Just a thought

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Dec 20, 2015
So sometimes I wonder what would happen when the world takes a ****. I find myself wondering where I will be. Who I will be with. Then I start to think it would be cool to have like a village type thing. People you know will be an asset to you, people that have skills you dont have. I always thought that would be cool, I enjoy living away from the world, out in the country. Where its you and the others just being your own people. Kinda like the Amish do. I always loved the way they live. It seems so peaceful and like a burden would be lifted.
A lot too it though, even the Amish relies on certain aspect of a modern society, we are fully set to operate off the grid as will as being self sufficient though I would prefer not to go that rout. Death comes early without certain amenities of a modern society, there is a reason why us humans are living longer ;) as the o'l saying goes 'beware what you wish for'

In winters past we have gone weeks without power nor able to leave the mountain in months or having to use the outhouse in -25deg temps, in all honesty one is trading one burden for another ;) no Hollywood scripts would keep one alive while living off the land, I would keep the fantasy where it belongs and that be in one's mind!
I know. I'd love to be off the grid living life. People are so consumed with material things. Things that dont really serve a purpose, so into things that wont keep you alive. Death comes to everyone no matter what. I'd prefer to die knowing that I lived a life that I wanted to live
I would rather rely on myself and family verses others. . . even the ones I 'trust' now days can turn on you in a different situation. For me to think differently I would have to be knowing this individual many years (as in at least 8 years plus) without any kind of major conflict/disagreement and honestly I can say I have only 3 that I would include.
I can truthfully say I know only 4 people I would trust-and trust with my life at that- I have known them all over 35 years, unfortunately they are not preppers-none of them- and they live 50 miles away.
I can truthfully say I know only 4 people I would trust-and trust with my life at that- I have known them all over 35 years, unfortunately they are not preppers-none of them- and they live 50 miles away.

That's the issue I have Paul, all I really have is our kids and grand kids who are all heavily involved with the property and sustainability. We all know what the other thinks and do without asking, this takes years if not a life time to bring that kind of trust to the table, bringing someone else in and have to point and explain kindly breaks up that harmony of getting things done not to mention security and safety.
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No doubt, bringing in a stranger would bring risk, but in a real shtf it would be necessary. Small groups of just a family would be too easily overpowered and pillaged. I hope I never see it come to any of this.
Stranger = danger!! don't do it!!
I would rather be alone (much rather) than even consider trusting an outsider.
I dig the vibe sometimes, but I think at my age, I'm kind of used to suburban living. I think the skills are great, and learning to live off of the earth is great. I'd just rather do it when I want to, instead of having to. I'd like to be able to make it if I ever had to, but I like having access to emergency healthcare, and being close to family, most of which would never live outside of society, even for a month.
I dig the vibe sometimes, but I think at my age, I'm kind of used to suburban living. I think the skills are great, and learning to live off of the earth is great. I'd just rather do it when I want to, instead of having to. I'd like to be able to make it if I ever had to, but I like having access to emergency healthcare, and being close to family, most of which would never live outside of society, even for a month.
isn't that why we all became preppers? so we could survive outside the system IF WE HAD TO!
most of the modern population couldn't live outside the system either, but they don't prep, which is crazy even if you just take into account the flooding in the north of England recently-with more rain coming in over the next 10 days you'd think prepping should be mandatory, if just for that alone never mind anything else.
most of the modern population couldn't live outside the system either, but they don't prep, which is crazy even if you just take into account the flooding in the north of England recently-with more rain coming in over the next 10 days you'd think prepping should be mandatory, if just for that alone never mind anything else.

Sustaining life without the need of big brother now Paul, you know that's not the politically correct thing to think about much less do, on either side of the pond. We all know big brother hates competition ;)
I think a man only has time for three or four close friends. I have thousands of friends ,but I only have time to spend with a few...at least any quality time anyhow. Nothing changed in my old friends status...when we run across one another ,we pick back up where we left off. Do I trust them. I know them so I know how much to trust them. .........by the way, most people don't realize how much WORK is involved in being self sufficient,per say.
by the way, most people don't realize how much WORK is involved in being self sufficient,per say.

Without some amenities of a modern society one would have to go way beyond then what is partially listed below ;)
It certainly is no picnic, One has to know the land and surrounding areas (and historical geographics of the area), needing to know how to forage, how to work a garden, the various levels of food preparation and preservation, what wood to use for certain cooking and preserving of foods, all aspect of hunting including tanning a animal pelts such as methods using brain tanning to scraping by means of wet and dry scraping, Knowing navigation by means of compass or stars (celestial navigation [ursa major/polaris navigation]) how to forage for certain remedies using what nature provides for multiple types of sickness's. This is a small sampling of what it takes to live off the land thus I guarantee you, you will age fast!

Also, remember, even the Mountain Men of yesterday still convened in commerce, even the Amish today still convenes in commerce. Even an Native American living on the reservation today wouldn't be able to re-live their ancestry past ;)
Without some amenities of a modern society one would have to go way beyond then what is partially listed below ;)
It certainly is no picnic, One has to know the land and surrounding areas (and historical geographics of the area), needing to know how to forage, how to work a garden, the various levels of food preparation and preservation, what wood to use for certain cooking and preserving of foods, all aspect of hunting including tanning a animal pelts such as methods using brain tanning to scraping by means of wet and dry scraping, Knowing navigation by means of compass or stars (celestial navigation [ursa major/polaris navigation]) how to forage for certain remedies using what nature provides for multiple types of sickness's. This is a small sampling of what it takes to live off the land thus I guarantee you, you will age fast!

Also, remember, even the Mountain Men of yesterday still convened in commerce, even the Amish today still convenes in commerce. Even an Native American living on the reservation today wouldn't be able to re-live their ancestry past ;)
I live a pretty self sufficient life, compared to most. However, I am smart enough to know how much easier it is with modern amenities. Yes, I can food I grow, but I do it on an electric range. Having to cut wood without a chainsaw to do it would make it ten times harder. I also clean the jars in a dishwasher, clean the veggies in a stainless steel sink with clean water from the tap, etc. we take so many things for granted. I like to go camping occasionally to remind me how much tougher life would be without all our modern 'inconviences'. It's really nice when something breaks and you can just order a replacement part. We are living in the best time in history for the average person. I would certainly miss a lot of what we have now if things unravel.
I think a man only has time for three or four close friends. I have thousands of friends ,but I only have time to spend with a few...at least any quality time anyhow. Nothing changed in my old friends status...when we run across one another ,we pick back up where we left off. Do I trust them. I know them so I know how much to trust them. .........by the way, most people don't realize how much WORK is involved in being self sufficient,per say.
Good to hear from you bill! I think if you have three or four good friends you're above average. I heard a preacher saying that if you have one really good friend in life you're lucky. At the time I was young and socialized a lot, and thought he was nuts. Now, when I think of it he was a lot more accurate than I ever imagined. Sure, we all have fair weather friends, but if you asked any of them to come help with something hard, how many show up. If you asked for money to pay your electric bill, how many less now, and so on. My wife has been ill for a long time now, to the point that most men would have left. Having a friend that will stick with you through anything in life is rare.
I want to be as far away from other people as possible when TSHTF, its not the event or events that will be the problem, its how other people will react to those events.

Well said.
I'm lucky enough to have a few really good friends, and for a long time. Our wives are also friends, so it's all pretty good. Doesn't mean we don't have our differences, but the friendships have endured through the years. Some of us are further than we'd like to be from each other, but we still take the time to regularly visit.
i've had a few friends,in which i've trusted and respected fully,.but yet.i haven't seen or heard from them in years.and very very few of them,id trust to have my back,or help me with something if needed.and out of all the ppl i know associate with on a regular face to face situation now,id have say only 1 id trust to have my back,or help me with something if asked.
I'm lucky enough to have a few really good friends, and for a long time. Our wives are also friends, so it's all pretty good. Doesn't mean we don't have our differences, but the friendships have endured through the years. Some of us are further than we'd like to be from each other, but we still take the time to regularly visit.
I've got two. Only one preps, but the other I've known since I was 4 or 5. She would be willing to learn and adapt as opposed to dying, tho. She's already picked my brain a bit about it.

i've had a few friends,in which i've trusted and respected fully,.but yet.i haven't seen or heard from them in years.and very very few of them,id trust to have my back,or help me with something if needed.and out of all the ppl i know associate with on a regular face to face situation now,id have say only 1 id trust to have my back,or help me with something if asked.
Same here, man. Most of the folks I grew up with that I still see, I wouldn't trust as far as my wife could throw 'em. One of the friendships I had since 12 ended a year or so ago after he threatened family members. That was over 25 years, and it went down the drain in one night. Guy's in prison now, too. Lord works in mysterious ways.
I only have one friend with know how, (but disabled) and two others with some knowledge and muscle power. Other than family, you may just be SOL trying to convince me. Trusting is a big issue with me, even in everyday life. Have been going to the same dentist for years (15) but he recently passed away and was pawned off to another since we had issues pending. . . It takes me years to trust. In a survival situation, critiquing is more crucial;
Never trust strangers! If anyone ever read about the clean cut well liked baby face young man from the mid-west name dustin honken, that's how all strangers should be viewed.
Ted bundy comes to mind as well.
Seriously, one of my weaknesses is to be too trusting. I try to be a caring person, so I expect others to be as well. My wife points out this to me a lot. Unfortunately, there are a lot of rotten ass people in the world.
I only have one friend with know how, (but disabled) and two others with some knowledge and muscle power. Other than family, you may just be SOL trying to convince me. Trusting is a big issue with me, even in everyday life. Have been going to the same dentist for years (15) but he recently passed away and was pawned off to another since we had issues pending. . . It takes me years to trust. In a survival situation, critiquing is more crucial;
Even with all the bad out there, I'd still rather be an optimist and hope for the best from people. Maybe post shtf I would be much more wary, but most situations in everyday life won't cost you too much.
Even with all the bad out there, I'd still rather be an optimist and hope for the best from people. Maybe post shtf I would be much more wary, but most situations in everyday life won't cost you too much.
I can be very polite and friendly to people in everyday life, but that doesn't mean I would trust them. For me, it's just easier in life to rely on myself than others. Way too much can and has happened. In survival situation, yes people will band together for the good of the cause, but ultimately, it will come down to survival of the fittest if drawn out. Starvation along with other things, especially if it happens to ones kids will make a person desperate. You just never know what a person's trigger may be.

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