Just another fun filled Chicago weekend.....

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Let us see, you dump on the cops and wonder why their efficiency rate is so bad. Then you have the fact nobody wants to talk tot he cops and the cops really don't want to talk to anybody down there and you have the perfect no-win solution.
Let us see, you dump on the cops and wonder why their efficiency rate is so bad. Then you have the fact nobody wants to talk tot he cops and the cops really don't want to talk to anybody down there and you have the perfect no-win solution.

That's the story for nearly all the "urban areas" in the country. When a murder is "solved," but the local population stages near riots over arrests, supports the criminals, refuses to give info to law enforcement, etc., tje clearance rate is gonna be very low. There is also the fear of retaliation by the gangs for anyone who talks to the cops. If you check the "clearance rates" for murders in all the major urban areas, you'll find they are all very low (well under 50%)...the problems must be solved by changing the community attitudes toward law enforcement, and that's unlikely to happen as long as the gangs control the areas, and they continue to support the criminals instead of cooperating with the law enforcement agencies.
Maybe we can get MS-13 to go after the Nation of Islam.....now THAT would be accomplishing something!!
In London and Birmingham UK 99.99% of these street stabbings, shootings, acid attacks are black on black, and when ever the police try to target the black gangs the black community scream RACISM. So I say just let them get on with it.
Rudy Giuliani took on the New York City problem , it was known World wide in the 1970's and 80's as one of the worst Cities to live in or visit . Nobody went out unless they had to . The Benard Guess case put a big spot light on it . Giuliani put Police back on the streets and had their back . He sent them into what had become no go zones . Now its starting to slip back to what it was . Don't be surprised if New York City doesn't still the crime show from Chicago in a few years .
I like the idea P7. But for Chicago to elect a republican mayor? You know the last time that happened was only 92 years ago?

And it would mean getting a republican mayor who is actually going to do something! It's a wonderful thought.

It's not about black/white/Hispanic. It's about those who obey the laws and those who break the laws. I don't think there are enough people in the 2nd group to vote in anyone to go after the first group. So it will only continue to get worse.

They wanted Obama, they got him. They wanted Rahm, they got him. They don't want cops (just watch the video), ok. Every choice and action has consequences. The people of Chicago overwhelmingly want to keep killing each other. Why should we or the police get in their way? I don't want people to die, I'd love to save everyone. But it's not possible to save those who will not lift a finger to save themselves.
They wanted Obama, they got him. They wanted Rahm, they got him. They don't want cops (just watch the video), ok. Every choice and action has consequences. The people of Chicago overwhelmingly want to keep killing each other. Why should we or the police get in their way? I don't want people to die, I'd love to save everyone. But it's not possible to save those who will not lift a finger to save themselves.

Sums it up pretty well actually.