just need to get this off my chest

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Awesome Friend
Dec 18, 2013
Today. I got a request from some really important people with a less than 24 hour deadline. It involved getting data from 10 organisations.

I emailed them all, tried calling some of them. One of them replied their colleague and accidentally cced me.

In the reply she said,"This guy always kan chiong spider de…" and my colleague asked me why I think this org is super atas one. If I got a choice to wait, I would right?

Who likes to rush people to get it. Best thing is when she realised who it was for, I can feel her blanche on the phone, when she called me to ignore the email. How to unsee such an insensitive email? sigh~ the lowest point of my life in this workplace.

kan chiong spider is a Singaporean Colloquial slang which means always rushing stuff and its not a nice thing to say.

Sorry if you don't understand the context. Just need to type it out to work it off.
I take it you are having work related stress . Just to show you some of us understand I've learned to leave work at work when I leave the parking lot and not interupt my life thinking about it . The folks that work for me are good people but when I'm putting preasure on them to get the job done I'm sure they call me a lot of things other than a spider .
Today. I got a request from some really important people with a less than 24 hour deadline. It involved getting data from 10 organisations.

I emailed them all, tried calling some of them. One of them replied their colleague and accidentally cced me.

In the reply she said,"This guy always kan chiong spider de…" and my colleague asked me why I think this org is super atas one. If I got a choice to wait, I would right?

Who likes to rush people to get it. Best thing is when she realised who it was for, I can feel her blanche on the phone, when she called me to ignore the email. How to unsee such an insensitive email? sigh~ the lowest point of my life in this workplace.

kan chiong spider is a Singaporean Colloquial slang which means always rushing stuff and its not a nice thing to say.

Sorry if you don't understand the context. Just need to type it out to work it off.
I dose not matter if anyone gets what you had to say! You needed to just talk about it! That is what we are here for! I have come to learn that this site is more than just a "site" it is a family!! I am sorry to hear that you had a hard time but just know that that day is over and a smile will come to you today!!
cant really comment on this one myrrph i have no idea what some of your words are suppose to say! lol/ on another note dont let work rule your life it is a very small part of it!
I feel kinda out of place responding to this one as I don't work yet (still in high school) but I know that people tell me to slow down when I do work. Almost everyday I hear it 10 times. But it is not like I'm not handing in quality work. Many of my peers wonder how I can complete a task in half the time as them. My teachers say that I rush through my work so that I may relax in class. The thing that I've noticed comparing myself to others is: we approach the task in separate ways. While my peers are looking to create a detailed structure for an essay I've already finished a rough copy because I jot my points down as I go. When we are doing a task that requires us to analyze a "best choose" approach I've already jumped in feet first and I'm already getting conclusions on what works and what doesn't. Having others around hinders me in what I do. The thing in the end is: I get the job done right. Period. Being put on a deadline is horrible and the pressure is awful. As long as you produce the best work that you can in the time that you get then it is a success. Who cares what others think? In 5 years it won't matter what they said and you won't remember it. Like Gettingreadymama said, We are a family. Thats what matters, forget what she said. It doesn't matter. Being the better person means turning the other cheek. Keeping going now is no different then when the S hits the fan. Stay strong and know that your family here supports you :D
hi all,

Thank you for the support. I know that many people in sites treat each other like family and even though they've never met nor will ever meet. Such is the power of the internet. After discussing with other colleagues and putting it up here and test firing my makeshit crossbow at the make shift targets many times, I feel much better :)

And who says weapons don't make people feel better? Just do it with moderation and harm no one :)

Best week ahead!
Yeah, Myrrph! You put it in the right forum. You can share whatever you like in "Off Topic".

You mentioned "The power of the internet" referring to the ability of people to get "Close" without ever actually meeting. It also allows some people to be rude without being that way to your face. Not that being ride to someone's face is a good thing, mind you. I'm just pointing out that some people say things online that they wouldn't say to someone's face. That's rude and inconsiderate and I'm sorry you had to deal with it. It sounds like you have some good tools for dealing with stress though!
1)Share it with good folks who care,
2)Practice with crossbow until stress is relieved,
3)Feel relief from handling it all the right way and not hurting anyone;s feelings out of revenge.

Good on you!

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