Just can't help but think something bad will happen today...

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
So many people are SO bent out of shape about the election results...and Trump.

In the past, some of these folks have already shown they can only respond with violence.

It was a quiet news blurb, but nonetheless, DC police already found many stashed firearms along the parade route. At least I haven't seen anything so far...so fingers crossed.....

Just too many idiots out there.....
I see there were some protests, some more violent than others, the "usual suspects" and the rent a mob crowd.
if they are so concerned why didn't they do something before he was elected? did these people even vote? whats the point of protesting AFTER he is elected? waste of time.
I'm still a little in shock that he won. Like you said though, I hope for the best and will see how it turns out.

the world is in shock and the Democrat's are running scared,the Republicans are not much better,,,I hope Trump rips Washington a new one,,,,there are things Trump can change and things that no one can,,,,,,there will always be racism and illegal immigrants and we will always be fighting somewhere in the world,,,,,,,for me I want to see the 2nd amendment protected some of our gun rights restored an end to the war of words with Russia and a reduction in our National Debt,,,,anything more would be icing on the cake
Those goons breaking windows and burning cars should be fully prosecuted. And they think we are crazy.
Prosecuted hell, I still say shoot anyone that is on film vandalizing like that. The pictures of them smashing the Starbucks Windows filled me with disgust.
we all have the right to protest, but protest peacefully, anyone smashing windows and burning cars should be arrested for criminal damage.
the real protesters are not the ones breaking windows and stealing,,,,,that **** is being done by the low life scum using this as a excuse to be out and about,,,they are to stupid to think they will ever have to pay for their crimes
the "rentamob" and the Anarchy lot who use any protest to cause mayhem and damage. got no time for such idiots, they should all be put up against a wall and used for target practise.
Anyone caught rioting and looting should be shot on sight. There is no reason to damage someone else's property. Most of these punk's couldn't care less who won the election. They just use any excuse to go wild and act like animals. It's just a bonus to them if they can steel some tennis shoes and a flat screen TV in the process.
Yes we all have the right to be upset over something that doesn't go our way and protest if you really feel the need as long as it doesn't disrupt others. . . as in don't tear up someone else's property. Breaking a Starbucks window is pointless, although I was not heart broken about a certain libs windows getting smashed out of his SUV. It's probably a rental. . . Even some walking into the balls had water thrown on them. The low life scum that are being violent and disrespectful needs to get an arse whoopin. Throw their butts in jail! In all their protesting Friday, 6 police officers had to go to the hospital, mainly by hitting debris being thrown. That should be assault on an officer. 8 years ago I was not surprised by the election results, but 4 years ago, I felt like a punch in the stomach and a heavy weight on my shoulders, but ya have to deal with it instead of throwing these childish temper tantrums.
I think we could have a bit of this going on tomorrow. The Supreme Court will be ruling on whether Article 50 can be triggered by the Govt or whether it has to go to a parliament vote.
Those goons breaking windows and burning cars should be fully prosecuted. And they think we are crazy.

They remind me of little kids having a temper tantrum because they don't get their way.....Boo Hoo Hoo, I say get the hell over it move on people. There are a lot of people unhappy with the election, hell I am one of them because neither candidate was worth wasting the gas to get to the poll but I am not here showing my ass!

I will say this the White House is going to run out of pens the way Trump is signing executive orders.. Oh wait! They will just go up on our taxes to pay for more pens!
They remind me of little kids having a temper tantrum because they don't get their way.....Boo Hoo Hoo, I say get the hell over it move on people. There are a lot of people unhappy with the election, hell I am one of them because neither candidate was worth wasting the gas to get to the poll but I am not here showing my ass!

I will say this the White House is going to run out of pens the way Trump is signing executive orders.. Oh wait! They will just go up on our taxes to pay for more pens!
If ever there was a President who wants lower taxes, it's Trump. He wasnt my first choice either, but I'm thrilled it's not her
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If ever there was a President who wants lower taxes, it's Trump. He wasnt my first choice either, but I'm thrilled it's not her

It would seem his current rhetoric cause them to move the Doomsday Clock up:

Symbolic 'Doomsday Clock' moves closer to midnight

Mind you I think this Doomsday Clock is a bunch of horse
hockey myself. As for Trump he is signing executive orders left and right and from an article I just read he is not taking anyones advice in his cabinet about this stuff. Maybe they were smart moving that clock up....I have said from the start he is a danger to the US....
just read about that same doomsday clock...well we'll have to wait and see how this works out...
here's another one on the doomsday clock,,

Doomsday Clock Moves Closer to Midnight, Signaling Concern Among Scientists
It is getting closer to midnight.

On Thursday, the group of scientists who orchestrate the Doomsday Clock, a symbolic instrument informing the public when the earth is facing imminent disaster, moved its minute hand from three to two and a half minutes before the final hour.

yeah i guess it has been to a point,up to now..BUT! with the way things are going with trump right now.i cant help but wonder,to how much truth there is to it now..
he threatened to close down the climate change web site..and he told ny times to keep quiet.and to listen for a while.then there's the 20% tax on mexico.and if i recall correctly,that goes against the free act agreement.and it looks like that he gets along better with putin..

p.s. edit.it was steve banon that said,the midea needs to be quiet..

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okay,now tell me,how good D's vice pres is??
with a controverial pres who actually does what he said he would do,there's always a chance someone lurking in the shadows might be pissed off and do something....and that toad Soros have a bundle of money left to pay people to do crappy things..
Trump is a lot less likely to get us into even a proxy war with Russia.

While he does talk down about China, it's about their economic policies, not in any saber rattling capacity.

Considering these two are the only real nuclear threats to us, if anything, the clock should be moved BACK....

Trump knows war is expensive. He isn't about expense with no payoff. That should be clear in his choice for SoD. If you tell Mad Dog to go to war, he'll do it to win it quick and efficiently.

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