just goes to show Police HAVE lost control of the streets.

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Awesome Friend
Feb 9, 2014
Devon, UK
"We aren't here to get assaulted on the job." "We'll have to let them go, it's just not worth it"

Don't send women cops into dangerous areas, or don't have them patrol at all.

Pay enough to hire some rough guys, and go give those areas a good churning.

And, don't tell the public they can't defend themselves, then tell them they have to defend you.

Officer definitely could have been killed by that bus, but at least no guns were involved, eh? Cause then she might have been killed by a gun. Vs. a bus.
good job she didn't have a gun or else we would have yet another armed and violent criminal.
we have a saying here" if you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen"!! if they aren't up to the job why are they in the police force.
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Police chief warns PCs need more help from the public.
so now the public has to do their job for them? sorry, i'm not trained to detain violent offenders, and not so long ago police were warning about not organising vigilanty patrols.

G'damn bologna, damn public just walks by and some stop to film this ****, oh we have it here too Paul, this crap angers me to no end, a bunch of fxxken cowards!
But the authorities have repeatly warned the citizens not to get involved in "police matters." Even when the citizens themselves are the victims. "Don't take the law into your own hands!" "Let the police handle it!"

You can't have it both ways.

They may warn about it but their is no way in hell I can idly stand by and do nothing, that goes against every grain of who we are.
I could not stand by and let the police slug it out with the thugs. With that being said, you can't disarm the public and then handcuff the police. The thugs do not worry about the civil rights of the victims or the police, so why should they have to be treated with kid gloves. As for women patrolling, I am not a big fan of it. I have know a few women that could handle themselves physically, but the majority are not a match for a male in a wrestling / fighting match. As for not coming to work to be assaulted, change careers. Police must be allowed to escalate above the opponents tactic. The police should not wrestle with these thugs, they should use the night stick. If they produce a weapon, then the police should shoot them. All the police in th U.K. should be armed, the days of respect for the beat officer are long gone. JM2C
yes, when I was a kid we had respect for our elders but especially the police, if we were in trouble we looked for the nearest policeman, but no more, they don't even patrol any more, where I live you wont see a policeman and certainly not one to speak to, you may see them flying through in their cars but thats it, they've closed most of the rural/town police stations, and even if there is a police station the "front desk" is closed you either have to ring a special phone number or go online. they wont attend a shoplifting if its under £200 worth and they don't attend burglaries-they just give you a crime number for your insurance company.
as for helping the police, not when they warn about forming vigilanty patrols, if you attack a burglar who is violent towards you, you will be the one arrested not the burglar, the burglar will be treated as a victim, with everything so one sided I will not assist the police, no law enforcement is their job its why they joined, if they cant do the job then resign.
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I've just found out the staffing levels for the Devon & Cornwall force, its 3,000 officers to manage a population of 1.6 Million.
most of the rural police stations have been closed and those that are open are back room duties only, you cant just walk into one, you have to phone a special number or go online.
I foresee vigilante justice becoming more prevalent because of the liberal views of courts, charges being reduced or not filed at all and the liberals basically tying the hands of officers to enforce law and order. I see a lot of women cops on Live PD. a lot of them work with the females suspects, question suspects, etc. You don't see them in the down and dirty wrestling that goes on very often. So if they can't pull their weight, honestly they should not be there. There can't be two sets of qualifications for a cop, one for women and one for men. It is not fair to the men.
G'damn bologna, damn public just walks by and some stop to film this ****, oh we have it here too Paul, this crap angers me to no end, a bunch of fxxken cowards!
While I agree that they were possibly cowards, I don't think you're 100% fair.

Self-defence as a concept is frowned upon in Britain. You can go to prison for many years (see earlier post) if you clobber a home invader with your cricket bat.

Even if you escape prison . . . you can still be sued and end up penniless.

I would like to think that I would have helped the officer, but--in all honesty--I'd have to be in the situation to give you a difinitive answer.
All the possibilities regarding threat of lawsuits isn’t a deterrent when come to helping a cop in need in my mind, same thing can be said about someone breaking into the house while a sleep, is that same possibility going to prevent one from defending the family, more than likely no. Anarchy shouldn’t be allowed to rule, cops are the wedge between the rule of law and anarchy, people should assist the cops even with the threat of suits!
nope, this isn't America, one day the British Police will asking for your assistance the next day they will be arresting you for bashing a burglar, it cant work both ways.

I have to agree with BigPaul. While I would have to assist the copper. They do have to get their crap together. They cannot have it both ways. Either they side with the law abiding people or they can't expect the people to help them.
If I saw some piece of garbage drop kick a woman, cop or not, I'd beat his ass.

I'd be tempted to beat the crap out of anyone standing there filming it.

I dont think cops can afford to operate in the Liberal Fantasyland where a woman can go hands on with a 28 yr old male, possibly on drugs.

The sexes are equal. Except when their not.
If I saw some piece of garbage drop kick a woman, cop or not, I'd beat his ass.

I'd be tempted to beat the crap out of anyone standing there filming it.

I dont think cops can afford to operate in the Liberal Fantasyland where a woman can go hands on with a 28 yr old male, possibly on drugs.

The sexes are equal. Except when their not.

I have seen male cops struggle with young ones on drugs, drug induced strength is a nightmare for male and female cops alike even for cops that hit the weights averday.
I am an old guy with old fashioned attitudes. I will not stand by a let a woman get hit, not going to happen. I will respect a cop and if needed assist the cop. The cop does not make eh laws and does not have a lot of choice when enforcing the law. If I don't like the current laws, then I will take it up with the politicians. AND yes, I still open and hold doors for Ladies. So sue me.
I am an old guy with old fashioned attitudes. I will not stand by a let a woman get hit, not going to happen. I will respect a cop and if needed assist the cop. The cop does not make eh laws and does not have a lot of choice when enforcing the law. If I don't like the current laws, then I will take it up with the politicians. AND yes, I still open and hold doors for Ladies. So sue me.
I understand and respect that. I make sure (at my job) that every woman gets walked out to her car when the shift ends at night.

My only earlier point is that you can assist a cop who's being assaulted in Britain, and end up in jail yourself and/or sued for every last penny . . . and I would take these realities into consideration before getting involved in a violent confrontation.
I'm glad that we don't have these problems here where I live.
As far as helping a cop in need, I probably wouldn't. There's a good chance the cop is deserving of a beating. The last murder that happened in my county about 4-5 years ago was by a cop. I get along good and respect our sheriff and 1 or 2 of his deputies, but the other 3 not so much. I feel that we have way too much police presence in this area. Can't say about other areas.
I understand and respect that. I make sure (at my job) that every woman gets walked out to her car when the shift ends at night.

My only earlier point is that you can assist a cop who's being assaulted in Britain, and end up in jail yourself and/or sued for every last penny . . . and I would take these realities into consideration before getting involved in a violent confrontation.

@Kevin L

I understand and I agree there are or could be negative repercussion to getting involved. Problem, this is still a Rule of Law time, so I cannot justify standing by and doing nothing. I know that is 180 degrees from my WROL stance but then I am a bit strange in my way of thinking. Leaving an Officer or woman to get beating, just not going happen. I have to be able to look in the mirror.

During a WROL event, that is a life and death decision that would involve all in my house hold, not just me. I would not disparage those that chose to not take action to assist the cop but I most certainly will and do detest those that record video for social media status. We each have our moral guideline and granted mine do get adjusted based on the safety or the family. Nobody would bother to sue, nothing to get and if I did go to jail, the family is still taken care of. So getting involved during a ROL time, I am just jeopardized myself. During a WROL, every decision by anybody in the family, puts everybody at risk.
@Kevin L

I am glad that you did bring up these points. People do need to know what the results of their decisions can be. I am not challenging anybody on what they would or would not do (except for the social media video folks).

I am not a good writer and my sentence structures are poor. Many a time I will use the term 'You" when I really mean is --- Them, they or some other form or reference to a group or identity, but not to identify an individual. With that being stated, I have been known to challenge a person by Name. If I say Billyxyz you are full of doo-doo, then that is directed at an individual. :D
@Kevin L

I am glad that you did bring up these points. People do need to know what the results of their decisions can be. I am not challenging anybody on what they would or would not do (except for the social media video folks).

I am not a good writer and my sentence structures are poor. Many a time I will use the term 'You" when I really mean is --- Them, they or some other form or reference to a group or identity, but not to identify an individual. With that being stated, I have been known to challenge a person by Name. If I say Billyxyz you are full of doo-doo, then that is directed at an individual. :D
I got that. Everything's good.

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