rainwater, fertilizer and fuel oil. Oh wait, most of that list appears be be happening now. So maybe the bad guys are not torching 1/35,000th of the processing plants every three days. At this rate it will take 15 years just to torch half of them.

Being it is somewhat rhythmic, perhaps it is to sound like an old-time fire bell being rung in the community square
to alert all inhabitants of the danger and need to act. That is all I am suggesting.
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Government is trying to cow us into submission. But they weren't expecting the push back there getting. Fly in the ointment for there evil plans. We must continue to push back for they don't like it. Can't control us all.

The Sri Lankins have proven you correct! Politicians ordered them gunned down if they protected. Guess who won? Yes, the citizens! Sure, some of them got shot, but with their overwhelming odds, they took out all the military! Not one weapon in their possession either! Just think what a huge crowd WITH WEAPONS could do.
There is already a large impact on our food supply, as well as the cost of those foods! They don’t have to take them all out, or even more than 10% out. Our food supply is being affected!

Ever hear of death by a thousand cuts? They aren’t just burning facilities down. They have made the price of gas, oil and propane too expensive for many…and that is also affecting our supply chain! The high price of oil affects everything! Orders went out from the WH weeks ago to have trains stop transporting grains and other feeds to large cattle and meat chicken raisers. Two of the largest producers of sodium and calcium hypochlorite have been taken out…want to guess what that affects?
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Churchin For Food – Part II. Food Banks.

This past week my my wife and I visited several church food banks on behalf of extended families that worked and could not attend for themselves. Betty used her own ID and family information.

Each church we applied for gave us enough food to feed dinner for about two weeks for our 4 adults and 1 child. We received whole chickens, partial chickens, T-bone steaks and ham. We received lots of spaghetti noodles and sauces, rice, canned soups, jelly, crackers, canned beans, candy, nuts, cereals, Mac & Cheese, etc.

Each church stressed that we must wait 30 days before returning. All asked for picture ID, number living in the home, number over 60 and number under 18. If a church was using Dept. of Agriculture as source of foods, they also asked if the family annual income was under $40,000. Note that several families can be in one car and apply.

During the week we visited four churches. On Saturday one church started at 7 AM but we thought they started at 9 AM. They were closing when we visited. The second started at 9 AM and at 9 AM there was a line three blocks long. We passed it up. It appears it is best to visit a church during the week. This coming week there are two more that we might visit.
Ben Fulford weekly Blurb Today: Western financial hallucination crashes into reality.

No matter how hard you try to avoid reality, it eventually catches up to you. This is the lesson the privately-owned Western central banks are now learning as their fiat money hallucination crashes into the real world. The across-the-board collapse in financial markets seen recently is no ordinary market move. It is a system’s collapse.

The Dow Jones industrial average has been down 11 out of the past 12 weeks; something that has never happened before. The closest was in the great crash of 1929 when it fell 10 out of 11 weeks. Normally, when stocks fall, bonds rise as people rush to “safety.” However, US Treasuries are having their biggest collapse since Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard in the early 1970’s. Crypto-currency markets for their part are down two-thirds from their peak and have evaporated $2 trillion in imaginary money.

The consensus among top financial industry veterans is that stocks are going to fall 90% before this ends.

Today, June 20th, all financial markets in the US are closed, supposedly for a Juneteenth holiday. However, since the summer solstice on June 21st is a key day for Satanic sacrifices, CIA sources say “they” are . . .


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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Longest Election Campaign Ever.

Back on June 7th, 2022, I ran across this article: Brazil election court: We can nullify election winners who spread fake news. They appear to be after one contender that fears election fraud through machines. Is this a hint at what may be coming our way soon?

To days ago I posted this article: THIS IS SCARY. I HEARD WHY THIS IS ALL HAPPENING. IT IS NOT GOOd [Must See]. In it, the pod-castor, Full Spectrum Survival, states that the collapse of the economy is similar to the period during the Great Depression and prior to WWII. Jobs were lost to the point that people would willingly sign up for the military and war just to care for their families. He suggests that may be what the global plan now is, to decrease the populations by another great war and forcing the volunteer troops to willingly muster for it.

Saturday I posted It’s Not a Turndown, It’s a Takedown – Catherine Austin Fitts [Must See]. In the middle of it she points out that there may be two realities, that being the real world and then the one spun to us by the government and social controllers. Some people are trapped due to jobs and society and pay homage to the political reality while deep down seeing the real reality around them.

So what reality are we actually in now? Is the political reality going to win this global war to continue to enslave humanity or will humanity free itself from the current controlling Elites?

If the White Hats are real how can humanity free itself when the controlling Elites control the Main Street News Media and can silence anyone who “Falsely” speaks against them, even possibly anyone who wins a true election against them? Pretty tall order to accomplish, like fighting with one hand tied behind your back, isn’t?

Just maybe what the Trump machine has been telling us is true, that they are exposing the ruling Elite, their lies, their plans for us and foremost of all, their Ponzi schemes. One certain fact about all Ponzi schemes is once exposed to the public, the scheme never survives. In fact, it dies instantly in one day.

I have spoken before about the Quantum Floozy Theory and multiple universes in quantum physics where theoretically a girl has several suitors and so breaks her world into several universes and test marries them all. Then after several years of test driving them, she collapses those universes back to the starting one. Therefore, she keeps the suitor that gives her life the experience (good or bad), she originally asked of the universe.

Are we still in Trump’s 2020 election campaign by letting the masses see for themselves the Ponzi scheme we are subjected to because without a free press they cannot tell us what is happening? Is this nightmare about to end?

I for one still believe it is about to end for the Elite rulers and their machines. A US as well as world mandate landslide will destroy their Ponzi scheme and they can’t stop that.
Government is trying to cow us into submission. But they weren't expecting the push back there getting. Fly in the ointment for there evil plans. We must continue to push back for they don't like it. Can't control us all.

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Mike Adams report today said the nation's supply of Diesel engine 15/40 OIL is down to 4-8 weeks stockpile max. Only two companies produce the additives and they are having to ration it.

EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH: Diesel engine oil additive manufacturers that have declared Force Majeure or experienced disrupted operations in 2022.

Mike tried to order two 55-gal drums from his regular supplier (for his ranch equpment) and was told they were rationing and would only sell him 1 barrel. Something about the two companies that produce the additives for this special motor oil for diesels being shut down for routine plant safety/maintenance work they put off during Covid shutdowns. Ya think that timing was coincidental?

When truckers can't change their oil, trucks will be off the roads. It will impact everything: food deliveries, trains, trucking, firetrucks, tractors, ambulalnces that use diesel, heavy equipment like excavators. road construction machinery and household diesel pickups. The proverbial hammer is racing downward to impact around the end of August, if one reads the writing on the wall. :(
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Mike Adams report today said the nation's supply of Diesel engine 15/40 OIL is down to 4-8 weeks stockpile max. Only two companies produce the additives and they are having to ration it. Mike tried to order two 55-gal drums from his regular supplier (for his ranch equpment) and was told they were rationing and would only sell him 1 barrel. Something about the two companies that produce the additives for this special motor oil for diesels being shut down for routine plant safety/maintenance work they put off during Covid shutdowns. Ya think that timing was coincidental?

When truckers can't change their oil, trucks will be off the roads. It will impact everything: food deliveries, trains, trucking, firetrucks, tractors, ambulalnces that use diesel, heavy equipment like excavators. road construction machinery and household diesel pickups. The proverbial hammer is racing downward to impact around the end og August, if one reads the writing on the wall. :(
ALREADY impacting our fire and emergency services response, OUR responders are volunteers and they are not responding to a LOT of calls due to having to pay high gas prices!!!!
The ruling said:

"We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need. That is not how the First Amendment works when it comes to unpopular speech or the free exercise of religion. It is not how the Sixth Amendment works when it comes to a defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him. And it is not how the Second Amendment works when it comes to public carry for self defense. "New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms."

So that doesn't sound to me like they are mandating Constitutional Carry, more like mandating Shall Issue laws. Following their logic in comparing it to other rights in the Bill of Rights, even though you have a First Amendment right to protest and freedom of assembly, you still need to get a permit for a protest in most cities.
My guess is that it will take at least a week before legal eagles get their heads into the wording and impact.

But in the meantime I bet a lot of people from forbidden states go shopping tomorrow.
When the SHTF I don't think they will wait six months for Federal district judges on court cases on the issues to publish their thoughts.
The way I see it, right now the NY conceal carry law has be struck down by the highest court.

Therefore, there is no license requirement now for conceal carry in NY.

Therefore, if one is not court ordered to not possess a gun (convicted felon or someone on probation),
then all other citizens can carry, without paperwork permission, as of today, until NY puts a new law on the books.
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I am going out on a limb here but here goes.

Right now, the NY conceal carry law has be struck down by the highest court.

Therefore, there is no license requirement now for conceal carry in NY.

Therefore, if one is not court ordered to not posess a gun (convicted felon or someone on probation),
then all other citizens can carry, without paperwork permission, as of today, until NY puts a new law on the books.


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