It's interesting to go back and look through this thread that was started almost 3 years ago. I'm feeling more nervous about the economy now that DJT is no longer POTUS. He was putting pressure on the FED and Central Banks, but now I have no idea what is going on there. Still, there are a lot of older posts here that are pretty remarkable.
I use these high risk times to push myself a little harder and keep myself pumped up for my prepping.
Yup, me too. I don't live in fear, but I do listen to my gut and try to follow it. It has served me well and hubs has seen it, so I don't get any pushback on anything I decide to buy or any financial decisions I want to make. I use the 'nervousness' to double check things and make any adjustments that need to be made.
With the FED pushing interest rates up, it just shows they are doing what they can to collapse the economy. It took off when Trump took office, right after the election actually. Hasn't hardly slowed down until these last 2 rate hikes. The FED wants it stalled big time to put more heat on Trump. If he gets an audit going on them, their house of cards will collapse really quickly.
This was all true. Who knew at the time that if they couldn't destroy DJT's economy doing what they've normally done in the past by manipulating the FED rates and stacking the stock market with BIG corporate money to swing the markets, that they had a plandemic in their back pocket?
I think DJT didn't do an audit of the FED b/c he knew it was nothing but a house of cards. I think he wanted to deflate that balloon slowly as opposed to bursting it all at once like an audit would have done. A slow deflation would be much better for the middle class than an immediate bust. Also, I believe it is Congress who has to approve the audit and since they are all controlled by the FED and Central Bank we know that an audit would be the last thing any of them would push for.
Believe me, I know it has been said for years. I also know that because nothing was fixed since the crash in 2008 that it is going to come at some point. It all is propped up. It is all fake. It is all manipulated. At some point they won't be able to stop it with fiat currency printing and buying up of crashing stocks and bonds. At some point they won't be able to hold the price of Gold and Silver down any longer. More and more countries are stepping away from trading in US dollars, more and more countries are stockpiling physical gold and silver. Why do you think that is? As more and more step away from the US dollar there is less and less confidence in it.
I think we have all seen the truth of this, especially with the recent GME stock and the rush to silver. Add to all of that, the huge stimulus packages and free unemployment money. Back then we thought our national debt was out of control at 21.5 trillion....and it was. Now, it's at a eye popping 27.8 trillion. Those numbers aren't real. There is only 2.04 trillion actual dollars of currency in circulation. OK folks, wrap your head around that! I don't think people can even fathom really how BIG that number is. I think the run on physical silver has a lot to do with middle class folks seeing the writing on the wall and trying to do something to ease the pain.
I became awoken after 2008. Once I was awoken I realized how close we came to complete devastation when everything crashed in 08. I really didn't see how bad it could have been until i became aware. It was scary when i realized that!. I am also thankful for a chance to prepare. I also think that I have been guided by God to be where I am now for the sake and well being of another. So many things fell into place once I realized what was needed and what must be done that I simply cant explain it any other way.
Seeing is believing, that's for sure. There was a good reason most of the folks I've known in my lifetime that went thru the Great Depression were frugal. Unfortunately, most of the sheeple today have forgotten what is possible. I too, am grateful for the chance to prepare and feel that God has guided my way. I just wish he'd be a little more specific for me today b/c I'm at a point that I'm not exactly sure what to do except keep on doing what I'm doing.
While saving for particular item, doing lots of research.
Is the item worth the price?
How much will it run me in the long run?
How much is the stuff it will need down the line?
Is it actually worth my time?
Effort? Money?
I do the same thing Mo. I'm just hard wired that way. I hate spending more on something than need be. It's actually difficult for me to spend since I am a saver at heart. I'll spend all day long if it's a good deal, but to just go out and shop for no real reason is hard, even though I'm at a point in my life where I can. I almost feel like it can be a curse at times like these. If I had to go out and spend all my money in very short order, I'd have a very difficult time doing it. I guess it's a good place to be, but I'd really be kicking myself to end up with a huge cash dole left unspent and unusable, which I fear is close at hand.
All this "news" is quite possibly due to folks who hold PM and PM certificates needing the courses back up and do it that you increase the desirability of these things. I generally assume whatever is the opposite of those seeded articles holds.
That being said.. of course its always good to be ready for a rainy day..
Yup. I see a lot of folks touting cryptocurrency right now. I'm not in crypto right now, but feel that maybe I should be. I think it's the only thing I don't have at least a toe into. But I don't typically like to invest in things I can't wrap my head around. Mabye I should consider it though, just to keep my bases covered. Still, I wonder if the scare right now might be fueled by those who want to push their crypto's?
The bubbles are by design. They are used to fleece the middle class of their money. They used to happen and then allow middle class recovery. Anymore they simply happen over and over in order to continue robbing the working people of everything. The plan is to destroy the middle class. two tier society, us poor folks and them. Thats why there are now laws they don't have to adhere to and no one up there is arrested.
Interesting post back then. Again, I think the GME, AMA, and NOK stocks with Robbinhood have put some light on this situation. The elites, I'm sure, are pizzed about the light being shown on their little game. It's interesting how when the little guy got the upper hand, the systems shut down and now there is talk of changing laws. Who wants to bet that those laws won't be in favor of the little guy? The elites don't want anyone, other than themselves, playing their game.
If you don't hear the thunder rumbling in the distance, take a look at bitcoin.
The hair-pulling has driven it above $40,000 today.
Guess how many people are trying to shelter their cash in it?
Bitcoin used to be THE crypto currency. I see others that have entered the market too. I'm curious as to any thoughts on, not only Bitcoin, but others as well. Also, could someone enlighten me on how to buy crypto? Can you buy it with cash or is it only purchased by CC? I know you can buy it from Apmex and other PM companies with a check, but are there other ways to purchase crypto?