If you have an ad-blocker, try turning it off.This is what I see in your post. First time that has happened here I think.
There does seem to be a Conflict Of Interest there. Unless he is a Cosmetic Surgeon.
I have blocked ALL facebook tracking.If you have an ad-blocker, try turning it off.
Now that's funny! I'd drop kick that bird all the way to the woods! It's the best way to deal with a rooster that wants to fight, give it to him.
We had a Jake turkey that was super friendly and loveable for almost a year until spring time then he was being very aggressive to all of us and to all the other birds (chickens, ducks, goose, and Jenny turkeys) One day he decided he did not want anyone in the run and he wanted to stand up to anyone who got close to him. My GF told me he was being a pain so I went out with gloves on, pinned him to the ground for about 10 minutes until he stopped trying to fight me. When I let him up he behaved,...... until the next day when he was aggressive again. The kids and the GF voted him off the island that day so I prepped my gear and put on a different pair of gloves. After 3 days of marinating in seasoned ice cold salt water he was delicious. He was a loveable pet and served his purpose breeding a few new offspring but we learned one important thing they never taught us in school. The pilgrims probably had Jenny Turkeys for for their Thanksgiving dinner because once the Jakes complete their service in the spring apparently Memorial Day is the ideal time to roast/smoke the Jake Turkey. I love turkey so if we can have a turkey dinner in May and in November and December I am good with that. The Jenny's get moody but they do not get agressive so collecting their eggs throughout the year is a good thing and when we get a broody hen (chicken) we will give them turkey eggs to sit on until they hatch.I cleaned for a couple that had a mean rooster that thought I did not need to get out of my truck one day----- out came the extendable handle Swiffer!! He ripped the fluffy thing (actual proper terminology) off the end and beat it up for 20minutes. But he never bothered me again??!!
More likely on a box of sliced salami.